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March 6, 2015 by Bangers
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michimatsch (26) | March 9, 2015 4:14pm
Uh Bangers .... to counter Ghost Sceptre you want me to spend 2730/3980/5230/6480/7730 gold to counter an item that costs 1600? And Dagon gives Juggernaut no useful stats

I got another option for you: Difussal Blade. Ikr it costs a good amount of mana but the stats are good for Juggernaut and you can purge Ghost Sceptre.

OR: Get a Lion or a Lina (I know, I know.....teammates)
Bangers | March 9, 2015 1:23pm

visit here thank's
wangyuphing (9) | March 9, 2015 3:43am
MrLocket wrote:

I understand what you tried to elaborate but it's not very interesting and convincing. Sorry bro, it's like asking people to buy Mjollnir on Disruptor cuz dude he holds a thunder hammer!


nahh jk
MrLocket (16) | March 8, 2015 1:20pm
I understand what you tried to elaborate but it's not very interesting and convincing. Sorry bro, it's like asking people to buy Mjollnir on Disruptor cuz dude he holds a thunder hammer!
Bangers | March 8, 2015 12:03pm
i will create semi-tanker jug guide, soon enough... till then this is samurai-build

and im sorry i didnt know tanker is not a role at dota2: my bad ^^

MrLocket wrote:

As you can see there is no "tanker".

It's irony that you said that Juggernaut represents the DotA but he wasn't there in the DotA 2 trailer. Talk about a "complete" hero, what about Wraith King? He can be carry, support, and be your "tanker", he is durable, he can roam, he can push, he can jungle, he can initiate, he can go Blink Dagger and Force Staff for yolo escape style, so is he a "complete" hero?

Honestly, if you want to talk about something like this, you should post in forum, not guide section.

i try to make a interesting guide that include some story behind, a connected story with the game.
cause im pretty lazy ^^ i just wondering: can i just do the guide+story without go to forum
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | March 8, 2015 9:39am
Bangers wrote:

mrlocket: isnt tanker, carry, support is a role? why you say is not a role!!!

@mr locket, michi, apaz, keep calm : i will answer u all question like ICEFROG answer the question from the game tester why (ICEFROG) create this hero so versatile, so unsynergy, so hard to build, not carry enough, all role skill, and bla and bla and bla

after find the game tester so confuse, debate so fierce about what the best item, what the best role,

i say :

-JUG is a complete hero BUT LACKING
-JUG wear mask today because where ever this hero present people will start talking, debate how mysterious he is, what the best role, item, questioning about him(to squishy, hard ulti,complaining about him, praise him, and bla bla bla....)
and the reason is: HE IS KNOW AS 1000 FACES HERO a mysterious hero, hard to describe, uneasy to understand.
-For me JUGGERNAUT represent DOtA so much
-For me JUGGERNAUT is the present from ICEFROG to confuse the player everything about him


@whoever tell me about: manta to push and bkb-situational. i add it right now

I didnt say why create hero so versatile.
I LOVE THE FACT HE HAS ALL ROLE SKILL. He can support team with ward. But then thats that.

but does that mean he becomes, carry,tanker, SUPPORT(OMG)?


And stop your ICEFORG BS. I dont like it and wont tolerate it.
Stop his MASK BS. It has nothing to do with his abilities. seriously, stop the BS.
Balance of Bladekeeper is made by DOTACINEMA not ICEFROG.
Juggernaut DOES NOT have thousand faces he has 1000 masks and swords. Nope, he doesnt even have 1000 masks and swords.

Even if you get skadi, you wont be surviving a 1v5 for long. Long being the duration that Centaur AXE survive a 1v5 slogfest. Balde fury makes you spell immune but they can still hit you and kill you.


LORE WISE RUBIK KILLS EVERYONE. in reality, not so much.

seems like , you pay attention to highlighted stuff. HERE YOU GO.

I wish we could lock guides like we lock threads.
SatomiCappucino (12) | March 8, 2015 7:19am
As Juggernaut you should avoid getting focused- not the opposite. So Blade Mail gets out of the list. Tranquil Boots does not tank you up. Yes, they give sustain and roaming power. If you want to be tanky while still dealing damage~ Morbid Mask- Power Treads(str)-armlet of morrdigian(no im not kidding). This build may sound strange, but apart from skadi nothing super tanky can be built on Juggs. Again the unkillable people here are Centaur Warrunner and Axe.
wangyuphing (9) | March 8, 2015 6:21am
Well there is no way you use Juggernaut and "Hey I'm Juggernaut! Come attack me you can't use your magic on me with Blade Fury and I can tank my whole team! I'm Juggernaut!" . The only reason he can stay alive in a teamfight despite getting hit is -->> Healing Ward. I repeat, Healing Ward. This is all. Go build Tranquil Boots and 5 Heart of Tarrasque and even Axe is still tankier. Naww jokes. Let's see:

Tranquil Boots -> okayy kinda tanker hero item.

Helm of the Dominator -> jungler item, not tanker item. Well it's called "Durable" in Dota2.

Shadow Blade -> WTF u mad bro? This is like building Shadow Blade on Axe. (Yeah i know its viable but this means you just waste 1 slot for a non-durable item).

Black King Bar -> This item is situational.

Tango -> u still cling onto this till late game? ==

Blade Mail -> This is my question. This item kinda reflects back damage dealt to him. And here, we have Juggernaut, which his 2 main skills doesnt let him get hit. Blade Fury and no one will hit you. Omnislash and no one can hit you. So why Blade Mail?

I won't disagree on your gameplay. I don't even care if you use this build. But, i will tell you, he is a carry. His skill build is meant for him to wreck havoc on the battlefield. His Healing Ward is only a means to survive, since he's so fragile. If you insist, i repeat, INSIST on building him into a durable hero, this will do :

Power Treads
Assault Cuirass
Manta Style
Aghanim's Scepter
Eye of Skadi
Heart of Tarrasque

P.S: Juggernaut will win against Phantom Assassin if:
1. He has Monkey King Bar
2. He is lucky (no crit from PA, which is almost impossible)

Hell IMO a 4 slotted jug can win against a 6 slotted PA, Satanic excluded XD
I Have Layers (4) | March 8, 2015 5:27am
Well, Durable is awfully similar to tank.

But again, because of taunt it is arguable Axe is the only true tank, but even then his purpose isn't really that.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 8, 2015 5:19am
MrLocket (16) | March 8, 2015 5:16am

As you can see there is no "tanker".

It's irony that you said that Juggernaut represents the DotA but he wasn't there in the DotA 2 trailer. Talk about a "complete" hero, what about Wraith King? He can be carry, support, and be your "tanker", he is durable, he can roam, he can push, he can jungle, he can initiate, he can go Blink Dagger and Force Staff for yolo escape style, so is he a "complete" hero?

Honestly, if you want to talk about something like this, you should post in forum, not guide section.
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