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3 Votes

Build for Jakiro Master of Fire and Ice

August 3, 2012 by ElectricKatana
Comments: 9    |    Views: 6952    |   

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ElectricKatana (1) | August 14, 2012 3:14pm
Starbucks 64 wrote:

Ok first of no radiance, second you should max duel breath ASAP, and then get freeze or liquid fire afterward depending on he situation. Needs editing, but it is not bad for a first guide.

Thank You
Starbucks 64 (3) | August 6, 2012 8:28pm
Ok first of no radiance, second you should max duel breath ASAP, and then get freeze or liquid fire afterward depending on he situation. Needs editing, but it is not bad for a first guide.
ElectricKatana (1) | August 3, 2012 9:12am
Thank you for your tips.

Please vote. +1
Great F8 (3) | August 2, 2012 10:25pm

What is wrong with Radiance

To be blunt, Shiva's Guard is just better on Jakiro. Good luck saving up 3800g for a Sacred Relic on your "support" build too.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 2, 2012 6:06pm

What is wrong with Radiance

A lot of things...

For one, he's a support Jakiro, you don't get a Radiance on a support jakiro.

Let me rephrase that, you don't get radiance on jakiro ever.

Second, he has it very late after your core items. Radiance is a mid game item, if you get it past 25 minutes it value greatly diminishes. it won't do anything for you 40 minutes in.
ElectricKatana (1) | August 2, 2012 5:01pm
Great F8 wrote:

-1 for skill build and Radiance.

What is wrong with Radiance
Great F8 (3) | August 1, 2012 8:31pm
-1 for skill build and Radiance.
Mrs Warboys (10) | August 1, 2012 7:58pm
Yeah I agree ERMAC__, I'm actually writing a guide for Jakiro now that skips Ice Path and his ult until later. All the guides on here are rather old fashioned... Liquid Fire is incredible
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 1, 2012 7:42pm
You don't need to take his ulti at level 6 or at least not until you max Icepath because you have nothing to keep them there. It's good for counter push, and area denial but you shouldn't be getting pushed on or 5v5 fights that early.

Those extra points could be put into Liquid fire. It's a really good ability for pushing and tower harass, it's massively underrated.

Oh and don't get Radiance...especially after your core items. It's a mid game item. Ff you're support you'll help your team out better with sheep stick.
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