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20 Votes

Chemical Rage Quit

September 26, 2013 by Numeta
Comments: 22    |    Views: 57748    |   

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Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 26, 2013 9:35pm
You chose to start with Quelling Blade over Stout Shield on a hero with so little armor?
Sirpolar | August 16, 2013 11:18pm
snakedude wrote:

Hey there guys. I'm new to this site so don't mind if i aggrevate any of u hehe........
But seriously guys its plain and simple here.
Atlas's guide is more general than Numeta's. It's more noob friendly and will keep alchey alive to some extent even if its being played by a noob.
On the other hand Numeta's guide is a tad more pro friendly i.e players who have been playing dota 2 for a long time or are dota 1 players. Hence its more about owning the game than the other.
Suffice to say, both have done an excellent job in explaining their views and both are impressive.
But all the guys reading these guides make sure u read Atlas's guide if ur a noob and don't have much game experience and only then after u have played alchey fairly read Numeta's guide.
But if ur experienced or seasoned give a go to Numeta's. Common game sense will prevail for u for items depending on different situations any day.
Ownage GG!!!!

Please stop insulting us. Atlas's guide is not more "Noob Friendly". It simply has a wider variety of items and a build that can be adapted tp the situation. And no, acid spray isn't viable maxed first.
Numeta (27) | July 23, 2012 11:16pm
awwww snakedude <3
snakedude | June 28, 2012 8:25pm
Hey there guys. I'm new to this site so don't mind if i aggrevate any of u hehe........
But seriously guys its plain and simple here.
Atlas's guide is more general than Numeta's. It's more noob friendly and will keep alchey alive to some extent even if its being played by a noob.
On the other hand Numeta's guide is a tad more pro friendly i.e players who have been playing dota 2 for a long time or are dota 1 players. Hence its more about owning the game than the other.
Suffice to say, both have done an excellent job in explaining their views and both are impressive.
But all the guys reading these guides make sure u read Atlas's guide if ur a noob and don't have much game experience and only then after u have played alchey fairly read Numeta's guide.
But if ur experienced or seasoned give a go to Numeta's. Common game sense will prevail for u for items depending on different situations any day.
Ownage GG!!!!
Numeta (27) | June 15, 2012 3:57am
Thanks bro.

Added a video at the bottom.
kirbyruled (16) | June 14, 2012 11:43am

I much prefer this build to the standard Spectre style Vanguard -> Radiance -> Phase Boots Alchemist that is worthless scavenger until Radiance and outcarried late game by Anti-Mage regardless.
Numeta (27) | June 14, 2012 9:53am
Added a bunch of pictures for you noobs :3
SkyneT800 (1) | May 21, 2012 10:13am
You can always just buy a stout shield and leave it at that. I've tried this build and it's pretty intense how gank successful alchemist can be. I went phase boots though as he is kinda slow early on without rage active.
Sublime#153706 | May 21, 2012 5:16am
Alchemist is just too weak of a hero to just rush into Armlet. When I do play him, I pick up either Vanguard or Hood most of the time. It seriously helps his early game, Numeta...
Numeta (27) | May 18, 2012 1:00pm
Ok.. even at level 8 with an armlet I got 1500+ hp. Vanguard and hood are not needed at all.

I would only think to buy a vanguard if I'm in a power lane and maxing stun, even then I would still go armlet over vanguard. Vanguard just isn't that great.
PotM_Plz (19) | May 18, 2012 12:08pm
If you get stomped on early game, you wont have a armlet and might not even get to level need Vanguard, and Hood of Defiance, end of argument. And right after after Armlet, why not get Assault Cuirass. Armor is the best stat late game.
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