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BinHuk's Guide to Anti-Mage.

December 29, 2014 by BinHuk
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wangyuphing (9) | December 29, 2014 10:51pm
Please remove Vanguard. I really hate that item. You already have Poor Man's Shield for the damage blocking. 2225 gold is simply delaying your Perseverance, or even Claymore and Broadsword which is 2600 gold combined. Hand of Midas is situational on him. Go check some TI 4 videos on Youtube and you will see a few Anti-Mage players with Hand of Midas.

Using Mana Void to cancel TP is viable, but please don't forget it's other usage. Like using it in the middle of enemy team, like when you saw an outworld devourer with 10 mana, you can Blink > Mana Void him, and everyone near him is theoretically dead. I dunno, it's a video from Dota Watafak. Go search it yourself.

And please don't say that "spell shield allows you to tank" or sth like that. Hell, he will still go down if Zeus uses Lightning Bolt on him like 4 times since his health pool is freakin low.

The point is, don't mislead those new players, they might think like "only use Mana Void to break TP" and such. Make your guide a little bit more detail.
BinHuk | December 29, 2014 10:06pm
Woubit wrote:

I don't see why using Mana Void to cancel a tp scroll is such a bad idea - if it means you get a kill (even if the spell itself doesnt deal the killing blow) then I'd say its worth it, especially if its late game and/or the hero trying to tp out is a key hero (e.g. their hard carry).

I thank you sir. This is exactly what I'm trying to say. One cancel of tp in the enemy team's hrd carry without buyback can really turn the tides. I agree.
BinHuk | December 29, 2014 10:05pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

i don't think you are realising the true power of Mana Void.

dealing 2000-2500 damage to the whole foken team in the late game is not a thing to laugh at.

True, that's why I said it will totally destroy heroes with high mana pool.
BinHuk | December 29, 2014 10:03pm
TheNooBmE wrote:

I don't agree with some your ideas like mjolnir for situational? And Use Mana Void just for cancelling town portal?

Mjollnir is highly situtational. Situational means, you have to buy it depending on the situtation. Kuroky bought it sometimes. HIGHLY situational. And the tp cancel? Mana void has a low cooldown, and it's better if you get the kill rather than letting the hero tp out. But if there's someonewho can cancel the tp for you, let them do it instead.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 29, 2014 9:41pm
I don't think you are realising the true power of Mana Void.

dealing 2000-2500 damage to the whole foken team in the late game is not a thing to laugh at.
Woubit | December 29, 2014 10:47am
I don't see why using Mana Void to cancel a tp scroll is such a bad idea - if it means you get a kill (even if the spell itself doesnt deal the killing blow) then I'd say its worth it, especially if its late game and/or the hero trying to tp out is a key hero (e.g. their hard carry).
TheNooBmE | December 29, 2014 9:48am
I don't agree with some your ideas like mjolnir for situational? And Use Mana Void just for cancelling town portal?
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