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CaptainFlounders Guide to Spectre 6.85, Welcome to the hardest Carry in Dota2

October 23, 2015 by CaptainFlounder
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KoDyAbAbA (65) | October 25, 2015 5:20am
my doter knowledge is inferior now!

Hamstertamer (89) | October 23, 2015 10:18pm
Vanguard is legit now, since Dispersion now synergizes with damage block like Bristleback does (and Bristle is one of the extremely few heroes on which vanguard is decent). Besides Crimson Guard is 250 gold cheaper now, gives good armor (and you need armor on Spec now), etc.
You don't even have a reason to prefer an AGI item over it for faster farming, since now Spec has a farming steroid with Desolate, the only thing she needs is HP.'s just *completely incompatible* with going Radiance.

Just like a 30 minute bfury on AM, a 30 minute radiance on Spec is a complete waste of gold and you should be buying a manta or something instead.

Radiance is an item with a timing window. Get it early or skip it. 23 minutes maximum. You can't have an even remotely decent radiance timing with a vanguard, so just no.

If you go Vanguard, just finish your crimson into a manta, and actually fight early since that's the whole point of your build in the first place. Why else would you buy an early game fighting item? Vanguard as an item is all about fighting before the 20 minute mark so if you buy an item that does that, at least use it!
UltraSuperHyper (12) | October 23, 2015 9:35pm
Actually, vanguard is even better on her now.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | October 23, 2015 6:39pm
Kody, Vang isn't dead anymore.

Its like a 50% ehp boost earlier on.
apaz (17) | October 23, 2015 1:46pm
Actually, I've been playing Spec and I think Vangaurd into Radiance is the build now. Because of the Dispersion rework, you now reflect the damage that you block, which can actually let you take stacks. You need some sort of HP regen early anyway, and max HP is always excellent on Spec.

The other reason is that going straight radiance is greedy as **** and they're going to try and gank you. In the jungle, there isn't as big a risk. There isn't really a way around picking up something else first unless you have the other 4 people constantly standing around you.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | October 23, 2015 1:29pm
I'll start from the beginning.


the first fault i can make out is that your defensive build costs more than your aggressive build.The last time i checked, defensive game-play generally means lesser-farm so....this is kinda counter-productive.

Your dislike of Diffusal Blade irks me a lot as i think it is one of THE best items to get on Spectre, along with the likes of Radiance and Manta Style(which you put in situational).
In some cases, i would actually prefer Diffusal Blade + Manta Style over a Radiance because the former makes you a bloody gank machine and gets online so much more quicker than the rad build.

also, vanguard is ded. pls no re.

The items are not explained satisfactorily, the play-style explanation is not included (while the reason doesn't make any sense).

Overall, i could rant on and on about it but i'm sure you get the point.
See, i get it, you wanted to make a small guide for beginners, but you have to understand that teaching somebody something is harder when you have to do it in a smaller time-frame, which is why most of us (the guidemakers) prefer to make them bigger and more comprehensive.

Making it big is easy, making it small takes a lot of time and skill.I hope i have gotten my point across
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