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7 Votes

Death Prophet Guide to Eating Towers

January 29, 2012 by whiteknightphantom
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Epherion | September 10, 2014 10:44pm
If you want to destroy towers, you need to have Assault Cuirass and Desolator since your ult deals physical damage. Towers will fall quickly if you build those 2 items.
whiteknightphantom (1) | January 27, 2012 9:22pm

You need phase boots, Ghost scepter and maybe a euls. : /

This guide is mainly for pushing and tanking, its not an offensive chaser build. But I respect your opinion to play her as a chaser but this guide is not about that thank you :)
SkyneT800 (1) | January 27, 2012 9:39am
You need phase boots, Ghost scepter and maybe a euls. : /
Killslash#158944 | January 25, 2012 10:32pm
I've used BoT on her before. Amazing backdoor ability with them. Whenever a creep wave nears a tower, BoT to the creeps then ult.

I actually raxed a team that was stomping us like this, extended the game by 20 minutes lol.
cheesejerky (1) | January 25, 2012 2:37am

Haha, chill bro. You sound like you want to pick a fight! :) It was just a suggestion, who knows, you may be right. I'm still sticking with what I said though. I still think BoT is a viable and good boots. I mean, krobelus, not a fast farmer? You just swarm the creep wave and the creeps will die, that easy. Once you've gotten bloodstone, you can still keep the arcane boots. I was just suggesting, maybe later on in the game, since the arcane boots won't really help much because you'll get like 135 mana out of the 2000+ mana pool that you already have. That's not even half. IF there is, however, a teammate who is STILL SUPER mana hungry in late game, yes, arcane boots could be good since Krob IS a support. I still think BoT is viable and better late game.

:) :) :)

You said its better in late game. But thats the thing, the game should end by mid game and at the most almost the start of late game because her effectiveness decreases because of stronger carries and more disables for easier focus. That is why arcane is better than BoT for her. She shines in early to mid game. If you reach the late game, then its ok to get BoT but the life of a krobelus will get harder because her ghosts will start doing less because she will be taken down by the carries, etc.
pokejohn#178784 (2) | January 25, 2012 2:33am
Haha, chill bro. You sound like you want to pick a fight! :) It was just a suggestion, who knows, you may be right. I'm still sticking with what I said though. I still think BoT is a viable and good boots. I mean, krobelus, not a fast farmer? You just swarm the creep wave and the creeps will die, that easy. Once you've gotten bloodstone, you can still keep the arcane boots. I was just suggesting, maybe later on in the game, since the arcane boots won't really help much because you'll get like 135 mana out of the 2000+ mana pool that you already have. That's not even half. IF there is, however, a teammate who is STILL SUPER mana hungry in late game, yes, arcane boots could be good since Krob IS a support. I still think BoT is viable and better late game.

:) :) :)
cheesejerky (1) | January 25, 2012 2:24am

If u depend on a slot for a tp, then you'd be wasting one spot. Besides, once you've got your bloodstone, you won't be mana hungry anymore so why not sell the arcane boots and buy a travel for yourself. The advantages to this, well for one thing, you have a free slot which u can use for the other core items. Another is that you have faster MS and you can tp ANYWHERE there are creeps. Besides, this is a "eating tower" build just as the creator of this guide said so this will be an advantage too in pushing. You can travel the map easier. Besides, I was just giving a suggestion, Overall, I still like this guide, one of my favorites!!! :) :) :)

Yeah it wastes a slot, but then again, since pushing most of the time occurs mostly during the early and mid stages of the game, he will definitely have a slot for his tp scoll. You mentioned that once you've got your bloodstone you wont be mana hungry anymore. But thats around 5000+ gold you have to earn for and before you even start earning for that 5000 gold you have to buy some minor starting items such as boots, magic wand, bottle, which will delay it even more and then you're still gonna buy a boots of travel??!! Krobelus isnt the fastest farmer in the world and she has no escape mechanism and she will definitely get ganked at the early stages of the game and the more it will delay the 5000+ investment. If he just spends on arcane it will only cost him technically only 1000 because everyone gets boots as standard. And this isnt a one man team, he will be pushing along side with teamates so the boots of travel tp to a creep thing wont really happen until late game. Might as well buy a Mekansm along side with a Jango to help sustain the push even more until the midgame and by destroying more towers with items that will help sustain the push such as meka and jango, that is the time he can start earning for higher tier items such as guinsso and shivas.
pokejohn#178784 (2) | January 25, 2012 2:17am
If u depend on a slot for a tp, then you'd be wasting one spot. Besides, once you've got your bloodstone, you won't be mana hungry anymore so why not sell the arcane boots and buy a travel for yourself. The advantages to this, well for one thing, you have a free slot which u can use for the other core items. Another is that you have faster MS and you can tp ANYWHERE there are creeps. Besides, this is a "eating tower" build just as the creator of this guide said so this will be an advantage too in pushing. You can travel the map easier. Besides, I was just giving a suggestion, Overall, I still like this guide, one of my favorites!!! :) :) :)
cheesejerky (1) | January 25, 2012 2:02am

I like this build!! Seems pretty stable.. Might I suggest that instead of getting Arcane Boots, how about boots of travel since this IS a build for "eating towers" or to push fast. :) Still, good job! :)

Why boots of travel? He just stated in his guide that krobelus is very mana hungry and arcane boots is just the perfect choice! The extra mana will help the team sustain the push even more and what will a 2700 boots give you? A tp and movement speed. You can just save a slot for a tp scroll and the movement speed bonus is enough from witchcraft. If your opting for chasing its fine, but since its a sustain pushing build then dont get it.
pokejohn#178784 (2) | January 25, 2012 12:45am
I like this build!! Seems pretty stable.. Might I suggest that instead of getting Arcane Boots, how about boots of travel since this IS a build for "eating towers" or to push fast. :) Still, good job! :)
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