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A lot of great tips and advice here no wonder it has 219 votes. I like how you make your item build very diverse because no one rigid item build works 100% of the time. Spirit breaker have Urn? don't get one. Build 2 bracers instead.
But really phenomenal guide.
You might want to add that a 16 % movespeed increase (Phase or SnY) with max Hunter in the Night puts Balanar at 520 movespeed.
I'm a complete noob at Dota 2, only have 2 games under my belt. (Not including the 20-odd bot games)
This is the best, most comprehensive guide I've come across so far! Registered just to vote up.
But your KDA table looks a little harsh to me. Of course it's possible to get 9+ kills in the first night, but for sure not in every game (at least, if the enemy team isn't totaly ******ed).
Also, in your pic you showing Spirit Breaker bought the urn, you got 11/7/25 after almost 40min - what happened here? ;)
I like the idea of the KDA and I got the point of it, but nevertheless it think it a little bit over ambitious.
Good guide +1
So i´m glad to write this thanks to you.