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Axe, the jungler

June 6, 2012 by Xpekt
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Kemedo (1) | June 10, 2013 11:13am
My build is a bit different.

I start with 2 Shields and a Tango.

I wait at Rune until my creeps crash. And then go to Enemy Easy Camp. Free kill or Free XP. Then, if enemies are not missing, i got to between their towers and quickly kill a wave of creeps. Level 3 quickly. Then, Easy camp or Medium if enemies still are visible on map.

If they starting to come back to try me. Call your line partners. Some times I managed to double kill alone, others not.

And only then I back up. With my Arcane Boots ready almost every time.

Then, Jungle will work fast. And managed to get the Midas if, and only if, I managed to gank another time.

And last point: Normally I go for Bloodstone rather than Tarrasque. Doing it. I don't need Arcane Boots anymore, using the blue orb to ir and go for the Treads or Teleport Boots.

With Bloodstone and Shivas's Guard, you can go for Aghanim and go to Culling Blade Berserk Mode!
Bijlee | November 5, 2012 11:32am
on axe since u will get big mana problems i would go arcane boots..... also beserkers call isnt really all that great get hellix and battle hunger maxed asap orther than that great build
NotSureIf (16) | August 13, 2012 3:20am
Alternatively for starting items you could start with 2x Stout Shields and Tangos. The shield block chance values stack providing a safer jungle. But as stated in the guide description, the ring of regen goes into your Tranquil Boots so no harm done. I'll give this guide a crack and get back to you with some feedback.
Xpekt | June 10, 2012 1:57am
I know they are silenced, the berserker lasts for 3 seconds while the blade mail lasts for 4 seconds. its quiet common when you get 3+ in a berserker and you got tidehunter in there for him to use his ulti, or earthshaker to use his, they have already lost 3 seconds and they aren't gonna wait for much more, they would spam it to try to gain control of the fight. What do you mean you can just spamm "s" to stop doing a full attack? does that work in berserkers call? all i can say from experience is that it hasnt disepointed me yet.
Salawayun (4) | June 9, 2012 8:44pm
I do mid-tier LAN not really much into DOTA 2 since it's still on Beta and there are still a lot of fixes going on. Anyway, you ought to know that people, when affected by Berserk are also Silenced, they can't throw anything except for attack commands, unless you mean the other ones that aren't caught in the Berserk. It is quite common for one to throw any AoE disable to stop the opponent's advantage of managing to free fire on anyone that's caught in, mostly the disable duration is quite enough for Axe himself to not make full use of the Blademail's return, it cuts off some 1 or 2 seconds plus the fact that that, again, as what I've said, the easy counter to this synergy is just to spam the "S" button and make any enemy stop from doing a full attack.
Xpekt | June 9, 2012 6:05am
The return damage is huge even in berserker, I easily manage to take down void, clinkz, traxes before the berserker's is done, and this is 50 min into the game. Also like i mentioned when they are in berzerker most people spamm their AoE stunn spell when they are in this to regain some control of a team battle and this will also be reflected back. I encourage you to try using blade mail on axe it's incredible and I wouldn't remove it.

This is just from my experience, you might be higher above me where this simply doesn't work, since there aren't any real visible MM system. I'm at high, but many are there I'm not sure if there is a rating system within the rating that is visible for us
Salawayun (4) | June 9, 2012 5:05am
I'd say drop the Blademail, you really won't be benefiting from it by that much as people would only spam "S" to stop their heroes from attacking you even on Berserk, and if they do, the damage return would not be that lovely because of the high reduction granted by the Berserk.
Xpekt | June 7, 2012 5:07am
I must admit when i get dagger, I am usually 8 or 9. I am more of a traditional dota player and I find it hard to level Battle Hunger. It's a little bit hard to test the different build since there aren't any real matchmaking system in dota 2. I'm having no problems with my current build, then again I didn't have any problem with your build...
jaslam (21) | June 7, 2012 2:03am
I agree - rush dagger is always the way to go with axe - but I still think that you could get a hunger build over call, and still get a dagger.. by the time you get a dagger - you will be leveling call (around level 8-9), but until then, it is very difficult to get a good call in a team fight without somesort of toss, or good initiate.. As always dota is dota - and each build should be considered depending on your opponents and allies.. :)

Next time you try a rush dagger build - try to note what your level is and just imagine in your mind the variety of builds you could have at that level (ie if your level 9, max helix call, culling - or max hunger, 2 levels of call and culling etc)
Xpekt | June 6, 2012 10:36am
you use Sentry Ward to counter their ward at creep spawn at rune/view over your offensive fog area. That's what you use your first 40 second on, scouting for wards and potential threats and no matter what I would still get at least level one Berserker's Call like mentioned earlier just to use it as a interrupt/disable/saving team mates. I have seen building hunger becoming more popular, but with that Laning with axe has been more popular. this is jungle build and you are suppose to get blink dagger early. like you mentioned axe is AXE he is expected to "tank", i am not the one doing the majority of the damage. and for the 5 cd so i can spam it on him, but that's about the only thing I will use my mana on, Counter Helix will be close to useless in this build, but you will have one powerful spell, but that spell can be countered killing creeps/heroes, Sacrefice, Repel, Kraken Shell etc... I am not saying its not a viable build it's just not a build that suits me.
jaslam (21) | June 6, 2012 8:15am
the overall problem with axe is AXE - he's ****ing AXE- you don't wait for axe to get near you - the minute you see him, you run - no matter what your build is... so basically it is too difficult to get a succesful call in without your dagger, unless you gank from fog - and in neutral lanes any good opponent would have that area warded.
that's why building hunger has been more popular, as soon as they run you cast it - and they can do nothing, as there is nothing to kill.. just need to be smart with the skill -
Also at level 7, a 5 sec cd basically makes killing a creep useless, becuase after 5 secs you can use it again, and chances are there are no creeps becuase you are between waves..
Unless you can get a dagger very quickly, ie before vang - then I wouldn't level call until you can get up close and personal. (very easily..)
Xpekt | June 6, 2012 7:26am
Urn would be a great addition I'm not quiet sure if I want my blink dagger/vanguard 875 gold slower, but I can see how that item would be quiet useful for axe. It may be my own personal preferences, but I find berserk call quiet useful for interrupting enemies channeling spells, forcing them to attack me, saving team mates. with your level 7 build I would need 1 level of berzerker's call. it gives me greater chance of using helix and it gives time for my ganking partner a opening to unleash some damage on the enemy without being nuked down himself. with that said Battle hunger is a powerful spell, but i simply don't find it reliable source of damage output a simple creep kill or even a hero kill will take off this effect and you will be with less mana with a all ready small mana poll. The way I see this ability it will help me win a battle that I am already winning. Thanks for reading my guide/build, and thanks for giving me some constructive criticism

also for anyone who tries this build I would really love some data on how it went, and if it turns south I would really like to know where and how.
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