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Attack is the best defense - Guide to Spirit Breaker

April 15, 2013 by Charnel_Pawn
Comments: 1    |    Views: 6214    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Spirit Breaker

Hero Skills

Herd Mentality (Innate)

Charge of Darkness

4 5 7 8


1 3 13 14

Greater Bash

2 9 10 12

Nether Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18

Attack is the best defense - Guide to Spirit Breaker

April 15, 2013


Hey Dota Community,I'm Charnel_Pawn or Charnel's Pawn.Charnel is the God of strife and death in a classic hot video game called "Sacrifice".Seems like we are moving a bit away from the topic ;).This is my first guide.I like to elaborate a lot about gameplay and builds so be ready to read walls of text.

I've been playing dota since a long while now and thought that i should make a guide on one of my favorite gankers,Barathrum the Spirit Breaker.He is a superb ganker with semi-carry potential and can snowball out of control if the opposite team doesn't have a good support warding all the time (or) if they do not have good co-ordination.His ganking capability is comparable even with Balanar and Furion.

He is not much seen in the competetive scene because he can be countered well with supreme team co-ordination and by experienced players.

This guide is based on how i play Barathrum and it may not be " THE BEST BUILD EVER " because dota is a very flexible game and item choices/skill builds should be decided while playing a match and not strictly according to any guide

About Spirit Breaker

I'm not sure whether including lores and stories would help a guide in any way at all,but i also want to cover everything possible,so here is all of Bara's lore:

Dota 1 Lore:

An outcast of the Spirithoof clan, Barathrum retreated in shame to the Ethereal Plane, feeding off wandering souls to sustain himself, and wandered aimlessly for centuries, alone and miserable. Found and recruited by the Lich King, Barathrum's uncanny speed and wraithlike powers have now been unleashed upon the Material Plane, his lantern able to project nether energy into enemies, sending them backwards with sudden force. With the ability to close the distance between himself and a target in seconds, Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is more than a match for anyone.

Dota 2 Lore:

Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. To that end, he assembled a form that would serve him well, both in our world and out of it. His physical form borrows from the strengths of this world, blending features both bovine and simian�horns, hooves and hands�as outward emblems of his inner qualities of strength, speed and cunning. He wears a ring in his nose, as a reminder that he serves a hidden master, and that this world in which he works is but a shadow of the real one.

Spirit Breaker's role in a game :

Spirit Breaker is a fierce ganker/assassin who can decimate lone targets in a matter of seconds.If he is fed enough,he can easily carry the game for his team.In a team-fight,you can initiate the battle for your team by bashing all the heroes on your way to your target.His skills are basically meant for 1v1 battles but he can contribute a lot in team-fights too.He depends on his Greater Bash to proc and needs a bit of attack speed for this purpose.

Pros and Cons:


1)One of the most feared gankers(or assassins) due to his Charge of Darkness and Nether Strike.
2)He can perma-bash effectively with his Greater Bash if he has decent attack speed.
3)Above average movement speed with Empowering Haste
4)Has extremely good attack animation and base damage which helps in last hitting.A Quelling Blade makes lane farming a piece of cake
5) Charge of Darkness can be used as an escape mechanism and sometimes even as a tp scroll from base to lane,because no mana will be wasted this way.
6) Charge of Darkness gives vision of the target even if he goes invisible.This can be helpful to track the target and finish him off with AoE spells if he is on low hp


1)Mana is quite a problem in the early game.
2)Cannot solo effectively.
3)Quite item and level dependent
4)He is a mysterious blue cow?!?!?!?!?

Skills and Skill-Build

Charge of Darkness

Barathrum fixes his sight on an enemy and starts charging through all objects. Any unit that comes into contact during the charge triggers a greater bash proc. Upon leaving the shadows, Barathrum shocks his opponent into an immobile state for some time.Charge is interrupted if disabled.

