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Pretty much spot on.
I grab 1x Tango 1x Healing Salve and a stout shield.
head to the jungle and farm away, as soon as you have saved up enough gold for morbid and smoke of deceit, purchase and die to neutrals... then smoke up to head to Rosh...
A sub 5minute solo rosh is doable. as said Anothink, all that is required, LVL4 - one stout shield and Morbid mask.
For my core items, I generally go Phase boots + Blink + 2 battlefuries with BKB
Good guide still
Now, as for this guide... You've gone for an old style build by going for a jungle
Nice guide, simple and concise. Ursa can solo Roshan at level 4 (4 minutes in) just to point it out. All you need is a Morbid Mask. I do suggest an early point into Earthshock if you're going into lane. It also helps to cast Overpower before entering the Rosh Pit so that you can quickly attack him and use Overpower straight afterwards as it is off cool down. Remember that Fury Swipes is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier and so items such as Desolator and Diffusal Blade can have great potential on him.
Pretty much spot on.
I grab 1x Tango 1x Healing Salve and a stout shield.
head to the jungle and farm away, as soon as you have saved up enough gold for morbid and smoke of deceit, purchase and die to neutrals... then smoke up to head to Rosh...
A sub 5minute solo rosh is doable. as said Anothink, all that is required, LVL4 - one stout shield and Morbid mask.
For my core items, I generally go Phase boots + Blink + 2 battlefuries with BKB
Good guide still
1. build
2. 1 point in aftershock before lvl 6; stacked with