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5 Votes

Faceless Void Utility Carry [7.00] Updated

December 18, 2016 by Bendarr
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Mowen (17) | January 4, 2017 11:19am
Hey, looks like you're still using the old skilling order. Now you get ult at lvl 6/12/18 and you can put points into your talent selection to indicate what levels you take your talent at. :)
Bendarr | December 18, 2016 10:53pm
Updated the build for 7.00!
Bendarr | May 4, 2016 11:52am
I would also like to point out to Vapor24 that Void's 125 damage, 25% chance bash passive ability, is greatly benefited from the early Echo Sabre. The 2 instant strikes followed by a .6 second MS 100% reduction assures 3 attacks instead of 1. This gives void 3 chances at 25% to bash the enemy, so a 75% bash chance, or 2 to 3 successive bashes if you're lucky. Early on, this is one of the most powerful bashes in the game, so this only strengthens the necessity for it early. Later on it still holds its ground and helps with farming. 200 more hp, 75% mana regen. It's a no brainer. You can sell it later on if need be for something more powerful or beneficial.
Bendarr | May 4, 2016 9:30am
Updated May 4th - Added an alternate utility build to aid in teamfights against extremely right click dependant melee teams. Also added a YOLO Carry Build as Build option 3.

YellulzQuiet wrote:

I understand, what do you think of buying Medalion ? it could help your dragon lance carry hitting the target inside chrono

My new build option (Build 2) actually encompasses a medallion, but an echo could be substituted in place in the right circumstances. The reason for the medallion is to get AC quickly. Let me know what you think.
YellulzQuiet (8) | May 4, 2016 5:49pm
Bendarr wrote:
Updated May 4th - Added an alternate utility build to aid in teamfights against extremely right click dependant melee teams. Also added a YOLO Carry Build as Build option 3.

My new build option (Build 2) actually encompasses a medallion, but an echo could be substituted in place in the right circumstances. The reason for the medallion is to get AC quickly. Let me know what you think.

I like it very much :0), just need to test this right away, but as you and hamster explained, i am now much more used to do the build Bloodthorn, i did not see at first how strong that build was and how it synergy with void skill set
very good guide for the patch, keep the changes coming :0), +1
Vapor24 (1) | May 2, 2016 12:01am
Dude I just have to say that this build disgusts me. I mean once I seen you start to criticize the vanguard radiance build I started puking. Then when I seen ya add orchid... YUKE!. Dude orchid is like the worst item you could ever build on void. Why? Well it silences. You a void that's meant to tank nukes and backtrack it. Why would you build orchid? The int and mana regen is not that good on you. The silence makes your w really bad and defeats the purpose! You are way to squishy and will get nuked quickly before you can even timewalk. Echo sabre is not good on void especially when built with orchid. 2 mana items is overkill, you would have no damage to synergize with the echo sabre. The vanguard radiance build was successfully tested and created by an 8k player knows as waga. If you didn't see his video explaining the reasoning behind the build, you have to watch it.
Bendarr | May 2, 2016 4:17am
Oh trust me I've seen the video of his reasoning behind it. Just because it works on an 8k player in most games (he also doesn't always win) doesn't mean it's the only build to play with your team. It still has many flaws and drawbacks, and if you read the guide you would see how many times I explained WHY I criticize it. But you just saw a waga basher like a high mmr fanboy and instantly posted hate. This is a new update as well and his build is even partially outdated now with a vanguard nerf. If you looked at the guide you would realize there is over a 13k gold difference between the echo and the bloodthorn. This guide is meant to give early teamfight potential as well as late. You could just build a heart if you literally think void should tank all 5 enemy heroes just to Q away lol. No.. Terrible idea. Just like it would be a terrible idea to not use his time dilation at the right time. You may slow them and still silence them whether it be before or after their cd's are for sure gone after being silenced it just takes using the item intelligently. From personal experience I've found MKB to be a waste of gold for his mid and late game so the bloodthorn 2 item combination gives him 1 extra slot as well as a team true strike. Another team buff for a utility carry hero build Please try it before you knock it.
Bendarr | April 29, 2016 7:30pm
Because it's a utility carry. For the entire team not just for your hero. It's meant so that your hero isn't the #1 position obviously. You can be of better use for the team outside of chrono CD as well. It gives void literally everything he needs, and if you looked at the build it even builds echo. The orchid isnt until later on in the game to finish off the build. Building the Bloodthorn for the team as someone with other utilities for the team and a hero that will always be in every teamfight as an initiator and tank that almost cannot die until last, allows you to use it strategically to give true strike to the whole allied team as well as silence individuals that might screw over your team in team fights. You can save peoples lives with it while still killing someone else in the same moment.
YellulzQuiet (8) | April 29, 2016 8:31pm
Bendarr wrote:
Because it's a utility carry. For the entire team not just for your hero. It's meant so that your hero isn't the #1 position obviously. You can be of better use for the team outside of chrono CD as well. It gives void literally everything he needs, and if you looked at the build it even builds echo. The orchid isnt until later on in the game to finish off the build. Building the Bloodthorn for the team as someone with other utilities for the team and a hero that will always be in every teamfight as an initiator and tank that almost cannot die until last, allows you to use it strategically to give true strike to the whole allied team as well as silence individuals that might screw over your team in team fights. You can save peoples lives with it while still killing someone else in the same moment.

