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Cheapo Meepo

December 9, 2014 by Pythenogoria
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Pythenogoria | December 20, 2014 10:26am
45 peons wrote:

IMHO armlet is a waste - gives nothing to the clones except for +25 strength which you have to manually activate. If you need strength that bad just buy a reaver for 600 more gold. Furthermore, with Meepo you already have plenty to do with 5 heroes to control, so activating an armlet in the middle of a fight is another click/keypress I shouldn't need to worry about.

And you didn't mention boots of travel. Meepo is the most OP split pusher in the game. Plus with travel boots farm is incredible. It also allows limitless fountain trips.

Also, ethereal blade is better than assault cuirass for dps and armor, and its cheaper. Plus if you get more than 1 the stats stack. And you can use the active to either amplify poof damage or to save a hurt meepo. For a "right click" build consider simply stacking skadi or e-blades.

And the counters - if your having trouble with Lion or Lina or Riki or Silencer or most of the heroes you mentioned in the counter list you shouldn't be playing Meepo. Probably the biggest counter for Meepo which is Earth Shaker you omitted. AOE stunners are the worst for Meepo cause they interrupt channelling of poof. If I'm faced with heaps of AOE stunners I go to rat mode with travel boots.

BTW - I have about 2000 games with Meepo. So at 125 games I had no idea what I was doing compared to now so I forgive you for that.

Thank's for the feedback. I've gotten skadi before as well as eth blade, but thought that sheepstick was a better choice. I hadn't thought about just stacking e-blades, which I'll definitely try my next match.
45 peons | December 16, 2014 12:07am
IMHO armlet is a waste - gives nothing to the clones except for +25 strength which you have to manually activate. If you need strength that bad just buy a reaver for 600 more gold. Furthermore, with Meepo you already have plenty to do with 5 heroes to control, so activating an armlet in the middle of a fight is another click/keypress I shouldn't need to worry about.

And you didn't mention boots of travel. Meepo is the most OP split pusher in the game. Plus with travel boots farm is incredible. It also allows limitless fountain trips.

Also, ethereal blade is better than assault cuirass for dps and armor, and its cheaper. Plus if you get more than 1 the stats stack. And you can use the active to either amplify poof damage or to save a hurt meepo. For a "right click" build consider simply stacking skadi or e-blades.

And the counters - if your having trouble with Lion or Lina or Riki or Silencer or most of the heroes you mentioned in the counter list you shouldn't be playing Meepo. Probably the biggest counter for Meepo which is Earth Shaker you omitted. AOE stunners are the worst for Meepo cause they interrupt channelling of poof. If I'm faced with heaps of AOE stunners I go to rat mode with travel boots.

BTW - I have about 2000 games with Meepo. So at 125 games I had no idea what I was doing compared to now so I forgive you for that.
Pythenogoria | December 10, 2014 7:21am
Unscathed wrote:

actually is 33 not 35 percent

Checked wiki its 35
Unscathed (47) | December 9, 2014 10:36pm
actually is 33 not 35 percent
Pythenogoria | December 9, 2014 2:02pm
ElDiablo wrote:

There's a lot of info missing. Like there isn't a section that tells the reader what each of Meepo's skills do or a section that tells the reader why you should pick these items.
Also when you explained how to blink poof you used 2 instead of W, that in the end isn't a big deal.

UPDATE now it's done. I don't think I'm missing anything now, I might add specifics onto the abilities (actual cooldown and damage)
FooSquash | December 9, 2014 12:25pm

I think Pythenogoria and FooSquash are one and the same user
or are they from one team? [Disrupt]

Yeah, we are on the same team, lol. But I can't play Meepo for my life; no micro-skillz here. :P
Pythenogoria | December 9, 2014 5:50am
Unscathed wrote:

Meepo has 33% magical damage resistance, which is higher than the regular 25%.

Cant remember visage... Like 12.5% or something.

And what are you saying above? I cant comprehend.

Oh your right I just look it up. I have no idea where I got that from :P
I read that they had different ones so I guess I assumed it was 0%...?
Whatever. I'll take that off when I get the chance.
Pythenogoria | December 9, 2014 5:46am
ElDiablo wrote:

There's a lot of info missing. Like there isn't a section that tells the reader what each of Meepo's skills do or a section that tells the reader why you should pick these items.
Also when you explained how to blink poof you used 2 instead of W, that in the end isn't a big deal.

Not done, I need sections for Items, Skills, Alternate Skill Builds, etc.
I wrote all of this yesterday.
Foosquash is my friend and he can't come up with his own conclusion.
Unscathed (47) | December 9, 2014 5:45am
Meepo has 33% magical damage resistance, which is higher than the regular 25%.

Cant remember visage... Like 12.5% or something.

And what are you saying above? I cant comprehend.
Pythenogoria | December 9, 2014 5:42am
Unscathed wrote:

Why would you say 0% magic resist?

Ironically, he has the highest base resist, kappa.

Every hero in the game except for Meepo and Visage have 25% (unless I am mistaken). Meepo and Visage both have 0% Magic Resistance base. Notice how all calculations for magical damage have -25%.
Pythenogoria | December 9, 2014 5:32am
Sorry i didnt metion it wasnt finished
ElDiablo (10) | December 9, 2014 12:56am
There's a lot of info missing. Like there isn't a section that tells the reader what each of Meepo's skills do or a section that tells the reader why you should pick these items.
Also when you explained how to blink poof you used 2 instead of W, that in the end isn't a big deal.
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