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We have enough idiots running round with battlefury Bounty, why are you trying to increase our pain??
Vanguard? No blink even in late game? Basher on a guy without attackspeed?
Sorry dude, this might work at a low(cant find a less judgemental word), real low level of pubs, but this aint gonna work in a serious game.
Thanks for the comment
Would say one of the best carrys of Dota before the ulti changed just like Jugger so effective so much earlyer than the rest.
Its sad that the Dota2 community has become so Hon stereotypical "agi is carry nothing else exists" its really really saddening but i suppose will see a change to this when elder titan comes out :)
I would rather go for a radi than a battlefury ( "kinda funny if you build bf you are carry ") :D:D up against a phantom lancer id like to have so many bfs i can have.
I rarely play him on lane but tranquils are very nice in the jungle as for skillbuild i prefer maxing out return (since im jungling ) and the stun no i dont like to take extra damage i like to give it later however i got the hp to nuke em with it a lil.
Hood 47% magic reduction lvl 1-4 double edgge 92,75, 132,5, 172,25, 212 dmg. considering you are level 16 when you finnish you will have 1787,8 health each double edge takes 11% of your total health since you got almost none neither do you have much more health than most carrys thus your blademail will be completly wasted but sure it could be good vs a lot of nukers if you give em the chance to nuke you. Total cost is 7260 gold, cant argue with the cost pretty damn cheap but then again the build havent been effective since before the nerf on centaur a couple of weeks after the realease so i would say its very outdated. And a pt, vangaurd, heart build is only 9124 if you are up against a lot of squishy a radi reduces the cost by 375 also gives you 0,92 atkspeed would say fairly good.
Interesting guide, I hadn't really considered the viability of picking up and
I agree with the skill build as maxing out
I disagree on not getting
Also I agree with everyone else's sentiments on
Thanks for the comment
Thanks for the reply, but I still hold
On top of that, it grants +10 damage and +4 intelligence on top of the actual item costs. Even if you're not going to include it in Core (I would), it's at least worth a mention as a situational...
Ok I added Blademail as optional. I don't disagree it has his advantages, but I still maintain there are better items for him for tanking that he could spend 2200 gold on or toward. So we'll just have to agree to disagree on that lol.
I also changed his stats around only because I am sitting around 50/50 on it I'll have to try it out next time I random him.
Thanks again for the comments :D
I agree with the skill build as maxing out
I disagree on not getting
Also I agree with everyone else's sentiments on
On top of that, it grants +10 damage and +4 intelligence on top of the actual item costs. Even if you're not going to include it in Core (I would), it's at least worth a mention as a situational...
So buying a Blademail on Centaur is like paying to fill up your gas tank in a car that already has a full tank of gas in my opinion.
That all being said Centaur is a tank and I feel he benefits more from items that increase his overall hit points and strength and boost his overall tankiness.
Thanks for the comment.
But as I stated this is how I play him, it works well for me and items are yup to the player and always situational.
Thanks for the commment.
Some quick math:
every level of stun gives you 50 damage and .25 second stun for 15 mana per level.
every level of edge gives you 75 damage and no mana cost.
other than that the stun is effective at level one wile edge is not that good with one skill point
The extra damage you take can be fixed with tranquil boots
I would also recommend a blink dagger for mid game ganks since his ulti got a longer cool down.