I understand, what do you think of buying Medalion ? it could help your dragon lance carry hitting the target inside chrono
Bendarr | April 29, 2016 9:20pm
YellulzQuiet wrote:

I understand, what do you think of buying Medalion ? it could help your dragon lance carry hitting the target inside chrono

I considered it but it is 1300 gold. I would much rather spend that on items that can still contribute to the mid and lategame. While armor reduction is good the chrono doesn't last quite long enough to make it worth it compared to just building support items that also give void attack speed at the same time which is what he needs to nearly permabash targets.
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YellulzQuiet (8) | April 29, 2016 7:00pm
Why are you building Orchid ? if you dont like disables buy bkb or linkens, if its a nuke eat the spells and use time dilation on them, if is just for the AS or the mana regen just build Echo Saber, or if is just for the critic buy Daedalus then

You really should see the new Sange Yasha interation with Void, i consider core on him, because he is little chrono dependent, i only would use it in case of enemy bkb
Hamstertamer (89) | May 2, 2016 4:57am
YellulzQuiet wrote:
Why are you building Orchid ?

Because Bloodthorn. If the enemies can't purge the debuff, the item gives far more DPS than any other item in the game, by far. It's literally a better Daedalus with a free Monkey King Bar true strike on top, and a 30% damage amplification at the end. And since enemies are disabled by chrono they can't purge it.

Also, Bloodthorn gives Void enough mana pool to use Refresher Orb, which is really important.

It's a good idea on paper. I'm not sure it delivers that well in practice though. Mainly because it only works when you have chrono the uptime issues of carry Void are still there.

If I had to play carry Void I'd go for it every game. I still think carry Void is terrible though :)
YellulzQuiet (8) | May 2, 2016 7:57am
Yeah, and the duration is equal to the duration of the chronosphere, so enemy cant even dispell right after chrono
What do you think of builds like Sange Yasha and Eye of Skadi that permaslow the enemy(became more viable as Void is now chrono independent), or Radiance Void( indirectly buffed)
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Bendarr | April 26, 2016 9:19am
I adjusted this guide to be more of a carry void since the latest patch (even despite his Aghs nerf). I may make a seperate semi carry / moderate support utility build later on.

And as long as you can last hit and keep the creep wave exactly where you want it, I can get all the the starter items plus an orchid or rush the echo-vlads between 16 and 20 minutes usually. If it's a rough lane maybe 22 mins. You can even push the lane out and rotate between the hard camp and back to lane since the Q distance is extended even more. Very safe.
The Frosto (14) | April 25, 2016 3:02am
The thing is, I'm not sure if a void can actually get a decent orchid timing and do usefull stuff with it in the oflane. If you get a bad lane going for an orchid is probably really suicidal for your team. However if you can get the farm and get a decent timing it is probably a decent item.

Well I want to try it one day
Bendarr | April 24, 2016 1:12pm
You would be surprised what all it does for void; look at the section "Why an ORCHID though?"

The benefits of orchid from early on are much more efficient. It's also an incremental build. You can't just lane with void and stay alive and farm properly unless you constantly have items that push you to be stronger and stronger. So this build is to buy parts of your build and finish the items later on once you can gank and kill with or without your team thanks to the items you have.

Also the extreme team pushing power of an orchid on an initiating tank semi-carry is astonishing. The 30% extra damage ensures that any gank or team fight will end in someone on the other team dying. Plus the silence.
The Frosto (14) | April 24, 2016 1:03pm
what has cicero to do with void?

beside that, I think that orchid is way to expensive for what it gives for void. If you can farm the money from an orchid I think it is better spend on a blink or an aghs immediatly since the orchis doesn't provid much either for void.
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