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25 Votes

Bristleback, the Right Proper Basher [6.79 but who gives a shit]

November 4, 2013 by WeatherOrNot
Comments: 14    |    Views: 204211    |   

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damie_catz | October 23, 2015 1:09am
I like this guide. Best guide so far. Can't wait to read your axe guide.
enderarms (1) | November 22, 2013 1:23am
I have seen Quill Spray spam builds where you go arcanes. Otherwise, great build in general
Glenn T (1) | November 13, 2013 4:11am
This ranks as the second best guide I have seen on this site, the best one being the 'Caps Lock Skeleton King' guide. Good job.

P.S. Followed this build and dominated 8/1/16. +1
WeatherOrNot | November 4, 2013 2:35pm

Thanks WheatherOrNot this guide changed my life.

I used to only play p**sy heroes like KOTL and Riki. Everytime an enemy hero would show up my d**k would get small and I would run and go stealth or hide in the trees while my teammates got a merciless beatdown that even a red haired stepped child doesn't deserve. I was a sad and pitiful human being. I was truly the ***** of DOTA2, bending over and taking it hard because there was nothing I could do.

After reading your guide I decided it was time to man up, find my d**k, and play a real hero. A hero that steps into a fight and smacks b**ches around like he couldnt give two f**ks about them. I wasn't dissapointed at all. I wrecked scrubs like it was nobodies business. I could almost taste the tears of my opponents as I blew snot in their faces than salted the wound by sticking my a** in the air and filling them full of quills...for the first time in my life I knew what it felt like to be a man.

After this match I got a promotion at work, my d**k grew 3in, and I've got a banging hot new girlfriend. UNGH!!!!

Congratulations! You just won life. GO HOME AND BE A FAMILY MAN!

Nah but srsly thanks for all the kind comments! The MANLIEST guide to Axe will be out very soon I promise!
DonnyDonnowitz (3) | November 4, 2013 12:43pm
Thanks WheatherOrNot this guide changed my life.

I used to only play p**sy heroes like KOTL and Riki. Everytime an enemy hero would show up my d**k would get small and I would run and go stealth or hide in the trees while my teammates got a merciless beatdown that even a red haired stepped child doesn't deserve. I was a sad and pitiful human being. I was truly the ***** of DOTA2, bending over and taking it hard because there was nothing I could do.

After reading your guide I decided it was time to man up, find my d**k, and play a real hero. A hero that steps into a fight and smacks b**ches around like he couldnt give two f**ks about them. I wasn't dissapointed at all. I wrecked scrubs like it was nobodies business. I could almost taste the tears of my opponents as I blew snot in their faces than salted the wound by sticking my a** in the air and filling them full of quills...for the first time in my life I knew what it felt like to be a man.

After this match I got a promotion at work, my d**k grew 3in, and I've got a banging hot new girlfriend. UNGH!!!!
WeatherOrNot | November 1, 2013 10:08am
Mr. Nuke wrote:

This brought tears to my eyes... Well, it WOULD have, had I not been the one BRINGING THOSE TEARS TO ALL IN MY PATH FROM THE SHEER DAMAGE THIS GUIDE BRINGS! Laughing all the way through, great guide for a hero I love! Note: If you want the definition of snowball, Crystal Maiden and Bristleback in a lane. Nuff said. Also really looking forward to the Axe guide then if this is how you're gonna write it XD

Congratulations! Here is your scrub-owning certificate. Thanks for the kind words! The Axe guide is coming soooooon, in the same style as this one
Mr. Nuke (3) | November 1, 2013 8:45am
This brought tears to my eyes... Well, it WOULD have, had I not been the one BRINGING THOSE TEARS TO ALL IN MY PATH FROM THE SHEER DAMAGE THIS GUIDE BRINGS! Laughing all the way through, great guide for a hero I love! Note: If you want the definition of snowball, Crystal Maiden and Bristleback in a lane. Nuff said. Also really looking forward to the Axe guide then if this is how you're gonna write it XD
WeatherOrNot | November 1, 2013 4:17am
StevePSU65 wrote:

ROFL my god bro this is the best guide I've ever read. I lol'd at least 6 times and its actually a damn good guide on top! You the man bro make more guides I don't give a **** if u know the hero ro not just wanna read more of your ****!


Thanks man! I'm working on an axe guide right now that will be out soon. Stay tuned *********kka***
StevePSU65 | October 31, 2013 9:25pm
ROFL my god bro this is the best guide I've ever read. I lol'd at least 6 times and its actually a damn good guide on top! You the man bro make more guides I don't give a **** if u know the hero ro not just wanna read more of your ****!

cookiebrawl (1) | October 31, 2013 6:59am
Hey man, nice item build and skilling.
I think Deso, drums, and Sange/sange and yasha should definitely be in there somewhere.
They are sooooo good. and quite versatile too.
saifthedestroyer (6) | October 31, 2013 6:26am
Also please add vanguard too situationals as the item needs a MAJOR buff before it is worth buying because it scales of at about 25 mins into the game. So its not worth it
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