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11 Votes

Chaos is Fun...damental(In Depth Chaos Knight Guide)

June 9, 2012 by OhDatsApplesMate
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mibbo | January 26, 2013 12:55pm
Every game I've played with this build has been a win, don't really fancy the idea of buying rapier tough.
Poetastrophe (4) | November 28, 2012 2:57pm
Few to no items that benefit his illusions. This guide has to be troll.
I find this guide quite offensive to the Dota community om general, simply because your opponents have to be IDIOTS if you ever hope to outsmart them with this build. Sure you will be able to chase, but only to die.
This is a -1 from me. Please try harder next time.
kirbyruled (16) | June 12, 2012 12:52am

Armlet is a must on Chaos Knight. Armlet has great synergy with Chaos Strike and Phantasm*, and provides one of the cheapest sources of big damage. In fact, if you really keep in mind how Phantasm works (images scale off STR/AGI/INT, rather than Attack Speed/Damage) you can ascertain that building Strength is the way to go. As such, I can't agree with your item build at all; Butterfly would never be a strong choice over Heart, and even after Heart/Satanic I can think of much better things to buy (Assault Cuirass, Abyssal Blade, BKB) than a Butterfly. Even behind an Aegis, a Divine Rapier is another poor choice on this hero, as Phantasm receives none of the +300 damage you just dumped 6200g on.

Lastly, as a strong nuke/stun with an unscaled Mana cost, not maxing Chaos Bolt by 7 is silly. I also can't recommend any points in Chaos Strike until 10.

* Images generated when Armlet is toggled on benefit from the +25 STR of Armlet's active but do not suffer from the usual Health degeneration.
Salawayun (4) | June 11, 2012 11:28pm

I don't kinda look on Chaos Bolt's damage. It's the duration. Even if the duration will be set on 1, it's still a big profit. Anyways, why Sange-Yasha when there is Butterfly? Same with Halbred. They just share same stats, don't they? Though Halbred might not be so bad, as it is a good disabling tool. But if you are going for Butterfly, then the evasion bonus from Halbred is going nowhere :P
[EDITED] I'd like to add "Situational" buying order, though.

By stats I would mean attributes, yes The Butterfly does hold a promising DPS increase for you alone but then you might wanna consider that your illus would need that STR for their own added HP as well as the fact that Halberd does grant the ability to stop DPS opponents from right-clicking you or anyone on your team too early.
And also, if you think that the 1 second stun duration of Bolt holds a big profit then why max it up early considering that the minimum duration is 1 second?
OhDatsApplesMate | June 10, 2012 4:49am
Salawayun wrote:

There was a similar article about this one mentioning PRD so I'd added that up, just skimmed through this one really. Anyway regarding the Item build, again Illusions benefit directly from Stat bonuses and not from raw bonuses, so grabbing S-&-Y or Halberd is quite a good choice. The biggest downside with prioritzing Bolt is the fact that it scales quite bad, you'd be relying on luck with the RGN on a static range spell (meaning it doesn't change as the level progresses) with a seemingly high mana cost.

I don't kinda look on Chaos Bolt's damage. It's the duration. Even if the duration will be set on 1, it's still a big profit. Anyways, why Sange-Yasha when there is Butterfly? Same with Halbred. They just share same stats, don't they? Though Halbred might not be so bad, as it is a good disabling tool. But if you are going for Butterfly, then the evasion bonus from Halbred is going nowhere :P
[EDITED] I'd like to add "Situational" buying order, though.
Salawayun (4) | June 9, 2012 8:36pm
There was a similar article about this one mentioning PRD so I'd added that up, just skimmed through this one really. Anyway regarding the Item build, again Illusions benefit directly from Stat bonuses and not from raw bonuses, so grabbing S-&-Y or Halberd is quite a good choice. The biggest downside with prioritzing Bolt is the fact that it scales quite bad, you'd be relying on luck with the RGN on a static range spell (meaning it doesn't change as the level progresses) with a seemingly high mana cost.
OhDatsApplesMate | June 9, 2012 6:12am
Salawayun wrote:

I'll just repost what I said about this one on joinDOTA.

Rift won't save you in case of a gank, right? If you use Rift to damage an enemy, he will just run away, making you just hit him once. Maxing your Rift doesn't benefit that skill as much as maxing Chaos Bolt too! That's ridiculous to compare 100 damage from Rift on 1 hit to 100-275 damage from Chaos Bolt PLUS the stun, which allows you and your partner to hit even more. And your item suggestion and thing about pseudo-random distribution(yeah, i Google'd that). What the hell are you talking about?
Salawayun (4) | June 9, 2012 5:02am
I'll just repost what I said about this one on joinDOTA.
Rift is much more preferred over Bolt at the early stages, the scaling of Bolt in regards to Mana Cost and Cooldown is quite meh, Rift on the other hand when maxed lowers the cooldown by a very significant amount, not to mention that the mechanic works near similar to a disable as it disrupts channeling spells like TPing enemies. I agree with maxing Crit later as your low IAS makes you to not really benefit from it early. If you're opting for Manta Style then I'd suggest for an early Sange and Yasha or maybe and early Halberd as illusions do benefit from stats and not on raw damage bonuses. And oh, I suggest that you don't mention PRD on your article as the wiki says that it hasn't been implemented on DOTA 2, I guess the game just uses a revised form of RGN or Random Number Generator to decide Crit or Bash chances.
OhDatsApplesMate | June 8, 2012 2:52pm
jaslam wrote:

at level 7 get chaos bolt, so you have a sure 2 sec stun, then max your rift..

It doesn't matter much.
jaslam (21) | June 8, 2012 2:09pm
at level 7 get chaos bolt, so you have a sure 2 sec stun, then max your rift..
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