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2 Votes

Axe game plays 6.80

February 10, 2014 by F.E.A.R.0
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Wulfstan (77) | February 11, 2014 12:16pm
No core Mekansm? Disapointed.No situational Ghost Scepter or Rod of Atos? Even more disapointed.

You should also make a build for jungling to max Battle Hunger first to gank.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 10, 2014 10:00am
Just because some players buy Tranquil Boots it doesn't mean they're good; on the contrary, you could explain why they are bad so people would stop getting them. Same for the Radiance.
Keep up the good work!
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 10, 2014 9:13am

PLEASE REMOVE TRANQUIL BOOTS. Seriously, they're not worth it anymore on Heroes that need to farm: only supports benefit from them after the 6.79 patch. And the last time I tried jungling with Axe (still before the 6.79 patch though), a Ring of Health was enough for sustainability. The build itself is overall nice, though you might want to remove the Urn of Shadows (pretty useless unless gotten early, when ganks happen); I also used to go two points in Counter Helix and then max Battle Hunger, though as I said I don't play the Hero that often and things might have changed after the patch.

Oh, and the Radiance is also bad unless rushed (~25 minutes), since the burn damage doesn't do much if you choose to buy it late game. Axe is not a right click Hero anyway, so he doesn't benefit from the extra damage.

I can remove TRANQUIL BOOTS even I don't like them, I said Radiance as a Situational man. Urn of Shadows can be gotten to. I actually rush in Boots of Travel, Vanguard, Assault Cuirass Your text to link here.... But what can you do players still make Tranquil Boots. Man everyone raging about Radiance, I don't buy but some players do. My best farm for Radiance is with Bloodseeker from 0-12 or 13 min I have it sometimes 15 min if there is a delay. Yes Urn is gotten early and it's pretty useless.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 10, 2014 8:23am
PLEASE REMOVE TRANQUIL BOOTS. Seriously, they're not worth it anymore on Heroes that need to farm: only supports benefit from them after the 6.79 patch. And the last time I tried jungling with Axe (still before the 6.79 patch though), a Ring of Health was enough for sustainability. The build itself is overall nice, though you might want to remove the Urn of Shadows (pretty useless unless gotten early, when ganks happen); I also used to go two points in Counter Helix and then max Battle Hunger, though as I said I don't play the Hero that often and things might have changed after the patch.

Oh, and the Radiance is also bad unless rushed (~25 minutes), since the burn damage doesn't do much if you choose to buy it late game. Axe is not a right click Hero anyway, so he doesn't benefit from the extra damage.
Asway (2) | February 10, 2014 7:06am

Good job on the guide.
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