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5 Votes

Earthshock Ursa.

September 24, 2014 by Sir Wins A Lot
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MrLocket (16) | October 5, 2014 9:01am
Nothing wrong with earthshock-build Ursa, it's great for set up kills, for example : Ursa and Clinkz, slow the enemy heroes with Earthshock, then whack their *** down, it also make sense to jungle especially against medium camp or the large camp with 4 creep, though it will be harder to farm ancient or some jungle creep with more hp.

Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade is a must since whoever those enemies are, when they saw you they will run away, unless you are a feeder and they are willing to play with you.

My playstyle of ursa is max W and E first, when I finished my core, I should have a few level of Q, probably 1 or 2. First, blink onto my prey, Q W R right click and find next prey.
Sir Wins A Lot | September 29, 2014 9:09pm
Chefy wrote:

You sir made me create an account!
I am just curious from where people such as yourself gain the confidence to write a guide about something they don't really understand?

I have been playing moba games (HON/Dota) for around 4 years and I still think that if I try to share knowledge with someone it may harm their overall experience in some way.
But for some reason after 20 games with a hero you felt like a pro and decided to share your "secrets" with us, the uneducated noobs.

Thank you oh Sirwinsalot, thank you for sharing your secrets!

You're welcome.

Did u find the travel boots buy back teleport particularly fun?

And I played DOTA Allstars for about 7 years. So I'm your senior when it comes to moba games.
Chefy | September 29, 2014 9:24am
You sir made me create an account!
I am just curious from where people such as yourself gain the confidence to write a guide about something they don't really understand?

I have been playing moba games (HON/Dota) for around 4 years and I still think that if I try to share knowledge with someone it may harm their overall experience in some way.
But for some reason after 20 games with a hero you felt like a pro and decided to share your "secrets" with us, the uneducated noobs.

Thank you oh Sirwinsalot, thank you for sharing your secrets!
Abudegans | September 29, 2014 6:31am

Are you high or something? You don't make any sense and you don't spell simple words correctly. You can't blink or shadow blade out of void's ult. This is basic.

Thanks for trying though.

Are YOU high or something? Ignoring the fellow's horrible english, what he said is totally true. He used the Void as an example of initiation, saying that you need some form of gap closer to get to the enemy and do your thing, either with Ursa or Void. Void has the Time Walk, what does Ursa has?

But well, this is your first guide, and you said youself that o have little experience with the hero (20 games is nothing really). So play some more, understand the mechanics and come back with a new vision.
Mechulus | September 28, 2014 7:30pm

Thanks for the comment.

Earthshock at lvl 3 does 190 damage. Against a creep camp of say, 3 creeps, that's 570 damage instantly, plus a 4 second slow, reducing the damage you take. Earthshock is good for jungling. But the main reason for maxing earthshock is to get an early kill or 2 before you rosh.

Earthshock at lvl 3 does some damage but you're missing the point.
Ursa is not about AOE. He's about melting down a single target.
Also, the slow does you NO GOOD in jungle as its only a movement speed slow
and Ursa is melee, so no matter how slow the mob moves, its still attacking
at regular speed. This does nothing to reduce the damage you are taking
unless you kill something using Earthshock.

The point in jungle is to get a Morbid Mask up ASAP. That, coupled with a
Stout Shield or Ring of Protection (now 3 armor!) means you heal whatever damage
you are taking as you are doling it out.

This guide is older but still works decently:

Working up to Vladmir's Offering and Roshing around lvl 6 or 7
is a solid way to play Ursa. Try it this way and you'll see
its much better.
Sir Wins A Lot | September 25, 2014 12:02pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

on top of not making phase... this guy copied my name!

my name is Sir Rat-A-Lot

I recently found out I copied this guys' name:
Sir Wins A Lot | September 25, 2014 11:46am
vroomndie wrote:

n if enemy has warded yiu wont ever have a kill...imagine a void trying to land his chrono without a single point in his blink dagger n shadow blade is a must...

Are you high or something? You don't make any sense and you don't spell simple words correctly. You can't blink or shadow blade out of void's ult. This is basic.

