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3 Votes

Concise Guide to the Balanced Blookseeker

February 5, 2013 by Aedos
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Aedos | June 17, 2013 4:54pm
moogwrench wrote:

forget radiance, what about maelstrom/mjollnir? maelstrom is low cost (2700) and greatly increases surivability through chain lightning last hits, and it builds beautifully and easily into mjollnir (which in my mind is superior to radiance for bs) after yasha build maelstrom, then bkb (if you need it), then mjollnir...

not sure how chain lightning last hits increase survivability... AND bloodseeker shouldnt be spending time farming.
moogwrench | June 4, 2013 1:15am
forget radiance, what about maelstrom/mjollnir? maelstrom is low cost (2700) and greatly increases surivability through chain lightning last hits, and it builds beautifully and easily into mjollnir (which in my mind is superior to radiance for bs) after yasha build maelstrom, then bkb (if you need it), then mjollnir...
Aedos | February 6, 2013 11:26pm
Pajamatron wrote:

Why is there no radiance, its a decent item for bloodseeker. Is his q based off of damage or stats?

his Q is based soley off his base damage and i will add radiance to situational however i believe that bkb is much more important for reasons explained in the guide. Also if you are owning har enough to get radi by the time that it is still useful it probably doesnt matter what item you go for or you are spending too long farming.
Pajamatron | February 6, 2013 3:57pm
Why is there no radiance, its a decent item for bloodseeker. Is his q based off of damage or stats?
Aedos | February 6, 2013 1:02pm
I believe that force staff does have good synergy with rupture however imagine you could get a yasha or almost a bkb for the same cost, and this item helps bloodseeker out late-mid and early-late game when his power starts to wane. Getting a force staff, espcially after the remake, is extremely situational.

Btw how do you create the pictured links??
voltenix | February 6, 2013 4:37am
I would go for Force Staff for Bloodseeker as it work wonderful with Rupture and increase his chasing and escaping ablities
Aedos | February 6, 2013 1:10am
Thats why its called a concise guide :P
bathristo | February 5, 2013 11:54pm
Not a bad guide its a bit short but it still ain't that bad +1
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