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8 Votes

Enter Desoweaver!

December 4, 2012 by L0rd L33t
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Cryplecore | December 12, 2012 4:10am
nice guide.

I would change the medallion to ring of aquilla, because it gives everything you need in early/mid game and you already have planned 2 wraith bands.
also I think Power treads are the only real boots for him. the phase boots movement speed is kinda waste because of shukuchi. I do understand that dmg>atkspd for him because of his germinate atk but imo you go better with agility and atk speed especially in mid game stages.
well.. thats just my opinion.. boots are less important for weaver compared to others
StevenLK (10) | December 9, 2012 9:27am
After reading over this build, I must say it does sound very viable and a much better choice than a Radiance rush. Never thought of building Weaver like this and I am absolutely going to try it.

Only thing I would change is to put brackets around items and skills, like . Make the guide a bit more interactive and colorful than just green yellow teal etc. +1
Johnthedragon (1) | December 9, 2012 9:09am
Also, Visage. 6-9 second stuns are no joke.
Johnthedragon (1) | December 9, 2012 1:05am
Please add Dragon Knight under foes. Hes a ****ing prick against this build, Nukes, high HP, Permastun, high armour, and ****, he can even get blademail if he wants to.
depparted (3) | December 7, 2012 2:32pm
Desoweaver is awesome.

Never really thougt about any orbs on weaver, since they don't work with germinate, but desolator is great.
Tested in 1 or 2 games and the damage you can make with just a deso and a medallion is absurd
I did use treads though... but it was just personal preference
OneHalf (10) | December 6, 2012 12:57am
Sp12 (25) | December 5, 2012 4:16pm
I was one of the big detractors when this build was being developed over at the Playdota forums a few months ago.

Until I had to play against it a few times (very high bracket). It's a viable build, and much more fun than radiance IMO. I will say that it has a major flaw -- no regen, so you can consider picking up tranquils in addition to phase/treads.

Attack speed isn't useless on weaver, though obviously geminate doesn't care.

I would replace all of the colored text with brackets.
L0rd L33t | December 5, 2012 6:14am
The major thing about the phase boots is the damage. The 24 damage boost is quite noticeable with germinate and Medallion of courage. Being a seasoned Weaver player I can easily manage him without the health boost of the treads. The wraith bands do provide almost as much health as treads with some mana and 18 total damage to boot!
Wulfstan (77) | December 5, 2012 5:56am
The downtime on Shukuchi is 2 seconds.You don't need any phasing for 2 seconds.
L0rd L33t | December 5, 2012 5:51am
Trust me on this one. Once you grab a medallion of courage, you can gank the sidelanes in short order. Just communicate to your ally on that lane, hide behind the trees and wait for the right moment, then ambush the hapless foe with shukuchi, medal him and wham him. This is a set for an active, non farming weaver, though it is healthy to farm while waiting for a gankable situation.

As for The Swarm question, I suppose you can take a level of the swarm early as it is undenyably effective especially on the Desoweaver set. I just normally deem the other abilities higher priority though.
Hades4u (296) | December 5, 2012 5:15am
Why aren't you leveling up The Swarm? It's a really useful skill for vision.
Nlsnightmare21 (3) | December 5, 2012 4:52am
how is Weaver supposed to gang?
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