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1. Skill build is bad, you should be getting gale first to get kills, with 1 lvl of poison for the slow, then max wards then max your passive, while getting your hot whenever you can.
2. If veno is a support, then why are support items "situational". Please do more research before making guides.
I wish there was a way to give negative reputation for remarks like this.
1. Skill build is bad, you should be getting gale first to get kills, with 1 lvl of poison for the slow, then max wards then max your passive, while getting your hot whenever you can.
2. If veno is a support, then why are support items "situational". Please do more research before making guides.
1. If you'd read the guide you would see at the top that the first skill build is my personal favourite build to use as most of the time, with the people I frequently play with, I babysit the hard carry and assist him in getting the maximum amount of farm that he can. Maxing Venomancer's passive allows me to do this most efficiently to my play style. I think that Venomous Gale should never be maxed first as the only thing that increases with level is it's damage output and it's mana cost. All a good Venomancer will need to secure kills is the slow, not the damage.
2. These items are listed as situational because most all support items are situational. For example, if their team is mostly heavy magic damage? Build a pipe. Finding yourself squishy or just want more base stats? Build a drum. It's a great item when you're a little behind. Getting shut down hard by CC? BKB. Are you your teams main source of healing? Mekanism and or Urn.
There are infinite variables for every game for the items you can pick up when playing support, they are listed as situational because there is no situation where you should pick them up %100 of the time.
I implore you to at least give my guide a try before stating that my build is bad because it is not your playstyle.
1. Skill build is bad, you should be getting gale first to get kills, with 1 lvl of poison for the slow, then max wards then max your passive, while getting your hot whenever you can.
2. If veno is a support, then why are support items "situational". Please do more research before making guides.
There isn't necessarily one way to build him. Maxing his passive, though not standard, can be used if babysitting to provide lane-control. Gale is maxed out first for kills, wards are maxed out first for utility (and it's generally best to max out wards first), and maxing your passive is good for allowing a carry in your lane to farm uncontested.
1. Skill build is bad, you should be getting gale first to get kills, with 1 lvl of poison for the slow, then max wards then max your passive, while getting your hot whenever you can.
2. If veno is a support, then why are support items "situational". Please do more research before making guides.
Solid build, good explanation and reasoning for abilities and items. Upvoted.
Personally I'm very fond of picking up a Vanguard to give Veno some much appreciated survivability, especially because it allows you to tank towers if you find yourself solo-pushing with your wards. I'm also fond of a Bottle on Veno if I'm roaming a lot and no one else on my team has established rune control, if only because it allows early Plague Ward Spam and I just don't want the enemy to have rune control.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
+1 rep
1. Skill build is bad, you should be getting gale first to get kills, with 1 lvl of poison for the slow, then max wards then max your passive, while getting your hot whenever you can.
2. If veno is a support, then why are support items "situational". Please do more research before making guides.
I wish there was a way to give negative reputation for remarks like this.
1. Skill build is bad, you should be getting gale first to get kills, with 1 lvl of poison for the slow, then max wards then max your passive, while getting your hot whenever you can.
2. If veno is a support, then why are support items "situational". Please do more research before making guides.
1. If you'd read the guide you would see at the top that the first skill build is my personal favourite build to use as most of the time, with the people I frequently play with, I babysit the hard carry and assist him in getting the maximum amount of farm that he can. Maxing Venomancer's passive allows me to do this most efficiently to my play style. I think that Venomous Gale should never be maxed first as the only thing that increases with level is it's damage output and it's mana cost. All a good Venomancer will need to secure kills is the slow, not the damage.
2. These items are listed as situational because most all support items are situational. For example, if their team is mostly heavy magic damage? Build a pipe. Finding yourself squishy or just want more base stats? Build a drum. It's a great item when you're a little behind. Getting shut down hard by CC? BKB. Are you your teams main source of healing? Mekanism and or Urn.
There are infinite variables for every game for the items you can pick up when playing support, they are listed as situational because there is no situation where you should pick them up %100 of the time.
I implore you to at least give my guide a try before stating that my build is bad because it is not your playstyle.
1. Skill build is bad, you should be getting gale first to get kills, with 1 lvl of poison for the slow, then max wards then max your passive, while getting your hot whenever you can.
2. If veno is a support, then why are support items "situational". Please do more research before making guides.
There isn't necessarily one way to build him. Maxing his passive, though not standard, can be used if babysitting to provide lane-control. Gale is maxed out first for kills, wards are maxed out first for utility (and it's generally best to max out wards first), and maxing your passive is good for allowing a carry in your lane to farm uncontested.
2. If veno is a support, then why are support items "situational". Please do more research before making guides.
Personally I'm very fond of picking up a Vanguard to give Veno some much appreciated survivability, especially because it allows you to tank towers if you find yourself solo-pushing with your wards. I'm also fond of a