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4 Votes

Centaur Warrunner: Run your enemies into the ground (v6.76c)

November 26, 2012 by cheeserinoo
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SergeantJezza | May 30, 2014 2:09am
You don't understand how armor works. Each point of armor makes you have 6% more effective hp against physical attacks. Therefore the increase from 1 to 2 is as effective as from 20 to 21. Assault Curi*** and Shivas are therefore effective despite you having lots of armor already.

More information:
HoundDoom444 | May 6, 2014 9:59am
Bah. Ursa is not a problem if you have a heart. If you are playing against an ursa get a sange and a basher with a heart. This would mean you would have an Abyssal blade and a heaven's halbard with a heart. If you are still having problems get a skadi. I never have a problem with any hero. i always keep my health high with regeneration items and then take disables/damage items. If you really want to farm get a Mask of Madness or A Vlads. Also tranquill boots may not be a good idea. power treads can give you attack speed and about 150 hp which is preferable over regen.
SuperNova (16) | November 27, 2012 8:47am
Wulfstan wrote:

I do not agree that Ursa eats alive Centaur Warrunner because he doesn't deal percentage based damage.Just Blade Mail+ Return against Ursa and he is fish food.

yeah, also if your really having problems against him then a ghost scepter should be fine.
Wulfstan (77) | November 27, 2012 8:22am
I do not agree that Ursa eats alive Centaur Warrunner because he doesn't deal percentage based damage.Just Blade Mail+ Return against Ursa and he is fish food.
Hades4u (296) | November 27, 2012 5:02am
You could add Vanguard and Shiva's Guard as situational.

cheeserinoo | November 26, 2012 10:29pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Nice job on writing the guide, but I agree with DirtGrub. Maybe 2 salves would be better than a fast Tranquils, especially against a trilane. You'd maybe constantly spend 100 gold on salves and using the courier to bring it to you, which isn't good for anyone.

About the guide, I like it, but the lvl 4 skill point you should just put into Double Edge, as it's way better than Hoof Stomp. I suggest Vanguard. Blade Mail is better, but the 2 combined will give you great defense.

Anwyway, nice guide, +1 :)

I am assuming that the average pubber isn't going against a trilane. Usually against a dual lane with one person harrasing you and your partner while the other lasthits, Centaur won't be forced to go back to heal, especially not in the first couple minutes with +3hp/sec. I think it's safe to say to get alternative regen if you are going against a trilane, but I've rarely seen one. I switched the lvl 4 skill thanks for letting me know. Vanguard is an option, could be sold once you need to rebuy vit booster for heart. Good suggestions, Thanks!
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 26, 2012 9:37pm
Nice job on writing the guide, but I agree with DirtGrub. Maybe 2 salves would be better than a fast Tranquils, especially against a trilane. You'd maybe constantly spend 100 gold on salves and using the courier to bring it to you, which isn't good for anyone.

About the guide, I like it, but the lvl 4 skill point you should just put into Double Edge, as it's way better than Hoof Stomp. I suggest Vanguard. Blade Mail is better, but the 2 combined will give you great defense.

Anwyway, nice guide, +1 :)
DirtGrub (13) | November 26, 2012 8:04pm
I guess you have never laned against an aggresive trilane? If you ever do in a pub match against a trilane with your starting items you will die or go back to base and cower. I'm pretty sure you can get by with your build in the standard match where everyone is just concerned with CS in pubs. Just want to let you know if you ever start playing against some better players. They will laugh at the +2 regen and harass you out of lane.
cheeserinoo | November 26, 2012 7:43pm
DirtGrub wrote:

Your starting items are very very ummm well lacking. You cant stay in lane with that. I imagine that starting with the ring of protection and some salves and tangoes will go much further than being one item from your Green Boots. I just don't think return is enough to keep people from bringing you low and you have to run back to base. Otherwise this guide is good

Thank you! I think I already knew this was going to come up. I have never had a problem getting fast Tranquils and just feel like buying salves or tangos is just wasted money. I will make note of it in the guide anyways. It would be ideal to be able to rush Tranqs, but it's safer your way.
DirtGrub (13) | November 26, 2012 6:59pm
Your starting items are very very ummm well lacking. You cant stay in lane with that. I imagine that starting with the ring of protection and some salves and tangoes will go much further than being one item from your Green Boots. I just don't think return is enough to keep people from bringing you low and you have to run back to base. Otherwise this guide is good
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