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Pugna is probably my favorite hero in the game and I'm glad other people realize he can be a carry. (It seems like I'm always forced to play supp pugna in pub games) The skill build is great, but the item build could be improved. While I agree that Aghanim's is almost always core on pugna, it should definitely not be the first item. I quite like Necronomicon (lvl 1) before a BKB, then get an Aghanim's. Then I fully upgrade Necronomicon for MAX PUSHING POWERZZZZ!!! But if that's not your thing then skipping a Necronomicon and just going BKB into Aghanim's works to. The point I'm trying to make here is that Aghanim's just doesn't give enough stats early on and you should at least get a BKB before hand. But I suppose if it works for you then it works for you. :D
I realised that there is no guide about pugna being a smei=carry/carry and immediately I wrote one. Yup I feel the pain about picking semi- supports that can be semi-carries/carries too.