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Down the Drain (Roaming™)

March 31, 2013 by Katz
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Katz | March 31, 2013 6:08am

I was not "forcing" you to follow my playing style by any means, your explanations clearly demonstrate that we follow different playing styles: you want to get Phase Boots for extra movement speed while I prefer the armor reduction of the Medallion of Courage or the healing/damage charges from the Urn of Shadows as soon as possible, both things are viable.

About the Vengeance Aura, you can't be roaming all the time: sometimes your safe lane might be in danger, sometimed you have to defend mid when your mid laner is dead and can't return soon because they don't have enoguh money for a Town Portal Scroll. Still, as you said, you won't spend much time in lane anyway but I prefer the Wave of Terror for both ganking and lane controlling. I see that you build is for mid-high skilled players, and I like that: even though playing style differs, I still like it.

My apologies if I was a bit too defensive, but I am too used to similar comments heading in a more negative direction.

If you are defending safe lane from opponents who have pushed the lane in and are attempting to damage (or just destroy) the tower, then it would help anyone else (including creeps) with killing the enemy's creep wave faster or damaging opponents who have drawn creep aggro for whatever reason.

Mid is a tricky situation to me. Sometimes being able to effectively push to the tower is helpful if the timer is around Rune'O'Clock. Wave of Terror cannot work on buildings, to my knowledge, thus lowering the general damage of what you could be doing during what is (usually) going to be a small and temporary push. The damage you could inflict with leveling your aura if their mid laner leaves to acquire the rune would be decently greater. If they stay to defend, then that allows you to bottle the rune instead for later use.

Either way, mid lane would push back to a safer position for your mid player to farm from by the time he arrives in lane. Also, if he is strapped for gold, and anyone has a surplus (meaning you or another support) then they could buy a TP scroll and drop it from their stash for him when he respawns. This feels like a last-resort sort of scenario, but I have been in a situation where I had more than enough gold to afford it and did not plan on buying anything for awhile.

Volpe wrote:

Through my experience playing Vengeful Spirit, her Wave of Terror does not stop Healing Salve, Clarity , and Bottle. Like Pudge Rot, and Doom Bringer Scorched Earth.

I'm going off of what I've witnessed in the past few matches I've played as her. I might be hallucinating, but I guess that can happen.
Volpe | March 31, 2013 4:11am

And yes, it does some pretty pitiful damage. Speaking of damage: it stops salves, clarity potions, and bottle charges! Not only that, but it also gives you vision through fog of war. I should probably add that.

Through my experience playing Vengeful Spirit, her Wave of Terror does not stop Healing Salve, Clarity , and Bottle. Like Pudge Rot, and Doom Bringer Scorched Earth.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 31, 2013 3:47am
I was not "forcing" you to follow my playing style by any means, your explanations clearly demonstrate that we follow different playing styles: you want to get Phase Boots for extra movement speed while I prefer the armor reduction of the Medallion of Courage or the healing/damage charges from the Urn of Shadows as soon as possible, both things are viable.

About the Vengeance Aura, you can't be roaming all the time: sometimes your safe lane might be in danger, sometimed you have to defend mid when your mid laner is dead and can't return soon because they don't have enoguh money for a Town Portal Scroll. Still, as you said, you won't spend much time in lane anyway but I prefer the Wave of Terror for both ganking and lane controlling. I see that you build is for mid-high skilled players, and I like that: even though playing style differs, I still like it.
Katz | March 31, 2013 1:09am
Wulfstan wrote:

Ah ok,let's start.Doesn't matter if your allies are ranged or not, Vengeance Aura works on melee too.The -5 armor reduction from Wave of Terror early is like a maxed out Vengeance Aura.And it also deals damage,so that should be the second thing you max.

Woops, mixed the names up. Was thinking of Traxex's aura or something at the time.

And yes, it does some pretty pitiful damage. Speaking of damage: it stops salves, clarity potions, and bottle charges! Not only that, but it also gives you vision through fog of war. I should probably add that.

About the item build, I strongly recommend starting with both Animal Courier and Observer Wards while spending the rest of your money on a Tango, a bunch of Clarity potions and some Iron Branches. Other than this, it's a good starting point that shows how to truly play a hard support: I'd rather skip the Phase Boots and use plain Boots until getting a Medallion or Urn, but it's personal preference I think.

Also, early Vengeance Aura = lane push: I wouldn't get it until at least level 8, even though I prefer delaying it until 10.

I don't know why I'm dignifying this part with a response, but the lack of sleep might be getting to me.

I don't care what you recommend; I'm just posting my build. There are plenty others made, and this is by no means how I think you 'should' be building the character. Phase boots help in ganks by giving you extra chasing ability and damage on your auto attacks. Clarity potions and tangos take too long, if only just barely, and cannot be refilled. If your team is lacking supports that bad, then you have much more serious problems on your hands.

Also, aura adding to pushing power doesn't change much when you're only going to be in lane long enough for a stun and a few auto attacks. This is a build for roaming. Please read before posting.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 31, 2013 12:42am
Not only Wave of Terror deals damage and reduces a big amount of armor, but it's quite spammable too: I find it very useful for getting vision (like if I were using Shadow Poison) and harassing.

About the item build, I strongly recommend starting with both Animal Courier and Observer Wards while spending the rest of your money on a Tango, a bunch of Clarity potions and some Iron Branches. Other than this, it's a good starting point that shows how to truly play a hard support: I'd rather skip the Phase Boots and use plain Boots until getting a Medallion or Urn, but it's personal preference I think.

Also, early Vengeance Aura = lane push: I wouldn't get it until at least level 8, even though I prefer delaying it until 10.
Wulfstan (77) | March 31, 2013 12:19am
Ah ok,let's start.Doesn't matter if your allies are ranged or not, Vengeance Aura works on melee too.The -5 armor reduction from Wave of Terror early is like a maxed out Vengeance Aura.And it also deals damage,so that should be the second thing you max.
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