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"Brood mother is my favorite hero and this idea sounds amazing buffing your spiderling instead of just buffing yourself. However I have one question how on earth can you go to the other teams small camps tank a little get all the way back and still be decent in lvl. I know I've had my fare
share of games in which inefficient roaming has made me underleveled (cough cough slark).
Another thing in late game options should I buy everything call me a noob but it would be helpful to sort them by general usefulness say getting MKB when nobody has evasion (been reported because of that) other than that I think this guide is great and would like to see where it goes in the future. Thanks for indulging me sorry for the wall of text and hope to see you on the battlefield my friends."
No roaming involved really, What you do (it is a little risky) is get one lvl in spawn spider, get one spawned (make sure not to miss the first time) and race to their pull camp and tank the hits while you and your spider attacks the smallest creep, the debuff the spider applies will spawn another and by this time your nuke will be off cooldown with enough mana to cast again so apply that to the next creep and boom 4-5 spiders. If done right you'll be down to a lil over half hp so regen on webs and let spiders finish remaining creeps (soak XP from creeps or move to lane and soak XP until you regen up. From here you have a few options:
1. Move spiders back to lane and harass hero or last hit.
2. If your timing on pull camp being defeated and respawning is close just kill the pull camp again.
3. Creep Skip, call a support, mid, roamer over to gank and dive the **** out of the easiest kill (double kill at times) sending spiders in first to tank tower shots. Extremely risky, but if you think you can be aggressive or have a roaming support or lane buddy go for it
Very good point Charnel! but we must also consider the benefits affect brood as well as teammates that are melee. The earlier you get vlads the earlier that extra 24 damage really makes a difference. The nice about it too is if you have another melee carry or two that can benefit from it, you just double dipped on a game long investment for your team and yourself. You and spiders benefit early while your team and you benefit later. Sounds like a decent investment imo.
** With pleasure! The reason I suggest Vlad's every game as core on Brood is for that sweet and juicy 15% damage increase. This applies the buff to your spiderlings as well. This damage output seems negligible with only 1-4 spiderlings, but when you begin to accumulate those massive armies of upwards to 15-20 spiders, That 15% damage increase pays huge dividends towards your overall potential DPS when you gank and push. This is why I recommend it as your third core item since you really need lvl 3-4 on your Q to make it effective. We also can't forget that nice +5 army that gets applied to them as well. If that still leaves a sour taste in your mouth remember, you're a mother now and your party life is over so take care of your children! **
Just take this as constructive criticism if you will.. The thing is, i know '15 percent' sounds reasonable.. but you have to take into account that SPIDERLINGS have 18-19 damage, which means they get 15% of '18-19', that is 2 damage each and moreover, SPIDERITES have only 9-10 damage which means they get 1 damage from the damage aura.. Now even if you have, lets say 8 spiderlings and 8 spiderites, they get 8 * 2 + 8 * 1, that is +24 damage per attack. This sounds really low for a 2050 gold item.. I know the armor and lifesteal sounds real cool.. but spiderlings and spiderites are sincerely not worth buffing up over buffing yourself coz in the mid-late game spiderkids are just food unless you are jungling with em..
Brood mother is my favorite hero and this idea sounds amazing buffing your spiderling instead of just buffing yourself. However I have one question how on earth can you go to the other teams small camps tank a little get all the way back and still be decent in lvl. I know I've had my fare
share of games in which inefficient roaming has made me underleveled (cough cough slark).
Another thing in late game options should I buy everything call me a noob but it would be helpful to sort them by general usefulness say getting MKB when nobody has evasion (been reported because of that) other than that I think this guide is great and would like to see where it goes in the future. Thanks for indulging me sorry for the wall of text and hope to see you on the battlefield my friends.
1. Saying basher first item sucks is a little harsh. It may not be the first item every game, but if you're taking the game to their base quickly it's a great option. She is an agility does she have low attack speed? By the time you get yasha, aquila, and agi. power treads you are hitting fast enough to at least get a few proc. bashes
2. I did state in my guide that adding points to passive early is totally viable and not uncommon to help secure early ganks. You really need to make a judgement call on your point placement early game with the focus on putting points into stretching your web up the lane at the earliest opportunites and placing points towards passive when you know you can harass.
