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2 Votes

Balance Of BladeKeeper-Shogun Build

March 9, 2015 by Bangers
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Bangers | March 10, 2015 2:45am
-skill sequence
-pipe of insight as situational item
-add Shadow Fiend, Crystal Maiden as team mates- reason: nuker

unfortunately people think of this guide is all about yurnero tanking damage, but the real thing is yur got invisble dissapear and start healing+tornado team mate...

here are the fact about wild wing and tornado skill: wildwing tornado
as you can see radius is 150-600 with damage are 600-1800 for full time in warzone
healing ward fact healing ward
the effect of healing ward skill:
Shadowraze nuke do 325 damage to my 1400hp team mates, question how many second with healing ward lv4 that nuke are become nothing??? answer: 5sc that nuke is become nothing because of the healing ward

i hope u didnt got deceive by this 1000 faces hero

talk about YUR should not tanking damage: should we even disscus this thing.
i do already said YUR are LACKING if we compare it to REAL DURABLE, REAL CARRY, REAL SUPPORT.

the only reason i write this SHOGUN build is to share the FUN, the potential using Healing+Tornado that confuse my enemy and some newbie-NEWBIEEEEEE

and honestly i only build this SHOGUN for 2-3 times in my whole time playing dota, cause the situation very rare, mostly because i prefer PICK YURNERO than PICK REAL-DURABLE like AXE, BRISTLEBACK, ABBADON
when my team mates pick carry, ganker, support and got shock i didnt pick tanker for them.

so this guide are not for serious turnament or something like that.
this guide are just for fun play/ pub games


-i never said i play 200 hours and im a pro
plz quote my word when i said that...

-poor eyes? told u STILL WITH POOR ENGLISH wkwkwkwkwkwk
Smuggels (82) | March 10, 2015 2:00am
my eyes...

my poor poor eyes ...

oh sweet merciful mary mother of jesus, mine lord in heaven and thy holy spirit

please just make the horror stop.

please people no more troll builds no more NUMETA or I PLAY 200 GAMES NOW IM PRO guides.

please no more shadow blade sniper (without a really well thought out reason) guides

please no more THIS IS GOOD CAUSE IM AMAZING guides

please no more I TROLL GUIDE I TROLL NO REAL guides


please please can we make it stop.


im begging here
SeveNthSense (1) | March 10, 2015 1:17am

First off this guide is bad, I'm sorry but Juggernaut is not a semi tank, he is a carry. Honestly building an AGI hero to be a tank, that's not theory crafting thats plain stupid. But what I am really laughing about is your last comment. You completely ignore Yatsusana's rant on how bad your build and your reasoning for the build is(and both are REALLY bad), and instead you say "I forgot pipe of insight". PIPE OF INSIGHT? ON JUGGERNAUT?, if anyone should get this it should be your offlaner or your support. Your Blade Fury already protects you from magic nukes so why pipe? With Jugg you want damage and speed, something like Mask of Madness, Manta Style,\ or Sange and Yasha, Skull Basher is pretty good I think
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 9, 2015 4:08pm

Yeah, you need to play with some high-level dudes rather than just theorycraft without ever trying out your own builds
Yasutsuna (51) | March 9, 2015 3:55pm
I have seen your first guide but didn't comment on it. But I am so gonna comment on this one.

First, Bloodstone? Jugg is barely mana starved, unless you randomly spam your Blade Fury at early levels.

Two, Blade Mail? Assuming we go with what you call a 'semi-tank', you would barely have any HP to begin with, especially if you get it so early with Shadow Blade, Helm of the Dominator and Power Treads since they offer little to no tank stats (+5 armor and some HP is not counted) You'll be walking around with approximately less or just above 1k health and you won't be able to tank. At all. Which also leads you to, wasting the money buying a Blade Mail which you can't take full effect of.

Three, Shiva's Guard. Please refer to Bloodstone.

And your tactic. I fail to see the point of you wanting to go invisible to decide who to attack. If you're spinning with Blade Mail, it will effectively give you about 5 seconds to decide who to attack. Why do you need extra time? You're better off selling that Shadow Blade and get some real damage item like Maelstrom or something.

and this, kinds of contradicts what you're saying

wait how about enemy counter your invisible? mostly i will do fury+mail+invisible in the same time remember invis is the last to activate (don't wait for fury+mail 4-5sec duration end anymore) with the invisible try to avoid ward/dust/gem area, find a safe place. control bird+healing and targeting who gonna eat your ULTIMATE."

Do you want people to use Shadow Blade during the Blade Fury or after the Blade Fury. If it's after, see above. If it's during, why the hell would you activate Blade Mail? It's not like anybody can attack you if you're invisible in the first place. And assuming they do see you through gem and/or other means, they will most likely move away from you or just kill you outright, which you can't stop them due to being not tanky enough.

Also, the overall problem. Your semi-carry build, will majorly lack damage and survival, which makes you really useless. Both in terms of tanking and damage and frankly, it's too expensive to be even practical. You will need to buy every armor item there is out there to even be relatively tanky, which is obviously not enough since your enemy will be able to smite you down when do get them.

Finally, the English. Oh God, do they sear my eyes. Please, at least learn your grammar properly before even writing a guide.
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