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2 Votes

Best Drow Ranger Build

August 16, 2015 by Mailina
Comments: 9    |    Views: 44146    |   

How To Play Drow

DotA2 Hero: Drow Ranger

Hero Skills

Precision Aura (Innate)

Frost Arrows

2 5 9 13 15


3 8 14 17 18


1 4 7 10 12


6 11 16


Best Drow Ranger Build

August 16, 2015


Frost Arrows:
This is going to help you throughout the whole game, always use it. Great skill for ganking and even escaping since it slows the enemy. I have used this to even help my allies escape. The first point gives you a 11% slow which is good enough for the first 10 minutes in but when trying to get an early kill together with an ally, it should be enough. You want this when you're level 2. When you skill this, the slow greatly improves (24%, 37% and then it jumps to 60% at level 4). At level 4 this is great to have and will probably save your skin. It helps you to gank effectively, since most enemies won't be able to get away from your slow or get close enough in time. This is also a good escape mechanism. You don't want people to get close and mess with your ult, this will help you to slow enemies who are trying to get you. It won't save you from large ganks when you're on your own early on, so be careful early game. Don't ever use this on auto-cast since it'll drain your mana and the items you'll need later won't give you any. It will ruin your life-steal possibilities and if you run out of mana when you need your gust you'll be screwed. Just keep casting them on enemy heroes when attacking since it makes a great harass and will ensure you get a kill at some point.

A great skill for Drow and is effective against heavy spell casters or blinkers. Silence can make all the difference in a team fight or it could start one. Up to 6 seconds of silence gives you all the time you'll need to make sure Anti-Mage or Queen of Pain won't escape from you or it'll give you enough time to escape from them. It will also help you with heavy nukers when ganking an enemy. I choose 1 point in Silence early, but max it out last, because often 3 seconds of silence will be more than enough and your other abilities are more important. Even against a lot of nukers 3 seconds is enough to get a kill or get away. Also, keep in mind you have a team backing you up. Cast this skill at the start of every team fight unless you have another initiator.

Precision Aura:
Second best skill Drow has. Gives a global damage bonus to all ranged heroes based on your agility. I always get this in the start of the game because it'll give you that extra damage to help you get first blood, an early kill, or it can make harassing better. Early on this skill gives you and other ranged heroes about 4 or 5 damage. You max it out in when you hit level 12. The only reason I don't max it out sooner is because the items you should have by this point will increase your agility which gives you a really good damage boost. That and you don't need more points in it early, because the first level gives the biggest bonus (18%) while extra levels don't add as much (6% per level). This aura has been buffed and gives 18/24/30/36% which makes this an asset to Drow. You can manually cast it to affect creeps globally for 30 seconds (with 120 seconds cooldown). This gives a bit more control over this ability, and if you're pushing a lane and there are many rages creeps attacking a tower, if you use this skill, that tower will go down a lot quicker. This won't un-wantedly affect your lane control either unless you want it to.

A great ultimate, gives you 40/60/80 (not 20/30/40 as Dotafire says) agility as long as no enemy hero is too close to you. This greatly boosts your damage, attack speed, and armor. In addition, this will increase the damage bonus other ranged heroes get through your Precision Aura. However, since the 6.77 the bonus is totally canceled when an enemy hero comes within a 400 (somewhat larger range since v 6.79) range. Before that it was only halved, so Drow has become more vulnerable than she was. Losing all this extra agility means your damage output is way lower than at a distance and your considerable bonus armor is canceled. However, the good news is, you will have items that'll keep your damage/agility high. You will also have gust and frost arrow to keep them at bay, dealing a lot of damage before they get to you, allowing a chance for a kill regardless.
Now, after you lost 40/60/80 and you think you can't get the kill in time, use your shadowblade. It's the main reason why I put it in as an item to have; you need a better form of escape and this does it since it'll boost your movement speed and help you go invisible. Whenever you see your agility dropping and you think you're in danger use gust and activate shadowblade. Shadowblade may also enable you to get in range to deal full damage again and you might just turn the situation around.

