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Hi, great guide. Since the aghanims update, I like the aghanims scpter better than a blink dagger eventually. Superman Sven! With lower stormhammer cooldown and longer stun. Enemies can't handle it.
That's a good point! I haven't been experimenting too much with it, but I've seen it used and it can be a strong item choice. I generally prefer Blink Dagger because it's much cheaper, but Aghanim's Scepter can definitely work in some cases.
I'll be adding it to the guide soon, thank you for the comment!
Great guide, even tho it's kinda old, still applies to today's dual laning meta, the only thing I'd add is Daedalus in luxury items, some games it doesn't really matter if the person you're killing is silenced or not, mostly stomps, but it gives way more damage and I'd say Sven is the only hero that should get it, but still, in a hard game where the enemy cores or initiators might kill you if they're not silenced or picked off, it's better, as it does more damage in total if it's a pick off.
I'd also add Heaven's Halberd to situational items as it's great when the enemy carry is someone who will win in a right click fight versus you, maybe a Phantom Assassin or Troll Warlord
Still probably the best Sven guide in the website
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I'll be adding it to the guide soon, thank you for the comment!
I'd also add
Still probably the best