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Doom dota 2 guide for Pubs(Doom bringer)

December 22, 2013 by nerf slark
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nerf slark | December 22, 2013 10:56pm

Skip the Vanguard (or substitute if with a Drum of Endurance since Doom really need mana), take Phase Boots before the Shadow Blade and you have a pretty solid build. I would also substitute the Heart with something else - maybe an MKB or even a Daedalus - because this Hero is already super tanky (his HP gain makes up for the lack of armor) and you will need damage since he's not a good late game carry by any means.

The big Satyr and Wildwing are very good early game creeps (Alpha Wolves can also make you miss some last hits because of the crits) because of the extra HP regen or armor; the frost Ogre is also excellent at defending you when fighting Roshan: I'm pretty sure you can potentially solo him with frost armor and a Vlad's, after you get some damage items.

Thank you for your comments. I can explain my item build logically and theoritically .Vanguard is greater item than drum of endurance for doom.Vanguard damage block ,hp gain and regeneration works great for doom's survilability so it means doom do more crictical strike and allies get
bonus damage due to doom's presence in teamfight.Drum is good for 9 stats but not greater than vangaurd on melee heroes(especially doom with crits).Phase boots before shadow blade is also i am not agree with reason is when you have vangaurd mostly all enemy towers is up or may be enemy lost
1 tower .So phase boots is not needed in that stage you can't chase beyond towers ,mostly i recommend players to fight and when enemy try to escape with low hp just doom instead of tower dive .Anyway scorched earth will make you movefaster for chasing . So rushing shadow blade is
important .After shadow blade also you get shadow blade active make you move faster to chase down enemy.So get Assault curi*** then make phase boots or arcane boots or boots of travel depends on situation.Daedalus is not a good choice i don't think crits stack with aplpha wolf crits
.After your core item you can go to damage item i recommend only abyssal blade and MKb .IF illusian hero then try battle fury.Using doom only for farming is very easy just get hands of midas you get great gold's per minutes but its just not using the potential of doom .
Doom should played like a most imapct in player in that game
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | December 22, 2013 12:58pm
Skip the Vanguard (or substitute if with a Drum of Endurance since Doom really need mana), take Phase Boots before the Shadow Blade and you have a pretty solid build. I would also substitute the Heart with something else - maybe an MKB or even a Daedalus - because this Hero is already super tanky (his HP gain makes up for the lack of armor) and you will need damage since he's not a good late game carry by any means.

The big Satyr and Wildwing are very good early game creeps (Alpha Wolves can also make you miss some last hits because of the crits) because of the extra HP regen or armor; the frost Ogre is also excellent at defending you when fighting Roshan: I'm pretty sure you can potentially solo him with frost armor and a Vlad's, after you get some damage items.
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