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Ok first of no radiance, second you should max duel breath ASAP, and then get freeze or liquid fire afterward depending on he situation. Needs editing, but it is not bad for a first guide.
Thank You
Please vote. +1
What is wrong with Radiance
To be blunt,
What is wrong with Radiance
A lot of things...
For one, he's a support Jakiro, you don't get a Radiance on a support jakiro.
Let me rephrase that, you don't get radiance on jakiro ever.
Second, he has it very late after your core items. Radiance is a mid game item, if you get it past 25 minutes it value greatly diminishes. it won't do anything for you 40 minutes in.
-1 for skill build and
What is wrong with Radiance
Those extra points could be put into Liquid fire. It's a really good ability for pushing and tower harass, it's massively underrated.
Oh and don't get Radiance...especially after your core items. It's a mid game item. Ff you're support you'll help your team out better with sheep stick.