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31 Votes

Easymode Invoker carry

April 21, 2012 by Sryzon
Comments: 24    |    Views: 83891    |   

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electroseed | July 25, 2013 4:16pm
This is a great guide. Been stomping pugs with this build.
JackDaniels | December 17, 2012 4:00pm
Really like this build. When you're laning early game which items should you be going for first? It seemed like getting boots before hyperstone or armor was a better choice for ganking or chasing, whereas hyperstone wasn't as useful outside of 2-3 man fights.
Calalden | May 13, 2012 1:22pm
went 12/0 and won before 20 minutes on my first game, love this build
prastrejda (1) | May 7, 2012 9:14am
good job man... but still i dolt like some things..

Wex is great... (sou should take it at lvl about 11) because at this time you will have 2 forge spirits and to be honest.... ghost walk saved my life countless times... alacrity is great since it will add you great damage (not AS but that damage (at lvl 11 about 60))... not to mention that chaos meteor with this much Exort deals so great damage! (low range doesnt meter) and QWE??... thanks for 3 sec disable of carry..

but thats just how i see it is somehow better... in other things i mostly agree
reiz24 | April 15, 2012 11:31am
This build is very difficult. Without lvl1 wex(GhostWalk) during early to mid game invoker will be dead if ganked.
Goblin97janitor | March 13, 2012 7:35pm
Dude first of all I gotta thank you for this guide, I have played dota, lol, hon, etc... and when I got to play dota 2 I wanted to try invoker because I had never played it,
So I read your guide, first I was scared cause it's like the most complex hero of the game but following this guide I ruled with a 26/0/7 on a 4v5 so thank you.
alvadagansta (1) | March 12, 2012 9:16pm

First off, yes i agree amazing build. As an old player of DOTA i was a fan. But i always require one thing in my games, the ability to summon. It's just what i need for a fun game. units, turrets, mobs, sentry, what have you. This Invoker build is one i never even thought to build and completely dominates. you've turned the new DOTA 2 into a power raping session for me every game. and the fact my summons continue to exist after death to harass is just awesome. To any reading this i definitely recommend playing this Invoker, if not for the pure fun of it! now if only the spider queen was this much fun.

I've tried this build and i just can't stop playing invoker now. Winning is too damn easy with this build, especially when pubbing. I got a few kills after my death too. I also solo'd roshan at the 20 minute mark with ease. Arguably u can solo Roshan even earlier, but i didnt want to risk it.
NecroXite#198712 (1) | March 12, 2012 9:43am
First off, yes i agree amazing build. As an old player of DOTA i was a fan. But i always require one thing in my games, the ability to summon. It's just what i need for a fun game. units, turrets, mobs, sentry, what have you. This Invoker build is one i never even thought to build and completely dominates. you've turned the new DOTA 2 into a power raping session for me every game. and the fact my summons continue to exist after death to harass is just awesome. To any reading this i definitely recommend playing this Invoker, if not for the pure fun of it! now if only the spider queen was this much fun.
alvadagansta (1) | February 14, 2012 11:40pm
I've never tried Invoker before. I might now. Thanks.
Whated (12) | February 8, 2012 5:38am
Wow and wow! This is great guide! As for myself, being new to dota. I did basilius magic stick start. And for boots I went phase boots. And for the rest I followed the guide.

When you get your cuirass done. Your dmg will be insane!
Mrs Warboys (10) | February 3, 2012 5:57am
Oh, and Ring of Aquila and/or Ring of Basilius would be nice for early game Spirit strength.
Mrs Warboys (10) | February 3, 2012 5:56am
Hah, me again.

I think it would be nice if you mentioned the other skills which are useful with this build. Ice Wall is also a QE spell (and ridiculously good, with awesome synergy with your spirits). Sunstrike and Tornado are also worth mentioning, since E will give you good damage on SS and Q will give you a good duration disable on your Tornado. Yeah, it's pretty short range, but with Ice Wall, Cold Snap and your Spirits... it's a nice addition to chain into and a great escape mechanism
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