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Wow, someone actually makes a theorycraft I made few months back into a ral guide lol
You'd probably fare good there to read people's responses and reason about MoM being bad over there.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Blade mail is a pretty bad item as you just kill and rinse. In late game ur ulti lasts mere 4 seconds and at that time popping a bkb is much better over a blademail.
Heart is a yucky pick now.
You'd probably fare good there to read people's responses and reason about MoM being bad over there.
Ofc getting some lifesteal before that is needed, because jungling and generally staying alive will be much easier.
I can't say at what time you should build boots as I rarely play
Again, I am not a good
MoM might work in a pub match, but the squishy part of it is just a huge liability for Ursa. At the very least grab treads for that, but even then that is just added attack speed which would be diminished by the MoM active.
I often jungle
On to the otem build, Im not a fan. I always find Vlads into Blink
Aand, your build suggests an AFK jungling (without details as well) which puts your team at a disadvantage of weaker lanes. When you jungle ursa you NEED to gank safelane at some point of the game. This is also because ursa farms slowly in the jungle and getting kills nets you more gold. No
Not a fan. Downvote from me.