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First, the Dragon Blood armor does affect illusions, but not the HP gain. Second, out of all of the Elder Dragon Form attack modifiers, only the splash damage actually affects anything. The Corrosive Breath and Frost Breath icons above the HUD are only there, I believe, to make it harder for the enemy to determine which Dragon Knight is real.
Anyway, I am going to try out Manta on DK sometimes soon. Aside from removing debuffs, the thought of three elder dragons in every battle is pretty sweet. :)
I hope you all like it!
Thank you cuttles! I think I should clarify the snowballing question is a bit similiar to a deathball DK.
When I want to finish fast, how should I build him?
Personally I prefer
For snowballing you need to get kills and hunt down fleeing enemies.
So go SB(safer way) or blink(if your team has no classic blink initiator), then maybe S&Y, then what's needed.
Part of the snowballing is to get objectives after each pickoff, and for that BKB + AC/Heart is the safe way. I usually don't build S&Y, if I need some extra mobility I go for drums.
I think the safest build is SB -> BKB -> Heart. SB to get kills, BKB to win teamfights, then Heart to have sustain to break their base.
But I don't think DK is especially strong against Illusion Heroes, especially not against CK.
CK rapes DK with slightly less farm.
He is okayish, but the illusion guys has the upper hand.
"Helm of the Dominator: This item is very cost efficient for its effects"
Not at all for DK, what cost efficient is maelstorm and drums. HotD gives you a little armor and hp regen, which u already has, gives mediocre damage and lifesteal, which is only useful if u have decent damage, but u don't have it early. I only buy it early game when I am sure that I will have the time and space to stack ancients then farm them, otherwise DK is a better midgame teamfighter/pusher with bkb or ganker with SB which can create space for your harder carry to farm.
So in short HotD is a long term hard carry kind of item with little use in early and in midgame.
When I want to finish fast, how should I build him?
Personally I prefer
1. Which build would benefit a snowballer the most? I am unsure if it might ne the AoE damage or the Ganker.
Seriously, if you want to snowball with DK, go straight up
1. Snowballing DK is rather tough, since he is slow and has high downtime. I used to do it with
1. Which build would benefit a snowballer the most? I am unsure if it might ne the AoE damage or the Ganker.
2. On the AoE damage build, why dont you include a
Anyways, thanks in advance!
If your enemies have a stronger late game, go for a more mid-game orientated build, like SnY-BKB or Armlet-BKB.
However, I think you're underestimating his recently buffed late game. DK may not have damage steroids, but he's still immensely dangerous, especially against Illusion Carries and Kitable Ones. The addition of damage reduction to Breathe Fire helps the DPS races of late game, and his tankability combined with his slow and some attack speed and damage items means that he is extremely dangerous just by being alive and slowing everyone, especially after the fight starts and enemies tend to bunch together. His damage also scales with his items, like a Gyrocopter, and he's ranged, so its not like he can get easily kited in Dragon Form. However, as a solo carry, DK does not hit his potential, kind of like Tiny, he usually wants another hero to help him deal damage, or to supplement his damage with things like
As for Troll, I have managed to kite him on multiple occasions with DK, as I always go SnY BKB Skadi against Troll. He's very kitable because he tends to stay in his melee form in order to bash. If he doesn't, he's missing out on a lot of potential CC for his team. Sure he's fast, but he's not immune to being slowed by DK, even if he has BKB. So what usually happens is he runs in, turns on BKB, I start hitting him, he either goes ranged mode to try to DPS me down, or he keeps trying to chase me or an ally futilely, but I can tank the ranged damaged until BKB wears off, also due to my own SnY giving me speed. Once his BKB runs out, stun him, and he will die before you do (this is all assuming your net worths are close, a lot of DKs tend to forget to farm if they go pusher or ganker). Only issue is if he goes Dagger, but if he does, he's probably not gonna jump on the tankiest guy on the team, unless you're the only source of damage, which you shouldn't be.
I don't think that troll should be placed by "kittable" heroes cuz even in his ranged form he can do a lot of damage due of fevor. He also has a slow and will go into melee form and come with incredible movementspeed to you if you are getting low and he is really likely to bash you at a certain moment because you can't outrun a troll.
Also, mathcraft section was removed, since it was used to support the old thesis that DK is not a hard carry, because it had errors, and because for some reason, people ignored the DK guide and only commented on the carry math section. This data is archived, so if you would like it, I can send it to you.
Also, seems like a minor part of the guide, there is a weird fixation on the calculations of Morphling that everyone is exclusively complaining about and it confuses me.