3. I agree with placing first web into side trees for gank defense. I actually like that idea a lot. Thanks for the tip.
4. I disagree with any person that says carry = never buying courier. If your team didn't buy one who will? The nice thing about Broodmother is she a carry who can get away with buying a courier, because she essentially has free heals on her web + the amoun of gold to buy a courier is 3 last hits on creeps. It's not going to break your game.
5. Your webs are your "**** hits the fan" escape. If you don't stray too far away from them they are always there for you. When you have yasha + boots + max web, you take off pretty quick even if you do get dusted. The biggest mistake I always see is people running too far from the web and getting focused down.
Your responses have provoked me to re-evaluate my skill placement and editing for this guide thanks!
few things:
1. basher first item sucks, because arachnia is too squishy and has too low attack speed
2. missing passive maxing strat when having spiders is not an option
3. bkb/orchid as core, bkb is bare minimum
4. place first web into lane trees, so you have vision of side ganks
5. forget courier in your core, it's not your job to buy courier
6. no regen for **** hits the fan situation? no mention of counter sentries?
Any half decent team can and will counter brood very early on via sentries, so webs are used for escaping via movement speed buff, not making up for ****ty positioning via invis.
1. Agreed
2. An interesting idea, but controdicts 1.
3. Orchid Melevolence is situational, as is Black King Bar in terms of pub games.
4. Agreed
5. Agreed
6. The most important part and the reason I decided to comment. I agree with regen, I disagree with Senty wards countering brood outright.
Any half decent brood player can funtion in lane even with the existance of wards. You see them get placed, and you change the location of your web to match. You come up and get farm as needed, and avoid detection like it was the plague. Find safe times to come up and get farm. If you pay close attention to your enemies, you know where sentries are. You Know the range of vision they have.
You don't have to bring your own sentries to kill their sentries. Especially since you are melee so it is hard to actually go up and actually kill enemy wards without dying.
The only reason to bring senties to lane yourself, as Broodmother, is to block the pull camp and you allies need Observer Wards on rune positions.
few things:
1. basher first item sucks, because arachnia is too squishy and has too low attack speed
2. missing passive maxing strat when having spiders is not an option
3. bkb/orchid as core, bkb is bare minimum
4. place first web into lane trees, so you have vision of side ganks
5. forget courier in your core, it's not your job to buy courier
6. no regen for **** hits the fan situation? no mention of counter sentries?
Any half decent team can and will counter brood very early on via sentries, so webs are used for escaping via movement speed buff, not making up for ****ty positioning via invis.
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share of games in which inefficient roaming has made me underleveled (cough cough slark).
Another thing in late game options should I buy everything call me a noob but it would be helpful to sort them by general usefulness say getting MKB when nobody has evasion (been reported because of that) other than that I think this guide is great and would like to see where it goes in the future. Thanks for indulging me sorry for the wall of text and hope to see you on the battlefield my friends."
No roaming involved really, What you do (it is a little risky) is get one lvl in spawn spider, get one spawned (make sure not to miss the first time) and race to their pull camp and tank the hits while you and your spider attacks the smallest creep, the debuff the spider applies will spawn another and by this time your nuke will be off cooldown with enough mana to cast again so apply that to the next creep and boom 4-5 spiders. If done right you'll be down to a lil over half hp so regen on webs and let spiders finish remaining creeps (soak XP from creeps or move to lane and soak XP until you regen up. From here you have a few options:
