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17 Votes

Cuttleboss' Guide to The Ways of Abadass [6.87]

May 11, 2016 by Cuttleboss
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Eon_Theory (2) | February 3, 2016 2:57pm
What do you think of the Abaddon offlane that has emerged recently in the competitive dota scene? Perhaps you could discuss it in the guide?
Cuttleboss (28) | September 30, 2015 12:08am
The guide has received a significant update, with a new experimental build based on something i theorycrafted and tested, and the addition of Blink Dagger and Ring of Basi to items.
Cuttleboss (28) | May 19, 2015 10:58pm
Magic Wand can be a fine pickup, but I don't pick it up often. Usually my focus is to get Soul Ring Tranquils as quickly as I can so I can do sustained heals on allies. Wand can be a pickup if game is hard, but after the early core I tend to work towards a first item, like a Vlads, Mek, or Force. Wand however is really useful if you're against Mana Burning heroes and you need that extra boost and cheap stats, or if you're facing Zeus or Bristles, it helps immensely. Otherwise, the heal is not that required for him since he's not gonna get targeted anyway and would only shine for after Borrowed Time ends, and you're likely the last person standing on your team at that point.

If you like the item, feel free to get it.
Devampi (1) | May 19, 2015 8:40pm
a question. what are your thought about Magic Wand. I normally tend to start with Tango-cour/wards-salve (you never know when you need one or your carry)- 2-3 gg branches rushing magic wand against heavy casting line up/lane and after that brown boots (going to mana for greaves rush), ring & basilius/bracer (depends on vlads or drum first) in an order I see fit better (normally getting soul ring before lvl 6 or just after)
Cuttleboss (28) | May 19, 2015 3:34pm
I woke up this morning and found I managed to get to the number 1 front page guide.

Thanks so much everyone. This is the first time that's happened with any of my content.
Cuttleboss (28) | May 15, 2015 11:32pm
Update: Visual Story added. Added a little bit of writing fixing too. This looks to be fun.

And Michi, I did not say summons do not work with Curse of Avernus. I include Summoner pushers like Lycan and Nature's Prophet and Necro as an item because it does work. It doesn't work with illusion heroes.

Sure you rarely push with them, but when you do, towers melt like butter. A Terrorblade would not reap such benefits however.
michimatsch (26) | May 14, 2015 3:59pm
One thing that caught my attention: YOur reasoning that Abaddon is not good with summoning pushers is that you have Curse of Avernus. But all units benefit from it!
While I would agree that he is not good with summoning pushers (as they are split-pushers and Abaddon is, as you pointed out a hero made for smaller engagements and then pushing)
you should maybe clarify what you mean at that point. This is only a very small issue thou (it's maybe not even an issue maybe I am just too dumb).
I am waiting for your story! I hope it won't be with a sad ending as with Dragon Knight.
I want a happy ending pls!
SatomiCappucino (12) | May 14, 2015 3:59am
Nice guide Cuttle. I hope most low-leveled pub players will stop rushing Vlads after seeing this(and I mean, before everything...).
The Frosto (14) | May 13, 2015 4:33pm
yes it does
TheSofa (54) | May 13, 2015 2:19pm
Does self damage remove Clarity? Hmm....
Cuttleboss (28) | May 13, 2015 4:00am
Hey everyone, I'm glad you like the guide. This is the most positive first wave of comments there has ever been for any of my guides. Maybe I'm getting better at this.

Apaz, I appreciate your compliment, it's not often that someone comments that they found no problems and maybe if I get enough time and views, I can get closer to the top, but so far, I've never beaten Sando, he's too good.

And Sofa, hey! Let me explain why my starting items work well for me, its for several reasons:

Ring of Regen and Tango are shareable (which I forgot to emphasize, I'll add it in the next version when I do the visual story), which adds a lot of potential harass suspension.
Mist Coil costs only 50 mana at level 1, which means that without mana items, you can support enough of them to get through early game until you get Soul Ring. You only cast Aphotic to prevent kills and not to harass until you have your Soul Ring.

Clarities are not picked up because of several reasons. Casting Mist Coil removes it because of self damage. You are relying on your regen items and maybe a few coils to stave off early harass on your carry (and it usually works). You can't roam or gank early, so a clarity has little use, since you're either staying in lane as a support, pulling the lane, or going to stack jungle camps. Abaddon does not have the conventions of many clarity buying supports like VS or Shadow Shaman, who have roaming, ganking options, or even harassing options. Aba's got none of that, so generally I find more success playing passively until the Soul Ring comes. And as core, especially offlane, the faster Soul Ring is preferred still so you can start spamming Aphotic for pressure and last hits.

A mango might be viable though.
TheSofa (54) | May 13, 2015 1:39am
Hey Cuttle!

Great guide, love to see an Abbadon one. Not sure I agree with the starting items though. Maybe some Claritys to start?
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