Thanks for trying though.
Sir Wins A Lot | September 25, 2014 11:34am
Rudd wrote:

Maxing Earthshock and going jungle - This makes absolutely no sense. If you want to switch from lane and jungle, why would you max the ability that gives you less jungling potential? Earthshock is a good skill to max innitially if you are playing in the middle lane, for example, and you need a nuke to nuke or push the creep waves. If it is about killing potential, having a more balanced skill build will help you much more. So you see, your decision to max earthshock first in this build of yours makes little sense at all.

Thanks for the comment.

Earthshock at lvl 3 does 190 damage. Against a creep camp of say, 3 creeps, that's 570 damage instantly, plus a 4 second slow, reducing the damage you take. Earthshock is good for jungling. But the main reason for maxing earthshock is to get an early kill or 2 before you rosh.
vroomndie (1) | September 24, 2014 10:58pm
yup as many have said i agree levelling E>W>Q take ulti whenever possible..a point in Q before 6 is good...and then you leave it for the last...ursa can snoball right from lvl four..given right lane partner and circumstances...

against lockdown heavy and decent team with good map of travel wont help..ur element of surprise for joining a teamfight will b no his mibiltiy is pathetic...n if enemy has warded yiu wont ever have a kill...imagine a void trying to land his chrono without a single point in his blink dagger n shadow blade is a must...

about the eartgshock..its taken for the slow..rather than tha damage itself...its even harder to land a earthshock than landing slitherene smash for slarder...

so if you have good positioning and no lockdown target than ur build may work...but i will never go for it
KoDyAbAbA (65) | September 24, 2014 10:54pm
on top of not making phase... this guy copied my name!

my name is Sir Rat-A-Lot
Mechulus | September 24, 2014 8:13pm
Look at some of the higher rated guides
in here - they focus on Roshan around level 6 and
none of them skill earthshock before then.
The reason for this is obvious - unless you
are playing at the lowest levels of pub, any
hero that sees you coming will retreat or
stun you before you even get close. The guy that
picked a blink dagger over your boots of travel
will be laughing at you.

Roshan at level 6 or 7 is easily doable and
is where Ursa needs to be if you hope to be
relevant in the mid to late game.
Rudd (3) | September 24, 2014 8:00pm
Hey, congrats on your first guide ever. Perhaps posting guides can help you improve your gameplay in dota 2. However, this guide lacks a lot of things, and not just formatting issues. There are some mistakes you make from lack of knowledge of the game. Now I'm no pro myself, but here are some things you suggest that don't make that much sense:

Boots first - going to the lane with Boots of Speed and 1 set of Tango makes your laning weak. If you are faced with an agro tri, you are screwed, unless your supports give their regen to you.

Maxing Earthshock and going jungle - This makes absolutely no sense. If you want to switch from lane and jungle, why would you max the ability that gives you less jungling potential? Earthshock is a good skill to max innitially if you are playing in the middle lane, for example, and you need a nuke to nuke or push the creep waves. If it is about killing potential, having a more balanced skill build will help you much more. So you see, your decision to max earthshock first in this build of yours makes little sense at all.

Safe lane vs Jungle - If your team gives you the safelane to farm, why would you go to the jungle before having a mask of madness? Why would you go at level 2 and then be forced to go back to base when you are extremely low? Just stay in the lane and farm your source of lifesteal, and then perhaps consider heading to the jungle.

blademail - Extremely situational item on Ursa. Playing this hero you don't want to be tanking damage. You want the enemy to focus on someone else, you want your HP to stay full to maximize your Ultimate damage. Blademail is the opposite, Blademail means you want to be tanking the damage.

There are also other minor things. You say, and I quote, "If you play cautiously, you won't die much, if at all.". Doesn't this apply to pretty much every hero in dota 2? Also you keep mentioning Ursa's ability to solo 1v1 almost every hero, and thats true, but thats not because you maxed earthshock, its because of your other 3 abilities.

"Overall, Ursa doesn't really have many weaknesses". Lack of stuns, highly kitable (especially with no Blink Dagger such as your build), weak laning, highly susceptible to stuns and nukes, weak team fight presence, doesn't stack up as well as other carries and kinda needs to snowball. Ursa has a lot of weaknesses.

Again, good for you for making an effort in this guide, but I wouldn't recomend this to anyone. You should read other available guides, increase your knowledge about the hero and the game, and you will start to see things more objectively.
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