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228 Votes

Day walker... Night Stalker - A Guide to Balanar

January 28, 2013 by Balder
Comments: 120    |    Views: 991929    |   

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mgr14 | April 18, 2016 8:44am
this is a very nice guide. i tried it, and the result is surprisingly well for me (K/D/A = 10/6/21). thanks a lot for making this guide :)
kebabman | August 14, 2015 5:01pm
10 kills and 0 deaths are u drinking while writing that?! So in 1 night i mean 4 minutes or so u want us to kill the whole enemy team twice and lasthit all the creeps the lane giving no ****s to ur laning partner. U should edit that
Jobroaj (2) | July 10, 2015 1:54pm
Amazing build.I know it is quite outdated (i would really love it if you updated it to the new 6.84) and you might not be able to read this but.........I love it i might use it some time as i'm planning to learn about night stalker and maybe i'll read about storm as well +1 for me with out a doubt
Harmless Elephant Tails | April 17, 2015 8:54pm
Awesome guide you have here. surely deserves my up-vote. It does bug me when people only look at the surface of things rather than observe all the effort and time put into it. It's like you wrote a novel dedicating all your time and effort to it, and then somebody reads the blurb and already has an opinion about it.
A lot of great tips and advice here no wonder it has 219 votes. I like how you make your item build very diverse because no one rigid item build works 100% of the time. Spirit breaker have Urn? don't get one. Build 2 bracers instead.
But really phenomenal guide.
PoopSlam | January 4, 2015 12:21am
Nice guide. Played following this just now, 16/1/17 (unranked trench!). The main thing I took from the guide is simply at night go and roam and being aggressive. That's pretty much all you need to know :-)
Stricture | December 17, 2014 9:28am
Really nice guide, very useful. Stresses that builds are situational which is always hard to remeber.

You might want to add that a 16 % movespeed increase (Phase or SnY) with max Hunter in the Night puts Balanar at 520 movespeed.
PsychoMute | September 26, 2014 1:25am
I'm a complete noob at Dota 2, only have 2 games under my belt. (Not including the 20-odd bot games)
This is the best, most comprehensive guide I've come across so far! Registered just to vote up.

flow82 | September 3, 2014 7:59am
Very nice guide, thanks a lot for this!
But your KDA table looks a little harsh to me. Of course it's possible to get 9+ kills in the first night, but for sure not in every game (at least, if the enemy team isn't totaly ******ed).
Also, in your pic you showing Spirit Breaker bought the urn, you got 11/7/25 after almost 40min - what happened here? ;)

I like the idea of the KDA and I got the point of it, but nevertheless it think it a little bit over ambitious.
Supports are cool | September 3, 2014 3:04am
I'll never play nightstalker cause it is a carry but now I understand the hero better. Thanks!
Good guide +1
PopThePoss | August 15, 2014 8:38pm
I sir am a noob. I truly thank you for giving an in depth explanation on this hero for the likes of me. I know this guide has been posted a couple of years back but still I am excited to try this guide out and - if possible - attain the scores which are showcased on the first row of the KDA table someday. Just so you know I signed up for an account just to deliver this message. Much respect to you from a lowly anonymous learner.
Luxthorn | August 3, 2014 4:53am
First at all, thanks for your guide, not such is so usefull, because you are a great writer, you make me read all the entire guide jajaja, and reading this in my 1° training with unfair bots, i achieve 3 kills and 1 dead u.u for hungry and i could get my bottle easy and after the first night. The reason for i try to pick and improve my skill with NS is because i allways play with the Invoker, and in one public match there´s one NS enemy, and so he alone make us all fear the freakin night, as you said jaja.
So i´m glad to write this thanks to you.
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