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Cheapo Meepo

December 9, 2014 by Pythenogoria
Comments: 16    |    Views: 12419    |   

Cheapo Meepo Build

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

Hero Skills

Sticky Fingers (Innate)


1 8 9 14


2 4 5 7


6 11 12 13

Divided We Stand

3 10 17


15 16 18

Introduction to Meepo

Meepo is a mid-late game agility carry who deals massive burst damage as well as having strong pushing power. Contrary to popular belief, he is not exactly the hardest hero to play well. However, to play Meepo, you do need a working knowledge of the Dota 2 and you must have fast fingers.


Massive burst damage
Fast farmer
Very strong carry
Good pusher
Strong during most stages in the game
35% Magic Reistance


Easily countered
Low starting stats
Easily countered
Hard to play
Easily countered


A skillshot where you throw a big net. It is very hard to hit. As you level it up the cooldown decreases and the range increases. Earthbind stops channeling, meaning you can cancel Life Drain, Shackles, and Fiend's Grip. You can also cancel Town Portal Scroll. You want to max this last, but point 3 points in pretty early on. Earthbind also prevents netted units from blinking or going invisible. However, Timbersaw can escape from net with Timberchain.

This is your main skill as Meepo. To sum it up, you do a jig and fart, teleporting to any Meepo on the map (no matter how far away they are) and doing damage in an AOE around departing and arrival locations. When you use Poof to teleport to yourself, it will do twice the depicted damage (280 instead of 140) because your departing location is your arrival location. There are numerous combos listed in the next chapter involving this ability.

You and all your furry Meepo friends will do overtime damage and slow on each attack with this passive skill. At level 4 with 5 Meepos this will do 140 damage per second and have a 100% slow. This means by right-clicking someone, you will do as much damage as a Viper using Viper Strike with as much slow as well. Keep in mind there is a minimum movement speed, so 100% slow does not mean they cannot move.

Divided We Stand
This is what makes Meepo Meepo. Unlike most ultimates, Divided We Stand scales at levels 3, 10, and 17. It gives you another one of you. This is why you need control groups to play Meepo. The more Meepos you have, thoe more damage Poof does, the higher you DPS is, etc. Each Meepo earns gold and experience seperately, meaning you can jungle and lane at the same time. This takes practice. You may be thinking, "How the hell is this balanced?" Some believe it isn't. But one thing makes it arguable: ALL MeepoS DIE IF ONE Meepo DIES. Divided We Stand is upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter, which gives him a FIFTH MEEPO. Each time you skill Divided We Stand, your respawn time decreases slightly.


Starting Items
This is where you have to most options as Meepo. Usually, you should get either Ring of Basillius or a major stat item such as Belt of Strength (my preference), Band of Elvenskin, or Robe of the Magi.

Ring of Basilius

Most games, you will end up getting a Vladimir's Offering after your scepter, because it gives regen, lifesteal, and bonus damage to all Meepos. Buying a Ring of Basillius also gives bonus damage to all Meepos, helping with last hits, jungling, and kills. The mana regen aura is also amazing on Meepo, because you will be spamming Poof to farm.

Belt of Strength (Or equivalent)

Your first core item is Power Treads. A few people prefer Tranquil Boots, but Meepo needs Power Treads because the attack speed scales to all of the Meepos, and the Strength (or whatever stat you switch it to) affects all Meepos. Buying a Belt of Strength will not only give you insane tankability at level 1, but will also get you a faster Power Treads.


Good regeneration to negate harassment. Since you will probably be in safelane, you will not any more than one set if all goes well.

Iron Branch
What else are you going to do with the rest of the gold?
Stats scale on all Meepos, but you will have sold this by the time that really matters.

Core Items

The Aghanim's Scepter is the best item, undoubtedly, on Meepo. Not only does it give you a FIFTH MEEPO, but also has 100% stat sharing on all items after purchase. (this includes items you bought before the Aghanim's Scepter).

Power Treads is you boots of choice. The stats and attack speed are shared among all of your Meepos.

Blink Dagger is a major option. There is no decision about whether you buy Blink Dagger on Meepo. If you cannot use it properly (the combos are listed below in the Gameplay and Combos chapter), it is worth skipping. The gold could be better spent on items you would actually end up using properly. However, if you can use this properly, it adds another roll on Meepo's belt: Initiator. It allows him and all of his Meepos to teleport on someone, doing massive damage. PURCHASE THIS IMMEDIATELY AFTER Aghanim's Scepter IF YOU CAN USE THIS PROPERLY.


Right Click and Pushing Build

This is the build you will probably choose if you are new to Meepo. Assault Cuirass gives each Meepo armor and attack speed. This, along with its armor reduction, and the bonus damage from Vladimir's Offering will turn you into a DPS Machine. Watch you enemies melt before you.