1. Move spiders back to lane and harass hero or last hit.
2. If your timing on pull camp being defeated and respawning is close just kill the pull camp again.
3. Creep Skip, call a support, mid, roamer over to gank and dive the **** out of the easiest kill (double kill at times) sending spiders in first to tank tower shots. Extremely risky, but if you think you can be aggressive or have a roaming support or lane buddy go for it
Just take this as constructive criticism if you will.. The thing is, i know '15 percent' sounds reasonable.. but you have to take into account that SPIDERLINGS have 18-19 damage, which means they get 15% of '18-19', that is 2 damage each and moreover, SPIDERITES have only 9-10 damage which means they get 1 damage from the damage aura.. Now even if you have, lets say 8 spiderlings and 8 spiderites, they get 8 * 2 + 8 * 1, that is +24 damage per attack. This sounds really low for a 2050 gold item.. I know the armor and lifesteal sounds real cool.. but spiderlings and spiderites are sincerely not worth buffing up over buffing yourself coz in the mid-late game spiderkids are just food unless you are jungling with em..
share of games in which inefficient roaming has made me underleveled (cough cough slark).
Another thing in late game options should I buy everything call me a noob but it would be helpful to sort them by general usefulness say getting MKB when nobody has evasion (been reported because of that) other than that I think this guide is great and would like to see where it goes in the future. Thanks for indulging me sorry for the wall of text and hope to see you on the battlefield my friends.
1. Saying basher first item sucks is a little harsh. It may not be the first item every game, but if you're taking the game to their base quickly it's a great option. She is an agility does she have low attack speed? By the time you get yasha, aquila, and agi. power treads you are hitting fast enough to at least get a few proc. bashes
2. I did state in my guide that adding points to passive early is totally viable and not uncommon to help secure early ganks. You really need to make a judgement call on your point placement early game with the focus on putting points into stretching your web up the lane at the earliest opportunites and placing points towards passive when you know you can harass.
3. I agree with placing first web into side trees for gank defense. I actually like that idea a lot. Thanks for the tip.
4. I disagree with any person that says carry = never buying courier. If your team didn't buy one who will? The nice thing about Broodmother is she a carry who can get away with buying a courier, because she essentially has free heals on her web + the amoun of gold to buy a courier is 3 last hits on creeps. It's not going to break your game.
5. Your webs are your "**** hits the fan" escape. If you don't stray too far away from them they are always there for you. When you have yasha + boots + max web, you take off pretty quick even if you do get dusted. The biggest mistake I always see is people running too far from the web and getting focused down.
Your responses have provoked me to re-evaluate my skill placement and editing for this guide thanks!
few things:
1. basher first item sucks, because arachnia is too squishy and has too low attack speed
2. missing passive maxing strat when having spiders is not an option
3. bkb/orchid as core, bkb is bare minimum
4. place first web into lane trees, so you have vision of side ganks
5. forget courier in your core, it's not your job to buy courier
6. no regen for **** hits the fan situation? no mention of counter sentries?
Any half decent team can and will counter brood very early on via sentries, so webs are used for escaping via movement speed buff, not making up for ****ty positioning via invis.
1. Agreed
2. An interesting idea, but controdicts 1.
3. Orchid Melevolence is situational, as is
4. Agreed
5. Agreed
6. The most important part and the reason I decided to comment. I agree with regen, I disagree with Senty wards countering brood outright.
Any half decent brood player can funtion in lane even with the existance of wards. You see them get placed, and you change the location of your web to match. You come up and get farm as needed, and avoid detection like it was the plague. Find safe times to come up and get farm. If you pay close attention to your enemies, you know where sentries are. You Know the range of vision they have.
You don't have to bring your own sentries to kill their sentries. Especially since you are melee so it is hard to actually go up and actually kill enemy wards without dying.
The only reason to bring senties to lane yourself, as
1. basher first item sucks, because arachnia is too squishy and has too low attack speed
2. missing passive maxing strat when having spiders is not an option
3. bkb/orchid as core, bkb is bare minimum
4. place first web into lane trees, so you have vision of side ganks
5. forget courier in your core, it's not your job to buy courier
6. no regen for **** hits the fan situation? no mention of counter sentries?
Any half decent team can and will counter brood very early on via sentries, so webs are used for escaping via movement speed buff, not making up for ****ty positioning via invis.