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Don't be carried by Sagan, carry your team 7.01

January 28, 2017 by The Jade Dagger
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The Jade Dagger | February 3, 2017 10:01pm
Luna and Nova are the best in my opinion! Dat accent and look :)
Even then she is better.
mr.dark gouki (1) | January 28, 2017 3:47pm
I love to eat mirana with magnus...i get guardian to nulify her dmg if she has any then she leaps then i focestaff blink and then the magic happens i skewer her in my team then poor mirana takes 5 ****s from every side and dies.
Over...and over and over again....i m also the bastard that has dust and gem 24/7 so carry mirana is... well good against people that are not trying to win against her she s a support same with wind i don t know why every hero has to be played as a carry in some form..
mr.dark gouki (1) | January 28, 2017 3:40pm
Luna all the way.....
The Jade Dagger | November 12, 2016 4:18pm
Oh and maybe with the 21 K gold issue, you could find a substitute. You mentioned riki and legion commander being trouble, right? Some other counters could include heroes with disables that stop Leap. I don't have time to go through them all, but you if you're playing a support, you could replace SaY with a gem to counter Riki and maybe replace the MoM with the Agh. That all adds up to roughly 20K. Still, I agree. You'd have to snowball really hard to get that money.
The Jade Dagger | November 12, 2016 4:07pm
Thanks for the tips. When I can, I might edit the build.
Nightycm (1) | November 10, 2016 7:26pm
I apologise for the bunch of typos but typing on my phone while im on a standing on a bus its not very easy to keep track of what i type
The Jade Dagger | November 12, 2016 4:10pm
It's fine. I don't take it harshly
Nightycm (1) | November 10, 2016 7:25pm
Honestly speaking, your core item choices are really very questionable. Theres no specific direction that your item build is moving to. You have euls for a setup and a way to solve your mana. Hex for an extra disable? MOM to increase farm speed and slight dps increase? Bkb for survivability and shadow blade for escape/initiation? Your item build is all scrambled up and is not going to be effective most games. Perhaps to justify your build you can provide some game replays to show the effectiveness. Also, to say your playing mirana as a ganker means you are mainly playing him in position 4. That means 21k gold for your core items is a ridiculously high amount of money to farm.

Aghanims may not be as strong as it used to be but its still way too much extra burst to be skipped and it provides an increase in farming capabilities. The stats provided is much neede for mirana as well and yes even though its twice as expensive as MOM its much better on mirana. It gives her teamfight presence and some survivability. MOM in the early game will just make mirana nelt in teamfights early on with her squishy hp pool. Furthermore your item build has no esrly hp items to help her survive.

In the matchup departments why do you only mention nyx as your 'ugly' foe? There are way more harder counters that can kill mirana such as riki with smoke to prevent leap/moonlight. Legion commander and more. For a nyx to be able to solo kill mirana he would most probably have to be decently fed with perhaps dagon eblade etc. Furthermore youe mirana needs to be really behind as well. The damage just isnt enough but perhaps that assumption is based on your build where you lack survivability and alot of intelligence items.

Hope you do take time to review your build. Just liking to use different item doesnt neccessarily mean that its unique and effective. There has to be some good logic to bash it up. I mean standard builds are there because they are effective, right?
The Jade Dagger | November 12, 2016 4:09pm
You have a point.
The Jade Dagger | November 10, 2016 1:11am
uh- I'm just someone who likes to use different items, so, yea :)
Kamikarnal | November 8, 2016 6:37pm
Shadow Blade on Mirana? hurm.. =.=
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