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Faceless Void in Your Face!

July 15, 2014 by Tom4349
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Z3US | October 3, 2014 4:54am
I agree with your build mostly except healing salve and iron branches.
You can buy a stout shield with that money and avoid harassment without any point in backtrack which translates into extra point in time walk. Importance of time walk can not be emphasized enough as it's difference between an early great chrono and bad chrono having team mates caught in it.
Tom4349 | August 2, 2014 10:47am
I need to update this some, when I have a chance and feel like it :p
Allegiance (9) | July 17, 2014 12:07am
Start with Stout Shield into PMS. It is an insanely good early item on void.
The QB is not necessary for last hitting, but it is worth buying, if your farm is contested, since it makes it very hard for your enemy to get denies/last hits.

Battle Fury is a pure farming item. If you want to get it, get it as your first item after boots. It is only really worth it, if your team is stacking camps/ancients. If not, it takes you a lot longer to come online as a carry with Bfury.
A very solid item on Void is Hand of Midas. But if you get one DO NOT go for battlefury. This build is way too damn greedy.

I like the MoM into Maelstrom build, but in game that are not going that well, or if the enemy has carzy amounts of nuke/disable, you might need to go MoM into Black King Bar so actually survive your own Chrono.

I would also skip the branches in your starting items. They will become dead slots very early and you will have to sell them. If you want a Stick, then get one, but personally i don't recommend upgrading it to a Wand on heroes like Void.

If your team has some nice teamfights synergies with Chrono, consider buying an Aghanims early on.

Additionally: Void is not only a hardcarry, but can also fill out the offlane roll as a position 3 utility hero.
Brinlee | July 16, 2014 3:11pm
Maelstrom and Battle Fury are both farming items.
also Quelling Blade is not necessary because void's base damage is very good for last hitting.
Timminatorr (57) | July 16, 2014 10:20am
Tom4349 wrote:

I'll have to try the Daedalus, I haven't tried that yet. The whole point of the Battle Fury for me though is to be able to hit more than one enemy at once during Chronosphere. By the time it's over, the enemy is either dead or so damaged that the fight is over for their team. Plus it speeds up farming, Another plus.

You're probably right about the last hitting. Depending on who you are leaning against though, they may be able to always deny before the creep health is low enough for you to last hit. That is why I prefer the Quelling Blade for more of a buffer.

personally i never understood why you would start with a quelling blade on void, his damage is huge.
you should always have one if you go for battlefury though.
Tom4349 | July 16, 2014 6:00am
I'll have to try the Daedalus, I haven't tried that yet. The whole point of the Battle Fury for me though is to be able to hit more than one enemy at once during Chronosphere. By the time it's over, the enemy is either dead or so damaged that the fight is over for their team. Plus it speeds up farming, Another plus.

You're probably right about the last hitting. Depending on who you are leaning against though, they may be able to always deny before the creep health is low enough for you to last hit. That is why I prefer the Quelling Blade for more of a buffer.
ashwinthegrim (7) | July 15, 2014 3:17pm
1. I prefer Stout Shield to Quelling Blade. If you can't last hit without a QB, you should be practicing last hitting better. The Stout Shield will help with the lane harassment you are going to take.

2. Maelstrom and Battle Fury is overkill. The Battle Fury on void is outdated and situational. Instead, finish your Mask of Madness, Maelstrom and rush a [{Daedalus]]. This will increase your damage output significantly. After Daedalus, you can either pick up a Refresher Orb or Aghanim's Scepter or Butterfly depending on the state of the game.
PowerTime | July 15, 2014 2:55pm
You should put in a Stout Shield instead of Quelling Blade because u can buy it from the shop
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