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3 Votes

Attack Speed Build

December 11, 2012 by Max1Pad
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KoDyAbAbA (65) | October 9, 2014 7:00pm
the necro on this post is too damn high :D

read my guide for void its better ;)
Therapy (4) | October 9, 2014 3:45pm
Your Void has FIVE points in Time Lock lol. Personally I think that with this build, Void becomes a proper carry only after he gets his Mjollnir which is at around 20-25 minute I would imagine, in the middle of mid game. With this build you wouldn't DPS very fast until late game. Maelstrom + Midas + PT = 85 AS, whereas PT + MoM alone grant you 130 AS + chase down potential. More of a utility play until you get that Mjollnir/Butterfly, since you can't even 1v1 anyne properly as you don't have Backtrack until level 8, not enough DPS in Chronosphere and the only chase down you have is Time Walk.
Arensen | October 9, 2014 2:56pm
Also, Void doesn't really need a Quelling Blade in the laning phase. He has one of the highest starting damage of all heroes, plus an excellent attack animation. Last-hitting with him is a breeze even without quelling blade. Stout Shield is a much better option. It can be built into a Poor Man's Shield if the laning phase is difficult, and it also makes it possible to delay Backtrack until later if you are just coming up against auto-attack harass.
xCO2 (72) | January 24, 2013 2:19pm
sashang wrote:

If you can't disassemble power treads then what is he talking about here.

Something that he doesn't understand himself. Plus if you're going Midas, you rush it, that'll be your first complete have an escape you don't need boots early as Void.
sashang | January 24, 2013 2:16pm
If you can't disassemble power treads then what is he talking about here.

This is where you have to stay aware, once your treads are built, you can disassemble and build a hand of midas as soon as you acquire enough gold for the recipe. From there the treads will be all too easy to refinish again
sashang | January 24, 2013 2:15pm
If you can't disassemble power treads then what is he talking about disassembling here:

This is where you have to stay aware, once your treads are built, you can disassemble and build a hand of midas as soon as you acquire enough gold for the recipe. From there the treads will be all too easy to refinish again
xCO2 (72) | January 24, 2013 7:01am
sashang wrote:

How do you disassemble power treads?

You can't.
sashang | January 24, 2013 6:56am
How do you disassemble power treads?
mightycookie (5) | January 15, 2013 9:23pm
i hate hard-carries. they are boring for me.... i usually play semi carries or semi-supports
Gilmors | January 15, 2013 9:19pm
Very good guide. I've tried the BF, MoM, Crystalys build and it just takes to long to farm these items in pubs. I modify this build just a little bit. I get Hand of Midas first before anything else, then Power treads, Maelstrom, Helm of Dominator, then build Maelstrom into Mjolnirr, and finally get a butterfly or BKB depending on the team comp. You could also replace the Butterfly with a MKB if you have an enemy with evasion like PA or a Butterfly carrier.

As long as you have a support character with you who's harassing, you shouldn't have any problems winning with this build.

You should have Midas in under 8 minutes.
Power treads by 11 minutes
Maelstrom by 20 minutes
From there farming should be a breeze and you should be able to rack up some nice kills and get your helm, Mjolnirr, and luxury items.

For the Skill build I still follow the 2nd top ranked FV build on dota fire.
Sp12 (25) | December 13, 2012 3:27pm
I think he covers that in his explanation that you should situationally pick up backtrack as needed to deal with harass.


If you are against a ranged DPS hero in lane backtrack can be substituted early on to help you last hit in lane.
Hades4u (296) | December 12, 2012 5:11am
What you're going to do if you're playing against a lane who constantly harrases you?

You need that Backtrack, it's the skill that makes you live more, since Faceless Void is a squishy hero, he needs to dodge all the damage he can.
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