Now that your Aghanim's Scepter gives you 100% shared stats, you want stat items. A Heart of Tarrasque gives each of you Meepos 40 strength. This translates to 760 health on each Meepo. The downside to this is something you must remember: The 2% HP regeneration only affects the main Meepo. The Armlet of Mordiggian drains your health rapidly, but provides another 25 strength to all Meepos. This translates into another 475 HP to all Meepos. The greatest part of this combo is that the HP drain on Armlet of Mordiggian only affects Meepo #1, the one that is holding it, and the HP regeneration of Heart of Tarrasque negates the HP drain of Armlet of Mordiggian.

Double Reaver

Two Reavers provide 50 strength, or 950 health to all Meepos. They can each be upgraded to Heart of Tarrasque, giving you a total of 80 strength or 1520 health.


Gives decent stats and a lockdown active, Hex, which will allow you to decimate your foes by completely disabling them for 3.5 seconds. It is recommended to buy this if you are facing a strong physical-damage carry like Phantom Assassin or Troll Warlord.

Kill Roshan once you have Aghanim's Scepter. If you are going for the right-click build, Roshan will be very easy to take out.


As a Meepo, you should never go offlane. You will not get the farm you need to get fast Aghanim's Scepter. Neither should you go in a trilane, as you need fast level 10. Your first priority is last hits. You may use Poof to get last hits, due to it's low mana cost. Once you have 3 Meepos, you will be able to one-shot creep waves with Poof. Whenever the opportunity arises, kill the enemy players in your lane after you have 3 points in Poof, 1 point in Earthbind, and 1 point in Geostrike. This should be by Level 6. In order to pull this off, you must know how to use the Combos listed below.

Gameplay and Combos

The first thing you need to do before you start playing Meepo is set up control groups. This can be done in the settings in game, in the bottom-right corner of the gameplay tab. You will need one control group to control Meepo Number 1, another to control Meepos 2-5, and one to select them all. Your main Meepo is the only one who can use active items like Blink Dagger, which is an optional core.

The first combo you need to know is one you will need throughout the game, from farming to teamfights. It is Tab2Click. Tab is to cycle through Meepos; each time you hit tab, you go to the next Meepo. (Ex. From Meepo 1 to Meepo 2, to Meepo 3, etc.) This combo, when you have 5 Meepos, does 1400 burst damage in a small AOE. This is enough to kill squishy heroes like Sniper, Witch Doctor, Warlock, etc. You must spam this for all of the Meepos to Poof simultaneously.

The second combo you need to know takes more time to practice. It is called the Blink Poof.It is what gives Meepo his role as an initiator. There are a few ways to do the Blink Poof. The two most common are:

Tab2ClickTab2ClickTab2ClickTab2ClickTab(BLINK)Click. Essentially, this combo is Poofing your 4 extra Meepos and blinking with the last one, teleporting you and all of your Meepos in a 560 burst damage explosion. IF YOU DO NOT THINK YOU CAN DO THIS COMBO, DO NOT BUY A Blink Dagger.

The second combo is slightly different. You use your second control group (the one that contains all of your extra Meepos), and spam Tab2Click. Then, before Poof stops channeling, hit your first control group (the one with the main Meepo) and Blink. The effect is the same: 560 burst damage explosion. IF YOU DO NOT THINK YOU CAN DO THIS COMBO, DO NOT BUY A Blink Dagger.

Counters Explained

Too many heroes counter Meepo. He is practically a broken hero because when the other team does not counter him, he wins, but if they do he loses. Most of the time it is that simple. These are the most noticeable counters.

Oh my god, Lich. Lich is so good against Meepo. A Lich offlane against Meepo safelane is a lost safelane for Meepo. This is only because of one ability: Chain Frost.
What Chain Frost does, if you are not aware, is it bounces from enemy unit to enemy unit, doing magical damage. If you can not separate you little Meepos fast enough, you will die from Chain Frost. If you have more than 3 Meepos, it is impossible to avoid a Chain Frost. If you pick Meepo and the other team picks Lich, you have lost the game.

Lion/ Lina
Both of these heroes do massive AOE magical damage, have AOE stuns, and can single one Meepo down faster than you can say "****." Since Poof is a channeled ability, their stuns can interrupt your Poofs. Unlike with Lich, if you face either of these heroes as Meepo, it is possible to win.

Meepo is very mana-dependant early on, and the fact that Silencer drains all of your Meepos' mana simultaneously doesn't help. His Global Silence also interrupts Poof. Silencer is a minor counter.

Juggernaut/ Ember Spirit
They bounce and kill you the same way Chain Frost does. You poor thing.

Riki/ Drow Ranger
Will keep you from Poofing in a teamfight. You can easily win with these heroes on the other team, but they are still mentionable as counters.

You, as a Meepo, both synergize and counter Pugna, Shadow Shaman, and Bane. All of them have channeled abilities that Earthbind can interrupt, and all of their lockdown abilities are amazing for setting up Poofs.


I, Disrupt.Pythenogoria, have played over 125 games with Meepo and have an over 60% winrate with him. He was the first hero I ever mastered and I am still a way to go from being able to play at a high level. He is a very easy hero to learn if you already have a lot of experience and may become a 6.82 metahero. I hope you enjoyed the guide and provide constructive criticism please. Add me on steam if you want to play with me.

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