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2 Votes

Best Drow Ranger Build

August 16, 2015 by Mailina
Comments: 9    |    Views: 44149    |   

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TheSofa (54) | August 18, 2015 5:30pm
You have no idea. Level 5 Gust is so OP, it blows the entire enemy team off the map. Why wouldn't you skill it until level 5? :P
masaaki14 (11) | August 18, 2015 3:16pm
Oh wow, i just noticed your skill build, and boy is it a mess.

you should really clean that up and put your proper skill build. I know that the current one is definitely wrong, because there are 5 points skilled for each non ultimate ability
ChiChi (47) | August 18, 2015 2:39pm

What our friends mean is that you will notice that most guides in Dota Fire use a series of formatting options to make them more easily readable and in general more pretty.

Here's where you can find those formatting indications:

If you want some help concerning this feel free to PM me about it too (I used the same formatting for my own guides).

On your content, I'm sorry If I can't comment, but I'm a terrible, terrible Drow Ranger and the most success I've had with her so far is to play her as a support, so you can image I'm not the right person to question your choices :D

Good luck with improving your guide!
TheFinalUnknownx | August 18, 2015 10:38am
Good but needs some formatting
mariokirby46 | August 18, 2015 8:51am
I think that for the silver edge and manta style, you should dismantle the s and y. It will cost you less
Poor Leno (1) | August 18, 2015 12:06am
Feel like it's not very different to the 'Standard' build for Drow...
apaz (17) | August 17, 2015 6:56pm
The item build is good, but the skill build is kind of all over the place. That would be fine if you explained or justified, but you didn't.

Other than that, check the formatting guide, and explain your build and playstyle. You kind of just need more content.
masaaki14 (11) | August 17, 2015 4:39am
Pretty decent, the only thing i suggest is to use item and hero links in your guide
Blubbles (13) | August 16, 2015 11:29pm
Please check out a formatting guide. This has potential but it's a wall of text. You need to upgrade that wraith band or you have no mana regen whatsoever, and no mana pool. How do you expect to keep those arrows firing? also I have a problem with HotD. The only reason you get MoM is for pure attack speed. Life steal don't stack with your arrows so why get helm? Sure a lil bit of damage and ho regen but honestly you just need the quick attacks.
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