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Don't be carried by Sagan, carry your team 7.01

January 28, 2017 by The Jade Dagger
Comments: 11    |    Views: 30878    |   

Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Mirana

Hero Skills

Selemene's Faithful (Innate)


1 3 5 9

Sacred Arrow

4 6 12 13


2 7 10 14

Moonlight Shadow

8 11 16


15 17 18

Don't be carried by Sagan, carry your team 7.01

The Jade Dagger
January 28, 2017

The Introduction

Mirana is versatile, but I use her as a carry. With the correct items, you can easily take on the other team and win the game. You should try not to die any more than two times and you should aim for about 20 kills. (19, 18, 17 is fine too)

The Rundown of her Abilities

STARSTORM: Your primary nuke. Mirana has somewhat of a mana problem, which is bad because Starstorm is NOT spammable early game. I repeat, not spammable. Not until you buy Aghanim, which is good. Aghanim's Scepter triggers Starstorm every couple of seconds an enemy gets in your Starstorm range. The reason why it is not worth it is because the enemy can easily move out of the way. Is a pretty good nuke though and does good damage.

SACRED ARROW: Why Mirana is so famous/infamous. Very tricky to land the arrow from a far distance as the enemy will keep moving and you will find it so annoying because you don't have a Fiery Soul like Lina does. If you do land the arrow from a faraway distance, good on you! It is very rewarding and you will get a long stun and high damage.

LEAP: Somewhat pointless late-game, but is the tool for ganks. Usually when you gank, the enemy gets away with 10 or less hp left. Why? You missed all your ranged spells and now have no mana or the enemy is faster than you. Leap costs a small amount of mana but has an okay range. Perfect for ganks or escapes.

MOONLIGHT SHADOW: This is not a wow ultimate, but gives invisibility to multiple allies and sets up ganks. However, the invisibility is broken really easily, no kidding.

Pros and Cons

-Good at ganking
- Leap costs less mana per upgrade
-5 second stun! Who doesn't love it?
-Wide area of effect Starstorm
- Starstorm doesn't have to be aimed

-Somewhat squishy
-Mana problems early on
-No spammable nukes
- Starstorm has a short cast time



- Power Treads give Mirana much needed stats and damage. You will need it to carry.
- Aghanim's Scepter triggers Starstorm passively every ten seconds when you are in the vision of an enemy. Starstorm] does 300 AoE damage, so that's a lot of magical damage. Annoying bit is that [[Starstorm will make a lot of Neutral Creeps go aggro at you, not unless you avoid the jungle completely.
- Eye of Skadi gives a slow, making Leap less needed. You should have built up attack speed, so your enemies will constantly be bombarded with cool, icy projectiles.
- Daedalus should synergize well with your high attack speed, causing lots of crits to proc.
- Town Portal Scroll is obvious

Please fill in the last slot with something that suits your situation.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

GOOD-Your friends are heroes with stuns, slows and roots because they can help you position a 5 sec stun arrow. Yummy! This includes Crystal Maiden, Treant Protector, Witch Doctor and possibly Drow Ranger.

BAD-Bad losers are people who can dodge your ganks and remove your hard-earned 5 second stuns. This is Abaddon, Slark, Antimage and QoP.

UGLY-You need to watch out for Nyx Assassin! Mirana has a 'meh' intelligence level but HUGE mana problems.
Scenario 1: Nyx pops out of nowhere with Vendetta and follows up with an Impale, rendering you stuck and unable to use Leap. You get lucky and Leap away and Nyx can't get you, so you decide to cast Sacred Arrow to get a kill. However, the Nyx is smart and turns on Spiked Carapace just in time. OUCH! Your Mirana either dies or gets really low on health. Assuming that you didn't die, the Nyx just uses Mana Burn and you are unable to cast spells and die because he uses auto-attacks. :( Very sad. You feed the Nyx who snowballs out of control and lose the game. Everyone is mad at you.

Scenario 2: You decide to buy lots of intelligence items. YAY! Your Mirana is now higher in Intelligence than Agility. But her Agility is still very high. Nyx uses Vendetta and ganks you and Impales you to prevent escape. Then you realise that, UH OH, you died or are on extremely low health because of Nyx's Mana Burn. OUCH. :( Very sad. You feed the Nyx who snowballs out of control and lose the game. Everyone is mad at you.

Please be careful with heroes that can easily burst you down.


Mirana is a strong carry if played in the right way. A couple of notes:

-Do not waste mana on pointless arrows if you know it is a 0.000000000000000000001% chance that you will land the arrow. Arrows cost a ton of mana you know. However, use Sacred Arrow to stop channelling, like Fiend's Grip from Bane.

- Starstorm is automatically cast in the range AROUND you. Is not cast in an area of your favour.

- Leap also gives nearby allies juicy bonuses such as bonus attack speed and bonus movement speed.

-She has no cheap and cheesy nuke abilities.

-5 second stun will only occur if you have shot from a fairly long distance. Damage also gets larger depending on the amount of effort you put in to shooting from a far distance.

-I checked with the Aghanim. It triggers every 10 secs an enemy gets in range.

-Don't shoot the Sacred Arrow in a chasing gank if you are super close. If you thought that the Sacred Arrow is a better option than using a Starstorm, you are wrong. A close up Sacred Arrow gives roughly about 1 second or less stun. Starstorm is the better option. The Sacred Arrow can just miss anyway and is a waste of mana.

Have fun playing Mirana the carry

P.S: Comment below and answer the multiple choice question.
A) Luna is so much more awesome than Mirana.
B) Mirana is so much better than Luna.

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