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3 Votes

Best Tank Support Eva

September 20, 2012 by OniTakeda
Comments: 6    |    Views: 22068    |   

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Great F8 (3) | August 2, 2012 10:35am
-1 for random skill build.
Malibu Stacey (1) | August 2, 2012 9:52am
So you fixed the skill build lack of a level 3 & no 4th level in Anchor Smash but why do you take Gush at level 8 instead of level 7 followed by a scattershot approach to levelling Kraken Shell and Anchor Smash?

Also your starting items now only cost 985 gold. Getting better but unless your version of Dota 2 has higher starting gold than everyone else's you're still about 380 gold out.

OniTakeda wrote:

I prefer arcane also because if you want to use refresher orb tide's mana is not enough.

Any Tide who can buy Arcane Boots, Blink Dagger Pipe of Insight, Heart of Tarrasque and Refresher Orb totalling over 18k gold is either playing a 90+ minute game or has 20+ kills (more likely both) and is most definitely not a support because that 18k gold spend doesn't count Observer Wards, Sentry Wards, Dust of Appearance or Smoke of Deceit. Not to mention you'd be level 25 by then which means you have 1k base mana without any items which is only 100 short of the Blink Dagger -> Ravage -> Refresher Orb -> Ravage combo (75 + 325 + 375 + 325 = 1100) which you'd be more than capable of regenerating in the 3 seconds of the first Ravage even without considering better items such as the Drum of Endurance adding 117 to your base mana pool.
OniTakeda | August 2, 2012 9:16am
I prefer arcane also because if you want to use refresher orb tide's mana is not enough.
Atlas (117) | August 2, 2012 9:10am
OniTakeda wrote:

Dude, arcane boots are necessary for Tide imho, because they give +250 mana and when u use it u give mana to all the team. Tranquil boots sucks. BTW a tide without mana = useless.
Drum of endurance is good and urn is situational because someone else can buy it.

It's called mana management. Tranquils are actually incredibly good for tide. Yes, arcane's can help you spam your spells, but that isn't always a must. You just need to know how to play and manage your mana pool.
OniTakeda | August 2, 2012 9:07am
Dude, arcane boots are necessary for Tide imho, because they give +250 mana and when u use it u give mana to all the team. Tranquil boots sucks. BTW a tide without mana = useless.
Drum of endurance is good and urn is situational because someone else can buy it.
Malibu Stacey (1) | August 2, 2012 7:50am
Your skill build has only 3 levels in Kraken Shell & nothing at level 3. You want to max Gush at level 7 as it's an excellent ganking skill. I agree with early Kraken Shell though. Too many people overlook it & go for early Anchor Smash to steal farm from their lane partner then wonder why they have no mana left to cast Gush and/or Ravage when they end up in a gank or teamfight.

Arcane Boots: Tide need a lot of mana, so arcane is a must have.

Not necessarily & not for a support/tank build. Tranquil Boots are cheaper and make you tankier since they give +3 hp regen & +3 armour plus the active healing ability and extra movement speed.

Your "starting" items cost 1285. Suggest you sort that out as even randoming would leave you 500 gold short.

Upgrading the Bracer to a Drum of Endurance is good as the +6 Int gives you more mana & mana regen plus the movement speed bonus is nothing to be sniffed at (and the +6 Agi means more armour which makes you tankier).

Tide is one of the best heroes to carry Urn of Shadows & since you have no other active regen it should be considered core rather than situational. Also the mana regen helps immensely on Tide especially if you go for Tranquil Boots but even with Arcane Boots as you only replenish 110 mana per use which isn't even enough to cast Gush once.

Lastly a support build without Observer Wards isn't a support build just because you buy the Animal Courier.
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