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1 Votes

Defensive Doom

March 18, 2013 by bambam25
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thippo (10) | March 19, 2013 3:22pm
Yeah, he is mana dependent, but again, even more so when you use LVL? Death instead of Devour. Upgrading Devour makes it more mana efficient, and gives you more gold, and all that shebang, while putting more than one point in LVL? Death and using it while they aren't on the level multiplyer is just silly. I think Stats would be better than that, and even then that's still not a good Devour build. I'd say max Devour ASAP and just rush Radiance + defensive items for a true tank.
bambam25 | March 19, 2013 9:41am
Thanks for the comment! i no this isnt a good guide. Its my first one and theirs alot for improvement thank you for helping me improve and giving tips.

Oh and also mana because he runs out quick with his abilities. it helps get a bit more mana to start of with.
thippo (10) | March 18, 2013 7:35pm
Skilling LVL? Death before Devour?

... Seriously? It's like a free Hand of Midas, why would you NOT abuse that ASAP? Also, with his mana pool, and the fact that, at level 1, no one's level is a multiple of six, I'd give the skill build a 3/10 at most. Also, your item build is confusing. This looks like a Poor Man's Shield and a Vanguard in the same build. That makes no sense at all. You also have your Radiance before the Sacred Relic, which I assume is a typo. But for actual improvement, go for the Morbid Mask before you finish off Vanguard. Even then the build is lackluster, because you would have more gold to spend if you'd level Devour, but I digress, you need to add more in the case that you have more to spend. How about upgrading to a Satanic? Or Boots of Travel? Your damage auras will wreck face if you can rush a Boots of Travel after your Radiance. The item build gets a 4/10 for at least having some utility.
Raylord (3) | March 18, 2013 4:10pm
But why manta?
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