Charge Speed: 600/650/700/750
Stuns on Contact: 1.2/1.6/2/2.4
Range: Global
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Mana Cost: 100


1)Barathrum will run through units and trees.
2)Allies of Barathrum (and himself) will see an animation over the head of the target.
3)Any unit you pass through (300 AoE) will proc a Greater Bash of your current level (nothing will happen if you didn't skill it)
4)The charge stops if you click anywhere, or if you are disabled.
5)Barathrum gains 400 flying vision over the target for the duration.
6)If the target dies, the charge is transferred to the nearest valid target.
7)Some items are usable during the charge without interrupting it. Using Black King Bar right before you strike will ensure your charge doesn't get countered.
8)Does NOT provide True Sight on enemy unit but it can be used to know the enemy's location.
9)Because Linken's Sphere triggers on cast, this ability can be used to instantly and globally put an enemy's sphere on cooldown.

Empowering Haste
Empowering Haste

The Spirit Breaker's presence increases the movement speed of nearby allied units.

Increased Allied Movement Speed: 6%/10%/14%/18%
Movement Speed Aura Radius: 900

1)This is a passive aura so it increases your allies' speed too.This clubbed with the Drums active will give your team a huge boost in speed (compared to your enemies)
2)This is one of the reasons why Barathrum is such a good chaser

Greater Bash

Gives a chance to stun and knockback an enemy unit on an attack, as well as gaining bonus movement speed after a bash occurs. Deals damage based on movement speed.

Chance to Trigger on Attack: 17%
Damage: 10/20/30/40% of movement speed
Knockback Duration: 0.5
Stun Duration: 1/1.2/1.4/1.6
Increased Movement Speed: 15%
Increased Movement Speed Duration: 3
Damage Type: Magical
Cooldown: 1.5 seconds

1)Does not stack with Skull Basher or Abyssal Blade.
2)Knockback distance is 100.
3)The bonus damage is added to Spirit Breaker's ordinary attack damage.
4)Because movement speed cannot be lower than 100 or greater than 522, it can't deal (before reductions) less than 10/20/30/40 damage and more than 52.2/104.4/156.6/208.8 damage.
5)This skill has only a 17% chance to proc,so high attack speed is essential.

Nether Strike

Spirit Breaker slips into the nether realm, reappearing next to his hapless victim. Upon reappearing, a Greater Bash of the current level occurs and deals bonus damage.

Damage: 150/250/350
Range: 400/550/700 (550/700/850*)
Cooldown: 75(20*) seconds
Mana Cost: 125/150/175
Damage Type: Magical

(*) values show the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade.Aghanim's Scepter causes the Greater Bash to hit an area around the initial target, decreases cooldown, and increases cast range.

1)Spirit Breaker will move to the other side of the target seen from the point he cast it.
2)Performs a Greater Bash of Spirit Breaker's current level upon arrival, if Greater Bash is learned.
3)Teleportation and damage is delayed 1 second while Spirit Breaker is fading out; Spirit Breaker is magic immune for this time period.
4)With Aghanim's Scepter, Spirit Breaker performs a Greater Bash level 4 on all units in a 250 radius of Spirit Breaker upon arrival.
5) Black King Bar blocks the damage but the bash will still be applied

Skill Build Explanation

Barathrum's skill build can be highly variable depending upon the match.The skill build i have provided will be helpful for the new players.

Levelling Charge of Darkness at the very beginning is highly restricted because a level 1-4 Spirit Breaker cant do much in a gank.The 2 points in Empowering Haste and 1 point in Greater Bash will help a lot in the laning phase.Spirit Breaker should concentrate more on farming and surviving before reaching level 6 (And before having a Mask of Madness :P).

Once you reach lvl 4,you can start allotting points in [Charge of Darkness]] and max it out for quicker charge speed and bigger stun duration(be sure to take your ultimate at level 6 though).At this point you can either start maxing your Empowering Haste or your Greater Bash.I Personally prefer maxing out the bash first because you will need it in the ganks.It not only increases the bash duration but also increases the damage based on your movement speed.(It is true that levelling Empowering Haste will increase the damage too,but according to the percentage calculations and a lot of experience with Spirit Breaker,I would say that levelling the bash is almost always better).Next,be sure to level your ultimate on the standard 11 and 16.

