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9 Votes

Dazzling Win

July 21, 2012 by Havox
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Havox | August 4, 2012 5:34pm

If you can see that you have a strong lane, do you think maxing poison touch over shadow wave be beneficial, or is maxing SW of such great importance?

You can definitely rush lvl 3 a bit faster, but it really depends, this is just in general. If for example im laning with Naga i might not even get the slow since it so much more devastating to have her net and multiply couple with my heal, it's almost a guaranteed kill even at lvl 3.
Mrs Warboys (10) | July 31, 2012 5:48am
I'd even say that you shouldn't max Poison Touch until after Wave AND Grave are maxed. That 4th point delays your level 3-4 Shallow Grave by 4-5 minutes around mid-late game. And Shallow Grave isn't gamebreaking until it has high range at levels 3 and 4.
Bezekuma | July 30, 2012 1:17pm

If you can see that you have a strong lane, do you think maxing poison touch over shadow wave be beneficial, or is maxing SW of such great importance?

In my opinion, Maxing Poison touch isn't necessary in nearly any situation. The difference between level 3 and 4 is so minimal, you really just need it for the slow and stun. Maxing shadow wave is much more important because landing it right after the slow from poison touch is devastating.
The Metalgod (1) | July 30, 2012 1:03pm
If you can see that you have a strong lane, do you think maxing poison touch over shadow wave be beneficial, or is maxing SW of such great importance?
Bezekuma | July 30, 2012 12:49am
Nice guide. I'm a very avid Dazzle player myself and your general playstyle is similar to mine. I usually build other late game items though, and I usually skip the soul ring.
Havox | July 25, 2012 1:16am
@FAQDAPOLIS - I assume you meant Boots of Travel, and at that point I feel like you've been busy farming rather than supporting, but, if you have the gold it is nice to have, although I'd recommend other items more (depending on the matchup). I will say that Boots of Travel always gives nice map control.

@Martys - A Tango never really hurts to have just in case, in fact if you're new to playing dazzle it's recommended, either that or a couple more Clarity potions to have the mana to cast Shadow Wave.
The Urn of Shadows is another option to have more heal potential, I just usually skip it as it is non-essential to me. But if it helps your team out then I have absolutely nothing against it.

Thanks for everyone's input and glad if I can help anyone even a little. :)
Frodo007 (2) | July 24, 2012 5:06am
You help me a lot :)
thank you +1
Martys (1) | July 22, 2012 6:29am
I feel so totally stupid, I never thought of getting Soul Ring on Dazzle, I mean he has healing spell that always targets him that nicely negates the damage from Soul Ring, I have no idea why I never thought of this simple solution, this solves early manaproblems so easily... Stupid me

I would possibly get at least one Tango patch or a Healing Salve to have at least some regen before I would get that Soul Ring, the mana pool and cost of Shadow Wave disallow it to be used often this early. But that's just personal preference.

Urn of shadow is cheap and gives alot better heal than Shadow Wave for healing hurt heroes outside battle to have them ready for another engagement quicker, it aslo gives nice strenght and mana regen. Just saying.

Also funny note: both Poison Touch and Shadow Wave deal physical damage, meaning it get's amplified by the Weave. I noticed it when writing this comment.

Overally good guide, could use more eplaining but it!s fine.
FAQDAPOLIS | July 22, 2012 12:01am
mhhmm i ususually use as luxury items boots of speed
BTW nice guide +1
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