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27 Votes

Doom Bringer by Dach&Max

December 5, 2012 by DachEtMax
Comments: 8    |    Views: 58564    |   

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Meiun | March 5, 2013 1:37pm
dresmasher wrote:

If these guys actually took the time to write down all that they explained in that video, this would be a very complete guide, they pretty much summed everything up about Doom Bringer in that video. The solo/farmer play and the ganker style.

I personally don't see Radiance as core on Doom, he is a very flexible hero, he can take many roles, Radiance is ok on him bc he can usually farm it fast, but the same thing applies to a sheepstick, shiva + refresher & so on & so forth...
Wouldn't get a shadow blade or a quelling blade on Doom, otherwise everything else I agreed with, this gets a +1 from me.

early shadow blade has been a thing on the Chinese scene for a while for a sort of das boot style of play. quelling has always been ok, it makes for uncontestable last hit, but not greatest item out there.
mdn90 | October 15, 2012 11:56am
I usually go for an early midas on doom. It allows me to get phase boots, midas, vanguard and relic at around 20-22 minutes into the game if I dont get ganked too much.
Atlas (117) | February 4, 2012 1:43pm
Too many items before you get to radiance, really. Usually you will just get minimal items and stuff to sustain you while you farm for sacred relic.
Sagemeng (1) | February 4, 2012 1:30pm
I like the skills but don't really like the item build. I find the Aghanim's Scepter and Refresher combo is more effective than a hard carry.
LuvLes (32) | January 9, 2012 1:48am
dresmasher wrote:

If these guys actually took the time to write down all that they explained in that video, this would be a very complete guide, they pretty much summed everything up about Doom Bringer in that video. The solo/farmer play and the ganker style.

I personally don't see Radiance as core on Doom, he is a very flexible hero, he can take many roles, Radiance is ok on him bc he can usually farm it fast, but the same thing applies to a sheepstick, shiva + refresher & so on & so forth...
Wouldn't get a shadow blade or a quelling blade on Doom, otherwise everything else I agreed with, this gets a +1 from me.

Radiance is an item that any hero that can safely farm until they get it, without risking falling behind in the lengthy time without any boost. Not spending money on additional health or attack for that long can hurt most heroes, but not some. These are heroes like Bloodseeker, Lone Druid and Weaver who can safely save money to purchase it. Alternatively, some heroes can get it extremely fast, which is the same thing as getting it safely: Like Alchemist and Doom Bringer.

Besides, combined with Scorched Earth, he deals a ******ed amount of damage passively around him. Then the neutral creep's critical strike, Phase Boots and Radiance's bonus attack, you can start hitting like a truck. That is not even including all the movement speed he gets from these either.
Banderas | January 9, 2012 1:21am
Nice guide
DanielB | January 5, 2012 3:49pm
+1 for Build
u need to make ur videos in english its will be very good!
dresmasher (24) | January 5, 2012 7:35am
If these guys actually took the time to write down all that they explained in that video, this would be a very complete guide, they pretty much summed everything up about Doom Bringer in that video. The solo/farmer play and the ganker style.

I personally don't see Radiance as core on Doom, he is a very flexible hero, he can take many roles, Radiance is ok on him bc he can usually farm it fast, but the same thing applies to a sheepstick, shiva + refresher & so on & so forth...
Wouldn't get a shadow blade or a quelling blade on Doom, otherwise everything else I agreed with, this gets a +1 from me.
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