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Cuttleboss' Guide to Gluttony and Greed [6.86]

February 12, 2016 by Cuttleboss
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SingularitysMarauder | October 17, 2016 12:14pm
Can u make more starting items options?
Cuttleboss (28) | February 13, 2016 9:11pm
That build, I would say probably not. Greaves and aura items mean you generally don't want to go late. The starting items are fine, but after Refresher, probably not.

You're being faced with 3 issues there as the game gets late, first, your Doom has no armor items, which becomes apparent as the game goes on and the enemy Drow can still kill you in 3 seconds, which is why Shivas is an extremely important Doom pickup. Second, there is a 90% chance you will need Scythe or Atos as the game gets late, since you need it to pop Linkens instantly to Doom people, this may not leave room for Skadi. Third, there is a 100% chance you will eventually need Travels, so that means you are using 2 slots for boots, which doesn't leave room for Skadi/Octarine.
YellulzQuiet (8) | February 13, 2016 3:16pm
Radiance Greaves Blink Refresher Octarine Skadi is a viable item build then ?
Cuttleboss (28) | February 13, 2016 9:30am
Okay, let's examine this.

Doom has 2.0 BAT, that means he by default does 0.5 attacks per second (1/2) if he has no items. Heroes with 1.7 BAT will do 0.59 attacks per second (1/1.7), which is 18% higher. Doom also has 0.9 agility gain. But he does have Alpha Wolf to give him 20% attack damage, but honestly, it's more of a bonus than something to build around, kind of like Oracle's 1.4 BAT.

Anyway, if you want to pick up right click items for giggles, go for Alpha Wolf, get manta, then stack skadis, since Doom at least has high strength gain and a % based scale on his wolf that goes based on strength. Then again, you can pick Chaos Knight for the same function to much greater success, or Dragon Knight can do this too better than Doom can.

Radiance is your item if you want to be doing lots of damage, it adds a bunch of damage without relying on your comically underwhelming right clicks.

Now, as for Octarine vs Skadi. In many cases, you probably can't get either of them, since they tend to be slot 6 items, and Doom has to put so much before it, tanking, mobility, and most likely Atos if the enemies are itemizing properly. Of the 2, Octarine is the juicier item, especially since Doom's ult cooldown is really high now. However, Skadi is useful because it lets Doom kite heroes much better if he can apply a 5 second slow with each Infernal Blade. Basically, it depends on how comfortable you are getting close to the enemy and how much the slow would affect them, but usually Octarine is the better 6th item because the cooldown of Doom and Refresher Orb can be crippling in the late game.
Sp3ctr3 (4) | February 12, 2016 10:40pm
I understand what you say about the awful Doom's BAT, but, if I want to build a rigth click item (because I'm stupid), which one would be a good pick up? Daedalus is not that good since you attack really slow, same with Battle Fury. Maybe a Desolator? Since if you hit once the armor reduction triggers, or maybe a Monkey King Bar. Another question: Is Octarine Core a superior pick up over let's say Eye of Skadi. I love the cooldown reduction and since I usually go for a Radiance I can lifesteal from both the Doom and Radiance DoT.

Just wanted to say it's a great guide and I like it a lot.
Cuttleboss (28) | February 12, 2016 4:45pm
Well, the guide does point out a few times how good Doom is against Omniknight.
The Satyr Purge is rated 10/10 against Omniknight, the range is short, but if you got the mana, it owns him.
I recommend you Doom him or Enigma or Abaddon over Dooming their carries in the guide too, since in many ways those heroes are more dangerous. The reason Omni (and Abaddon) is still under enemies is that if you don't Doom them, they'll probably save the Doomed person.

And your build is fine, it balances the strength of each of the builds. Aghs is still a good pickup on Doom, especially if you're pushing the enemy base, since it gives you a lot more time to take their barracks, since they'll need to leave the range of you and wait out the fight in the fountain. It's not as good as it used to be, so in the disabler path (the first build) I added some alternatives to Aghs.
YellulzQuiet (8) | February 12, 2016 2:37pm
Point out that doom is the best counter to the omniscience, if you devour a satyr you will have a 3 sec Purge, it is just so good against omni
Also Greaves Blink Radiance is my go to build, he has very little damage with aghs now, and it only should be picked against strong passive carries
Sanvitch (18) | October 18, 2015 11:24am
I think it's worth saying that in a 1v1 situation, Mud Golem's are probably the best creeps to eat because the nuke has no mana cost, so it's just free harass every 30s.
Cuttleboss (28) | October 18, 2015 11:22am
Fixed, silly Razor, what are you doing there? Also, the guide received a minor update, adding Witch Doctor and Ancient Apparition to his enemies list due to their anti-tanking spells.
VWXZ | October 17, 2015 6:32am
"Let's see how Razor interacts with other heroes."
Thought I'd let you know. Otherwise great guide.
Cuttleboss (28) | October 14, 2015 10:56pm
@ Wyntmet: That is a good point, but I do find Shiva's Guard much more useful than AC since the movespeed slow prevents escape, especially of the Doomed target and since Doom will not often get to right click, but AC is certainly useful for taking objectives after fights. I can see disassembling it for Octarine Core if you are short on cash though and the enemies are fighting you a lot. A naked platemail is very good on doom still.

@ Sando, Yeah, Doom is still susceptible to getting wrecked by Anti-Tanks. He has many advantages over those heroes, but he is also highly dependent on a well initiated fight much of the time so he can jump in and do his Dooming, so if they do something well coordinated with their team, they can easily kill Doom, just like with any other non-tidehunting hero. I only don't consider those 2 that big as threats because they are high priority targets for Doom much of the time anyway. AA or Witch Doctor on the other hand may be bigger issues, being support based anti-tanks.
Sando (118) | October 14, 2015 12:49am
Cuttleboss wrote:

Huskar usually is pretty easy if you Doom him and don't fight him, but just let the DoT do its work, since if he steals life, he may just survive. Necro is kind of a problem, but not a massive one usually, since he can't burst that well, so it is usually easy to Doom him before he scythes if he doesn't do a coordinated nuke with his team, and also high regen tanks like Doom are better against Necro than high health ones like Undying.

I do agree with what you and Hamster are saying about the Huskar/ Necrophos 1v1 matchups, but I don't think it always turns out like this in a real game. You may have several "priority" targets in a fight, and can't necessarily pick out the anti-tank for special treatment over the good of your team. Doom has very high health gain, which makes him so tanky, but he can be burst down by them very quickly. It's one of those weird counter/counter situations, and Doom can technically counter almost anyone 1v1.
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