Items And Timing

When you spawn in go right for one wraith band and a thing of tangos. The wraith band will give you a decent damage up for early game and the tangos will ensure your survival and possibly the person with you. A combination of wraith band and your Precision Aura will make you hit hard this early with around 60 or so damage. Try to get a rune if you can, it'll make you half way to level two and you'll get some gold that you can use. Next comes power treads and one part of your yasha which would be Band of ElvenSkin. Try to get these things in by ten minutes in. Why I say this is because the power treads along with this part of your yasha increases your agility. Adding to this is your wraith band and Precision Aura. You'll have enough damage to possibly start ganking. Buy the boots then the other parts then get the one part of the yasha. Make sure you get a lot of last hits, let the person you're with harass while you focus on last hits. Now that you have those items, finish your yasha. At this point you should be getting more money more easily. Next get your shadowblade since it'll give you more damage than the sang and yasha along with a way to escape if need be. Shadowbalde will also increase your movement speed by 20% along with increased attack speed. Next you should finish the sang and yasha. The extra damage, attack speed, movement speed, and chance to slow will benefit you. Once those two things are done, get your Helm of Dominator. Why this over mask of madness? Because the health regeneration, damage, and armour bonus are passive. The mask of madness abilities last 12 seconds and the only passive is the lifesteal. However, get this if it's super late game and you just want something extra. I've played Drow only for a year straight. Helm of Dominator is better in every situation I've been it. Just give it a try. Now that you have all that, time for an upgrade. Upgrade to a silver edge. It'll give you better damage and at this point, you'll have more than enough money to spare. Follow that with a daedauls for even more damage along with it's critical change to hit and it's critical damage. If you have all the items I've said so far plus this, you'll be close to unstoppable. Now trade your wraith band in and go for a butterfly or manastyle or both. Once you have these items, you'll need nothing else, not even the aegies. Now you may be thinking "Why don't you have the aegies down any where else?" and that's simple. The agies will only stay in your inventory for 5 minutes before it disappears, making it useless. If the situation comes forward, get the agies but most likely you won't need it. As for the enemy team, if you can go without a team fight for 5 minutes, they just wasted beating rosh and you can kill them and take the extra gold they just got. The money and experience from killing rosh isn't as much as it was. Aegies isn't necessary for Drow; it can help, but it's not needed. I have gone without aegies a whole game and my score was 32/1/5. The only kill was early on and I died to get first blood. Drow is slightly more item dependent so what you get makes the difference along with timing. Get the items I suggested to get before 10 minutes in and you're more than likely to win that game.

In Emergencies

If you're having a horrible game early on and the enemy team is harassing you go straight to the jungle. No matter what is going on, if someone is about to die, don't save them. Jungle until you get the items you need and by that I mean until you get power treads, a yasha, and a shadow blade. You should already have a wraith band on you. Drow is almost useless without these items. Farm the **** out of your jungle and make sure the support puts down wards. You do NOT want to be surprised. You can turn a game around when you play Drow and get the items need. If there is a team fight, skip it if you don't have these items. Or if it's late game and you only have these items, farm until you get a sang and yasha, helm of dominator, and a Crystalys which is part of your Daedalus. After that, go for the silver edge and finish your Daedalus. Farming is your best friend when you're under leveled and no matter what that circumstances are you do NOT stop jungling/farming. I don't care if there is a team fight, if someone is about to die and you can save them, or if your team is yelling at you. Your items help make you win fights and get kills. Make sure your team knows that. Later on, you won't regret ignoring team fights and such because you'll be the main reason why you turn the game around and win. It's happen to me so many times because I kept getting signaled out by the enemy team but once I got what I needed we won. Don't give up. Keep trying and once you get the hang of Drow every hero will seem squishy to you. Good luck.

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