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I don't want to be harsh, since as you stated this is your first guide, but there is some criticism that I need to throw out so you can better your guide.
I'll start with the build, you're starting build and early game are fine, but your mid game is very flawed. Vanguard is a very situational item, its generally an item for tanks that have on-hit reactive abilities such as Axe or Centaur that way when you block it still procs your ability, of which Dirge does not have an ability like this and this should only be picked up if you start with a stout shield. Your second mid game item is also a situational one, you will find that in a good portion of your games you might not need magic resistance and instead need HP / a Mek, or you might need armor / an Assault Cuirass. Since your core does not consist of a Blademail then resistances like armor are a worthwhile investment. In your late game, you should not have an Aghanim's listed, the stats are mediocre and the ulti boost isn't worth the investment, you're better off with a Veil of Discord.
Now your skill build may seem odd to some, and I don't recommend skipping your ult for so long, but it does make sense and is viable.
Talking about the guide itself, a big portion is just going over skills and a pro/con list, and the sections that are about gameplay are not very well formatted and lack severe grammar. If you'd like, I can proof read it for you and make appropriate corrections. Reflecting on the explanation of skills, pretty basic, but you let the reader know important uses and the mechanics of them, I especially like how you justify Radiance. Many people don't know it, but Radiance, if farmed quick enough is quite the investment for a tanky Dirge. Overall its a decent guide, but it lacks in some content as "when to pick, or when not to pick".
+1 just check this old post, solid build, it is a real damn shame we didn't see him at the international, his tombostone is so strong!!
thanks man, i agree he wouldve been epic at the international. i was hopeing for more variety, but alas. Theres always next year! again, I thank you for your support and I am glad you enjoyed the guide.
ive tried lvling soul rip to level 2 and you are correct. thank you for your comment, it has helped me improve the guide. also you are probly correct on dazzle and dirge being one of the best lane combos, the only problem with this is a hard carry could really benefit from a dazzle supporting them. this is why id say a less hard support like veno would be a better lane partner. plus veno has an aoe with his slow.
+1 just check this old post, solid build, it is a real damn shame we didn't see him at the international, his tombostone is so strong!!
i do build dirge as more of a support though. he is tanky in his own right, so why not give him items to benefite the team. put him in the safe lane with a carry and that carry is sure to have good farm. if they try to shut them down just tomb it.
Good point, if you support then yes, they are sure a good option.
Still, consider leaving out the ring of basilus and have your lane partner get it, it's an aura item, getting Soul Ring early could be more benefical and the strengh steal together with regen boost will keep you healthy. Or a Magic Wand, you already bought two iron braches, so I don't see what stops you from getting this awesome item.
Same can be said about Arcane Boots, you could possibly get Power Treads or Phase Boots while your lane partner will get Arcane Boots to keep you energised, although the extra 250 mana could be very useful.
Also I'm not sure why would you go for Mekansm, I think it's an item for support, you should rather have dirge build like tank.
i do build dirge as more of a support though. he is tanky in his own right, so why not give him items to benefite the team. put him in the safe lane with a carry and that carry is sure to have good farm. if they try to shut them down just tomb it.
Still, consider leaving out the ring of basilus and have your lane partner get it, it's an aura item, getting Soul Ring early could be more benefical and the strengh steal together with regen boost will keep you healthy. Or a Magic Wand, you already bought two iron braches, so I don't see what stops you from getting this awesome item.
Same can be said about Arcane Boots, you could possibly get Power Treads or Phase Boots while your lane partner will get Arcane Boots to keep you energised, although the extra 250 mana could be very useful.
Also I'm not sure why would you go for Mekansm, I think it's an item for support, you should rather have dirge build like tank.
ive tried lvling soul rip to level 2 and you are correct. thank you for your comment, it has helped me improve the guide. also you are probly correct on dazzle and dirge being one of the best lane combos, the only problem with this is a hard carry could really benefit from a dazzle supporting them. this is why id say a less hard support like veno would be a better lane partner. plus veno has an aoe with his slow.
I can't +1 this yet - I need to try it. I'm a fan of Dirge, and I have considered going a build without leveling your ulti until later - one I am yet to try.
only 2 things I would adjust.
level Soul Rip up to level 2. - because there's more than likely going to be around 10 units in the lane when you use it, never more than that, and almost always more than 5. It's just generally more effective. then level Tombstone straight to 7.
Also if your laning with Veno, or Dazzle (also would be good, probably better than any 1 else, as their skills compliment eachother, and it is basically impossible to die) Let your lane partner get the basilius, and you can get a Soul Ring instead. Better regen (with basi stack), and a solid active which complements you as a hero.
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I'll start with the build, you're starting build and early game are fine, but your mid game is very flawed. Vanguard is a very situational item, its generally an item for tanks that have on-hit reactive abilities such as Axe or Centaur that way when you block it still procs your ability, of which Dirge does not have an ability like this and this should only be picked up if you start with a stout shield. Your second mid game item is also a situational one, you will find that in a good portion of your games you might not need magic resistance and instead need HP / a Mek, or you might need armor / an Assault Cuirass. Since your core does not consist of a Blademail then resistances like armor are a worthwhile investment. In your late game, you should not have an Aghanim's listed, the stats are mediocre and the ulti boost isn't worth the investment, you're better off with a Veil of Discord.
Now your skill build may seem odd to some, and I don't recommend skipping your ult for so long, but it does make sense and is viable.
Talking about the guide itself, a big portion is just going over skills and a pro/con list, and the sections that are about gameplay are not very well formatted and lack severe grammar. If you'd like, I can proof read it for you and make appropriate corrections. Reflecting on the explanation of skills, pretty basic, but you let the reader know important uses and the mechanics of them, I especially like how you justify Radiance. Many people don't know it, but Radiance, if farmed quick enough is quite the investment for a tanky Dirge. Overall its a decent guide, but it lacks in some content as "when to pick, or when not to pick".
+1 just check this old post, solid build, it is a real damn shame we didn't see him at the international, his tombostone is so strong!!
thanks man, i agree he wouldve been epic at the international. i was hopeing for more variety, but alas. Theres always next year! again, I thank you for your support and I am glad you enjoyed the guide.
ive tried lvling soul rip to level 2 and you are correct. thank you for your comment, it has helped me improve the guide. also you are probly correct on dazzle and dirge being one of the best lane combos, the only problem with this is a hard carry could really benefit from a dazzle supporting them. this is why id say a less hard support like veno would be a better lane partner. plus veno has an aoe with his slow.
+1 just check this old post, solid build, it is a real damn shame we didn't see him at the international, his tombostone is so strong!!
i do build dirge as more of a support though. he is tanky in his own right, so why not give him items to benefite the team. put him in the safe lane with a carry and that carry is sure to have good farm. if they try to shut them down just tomb it.
Good point, if you support then yes, they are sure a good option.
Still, consider leaving out the ring of basilus and have your lane partner get it, it's an aura item, getting
Same can be said about
Also I'm not sure why would you go for
i do build dirge as more of a support though. he is tanky in his own right, so why not give him items to benefite the team. put him in the safe lane with a carry and that carry is sure to have good farm. if they try to shut them down just tomb it.
Same can be said about
Also I'm not sure why would you go for
only 2 things I would adjust.
Also if your laning with Veno, or