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16 Votes

[Dynamic] Goo's Guide to The Tinker Mentality

August 14, 2014 by TheGooGaming
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TheGooGaming (29) | January 6, 2015 12:12pm
Mesko191 wrote:

Great guide!

What are your thoughts on Aghanim's Scpeter? I generally skip it and spend my extra gold on things like an Ethereal Blade or Eul's Scepter of Divinity, but it seems pretty powerful.

Yea. I really dont like it as I feel it is a really passive item and doesnt utilizes rearm to its full potential, also, Laser and Heat Seeking Missile get obsolete pretty quick, and they are really mana expensive spells. You are only going to be using Laser as a blind later on.
Mesko191 | December 23, 2014 7:43am
Great guide!

What are your thoughts on Aghanim's Scpeter? I generally skip it and spend my extra gold on things like an Ethereal Blade or Eul's Scepter of Divinity, but it seems pretty powerful.
Perverted-Kappa | August 22, 2014 2:26pm
im still learning to play Tink
just tryin out BLAWDSTAWN for fun
thanks for the advice
J4bb4w0ck33Z | August 21, 2014 3:35am
There is another thing bout tinker that i think isnt mentioned yet :D
he has to be considered as a 1, so the hardcarry in the team.
thats because he will eat the map, which means if u have another hardcarry like lets say drow, antimage or PA, they wont get enough farm.
what im trying to say is, if u choose to play tinker, either tell your team to not pick a really greedy carry, or to pick tinker when your carry is not that greedy :D

Very nice guide +1
Bloodstone <3

i think there is no real reason to play bloodstone on tinker :D
why bloodstone, when u can get sheep for bout 500g more?
bloodstone Scythe of vise
cost 5050 5675
hp 500 190
mp 400 455
regen 200 % 150%
activ deny hex

on paper the bloodstone might look better, but it isnt :D
the perma hex gives you so much control, and the stats will give you more burst for your Eblade combo :D
Perverted-Kappa | August 20, 2014 1:01pm
Very nice guide +1
Bloodstone <3
Jaxtor | August 18, 2014 8:28am
I'm not a great tinker player but I do love to play him! Thanks for this great guide I am going to start practicing with it.
TheGooGaming (29) | August 17, 2014 3:50pm

Wow great guide just started playing tinker and was looking for a more updated guide.
Much more detailed than the others! +1

I know right! There is only 5 Tinker guides on this website, and that is counting mine :)
Jaqwonthechef | August 17, 2014 3:10pm
Wow great guide just started playing tinker and was looking for a more updated guide.
Much more detailed than the others! +1
Jaqwonthechef | August 17, 2014 3:10pm
Wow great guide just started playing tinker and was looking for a more updated guide.
Much more detailed than the others! +1
TheGooGaming (29) | August 17, 2014 7:28am
diAblo92 wrote:

Good guide +1 from me.
I'd like to suggest a simple tip I learned recently. If you are on radiant and you have an ancient stack going on, you can clear it for free if you get a regen rune, provided you have rearm. Just spam march+rearm with no cost. A little luck can turn things in your favor :)

Or use Ball Lightning for days.
TheGooGaming (29) | August 17, 2014 7:24am
J4bb4w0ck33Z wrote:

first of all, i like this guide :D nice work bro!

maybe some small changes :D
1. another pro to shivas is that it provides flying vision, so u can splitfarm/push way more safe...

2. i personally dont like to max the dagon before i got an eblade :D shout to Xcalibur
i like to go either dagon 1 -> eBlade -> dagon 5 or even GhostScept -> dagon 1 -> eBlade -> dagon 5
i feel more safe in that way, cuz u dont get counterd that hard by a Bkb

3. maybe add some screenshot where u can safely farm 2/3 camps in the radiant/dire woods

anyway nice guide +1 from me

Nice, Ill add this when I can.
diAblo92 | August 16, 2014 6:15am
Good guide +1 from me.
I'd like to suggest a simple tip I learned recently. If you are on radiant and you have an ancient stack going on, you can clear it for free if you get a regen rune, provided you have rearm. Just spam march+rearm with no cost. A little luck can turn things in your favor :)
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