Detailed utilization of the skills will be explained in the "gameplay section"

Gameplay and Item-Builds

This gameplay is according to the skill build and item build i have suggested for Barathrum.There are many ways to play him but i found this one the most easy and effective.Even new players might quickly get used to it.

Get your starting items as suggested and take a support with you to a lane.You will mostly have to go offlane because the other players might argue that you are not a true carry,just a semi-carry/ganker and blah blah blah...While you would hugely benefit from the safe lane,these "other players" have a point and you can also escape with Charge of Darkness if you are being ganked,so going offlane is the best.Oh,and dont even think about going solo!If you are forced to lane with a non support(carry/semi-carry),farming and surviving might become a bit tough for you but you have to deal with it.You will still have the advantage of high base damage(and your quelling blade ;) )The best situation for you would be to have a stunner/healer support with you so that you can farm with ease and dont worry about being perma-stunned to death by gankers.

If you are being strongly harassed,you might want to complete your bracer first and go for boots.If you are getting the pleasure of free farm,go straight for a morbid mask and then boots.Dont think about making any ganks before you reach level 6 (and preferably have a Mask of Madness).Once you have your MoM and boots,go to the fountain to completely heal up and start the ganking.Gank either the opponent's suicide lane or the mid lane.If you charge right from the fountain,there is a rare chance that any ward might detect you.Just use charge of darkness and activate your MoM the moment you reach your target.Make sure that your team-mates are informed of your charge.If you want to assassinate someone without the help of your team-mates,make sure that your target doesn't have any disables.This might seriously turn the assassination against you.For Example:If you charge a good lion player,he might stun you before your charge hits him and then hex you and finger you.This will be a huge loss to your kill streak and farm.Also,if you are charging an inviz target,make sure you have some dust(dont depend on your bashes).I know that buying dust might seem really lame but buying it is better than failing at a gank.

After a few successful ganks,you will have money enough to decide building your next item.You may make Drum of Endurance or Crystalys or finish your Power Treads.Making Drums will give you some much needed stats and a good active.Making Crystalys will highly increase your damage while the power treads will give you some attack speed and survivability.After completing your core,you can either finish your Buriza(Daedalus) or make a Black King Bar.If your opponents have a lot of disables,it is highly suggested that you start making a BKB.

The mid-game is about to end now and there will be a lot of teamfights.Here,you fill the role of "initiator" very well.Just pop the drums,charge onto the squishy dps-er(glass-cannon) and activate your bkb.All the heroes you collide with,will be bashed and will provide a good prey for your team-mates while you decimate your target.If everything goes as planned,start pushing with your team or try to take roshan.

In the end-game,you have a wide choice of items to build.You might want to check the "situational items list" i have provided(though they also include a few early game situationals).You can go for a heart for more survivability.You can make a Monkey King Bar for those pesky evaders like PA.Hell,you can even think about making a Divine Rapier if you are owning.There is no end here.But always know that increased attack speed will give a higher chance rate for your bash to proc.So making an Assault Cuirass/ Mjollnir will be highly profitable.

If you are having a sloppy mid game and/or the opposition's carry is doing well,you should think about making a Blade Mail or a Heaven's Halberd.If the opposition is doing extreme magical damage,go ahead and make a hood/pipe.

Friends and Foes


Lane Support/Babysitters

Necrolyte Dazzle Treant Protector Omniknight Undying Io Witch Docter Warlock

Jakiro Bane Venomancer Crystal Maiden Windrunner Lina Shadow Shaman Ogre Magi [Disruptor]] Keeper of the Light Silencer Lich Lion Ancient Apparition Pugna Shadow Demon

Ya,the list is a bit huge.These guys will either keep healing you or keep harassing the lane opposition to let you farm with ease.Having one of these guys on your lane will be really good for you.

Special Mentions:

This guy is one of the coolest lane supports.He will keep healing you how much ever you are harassed.He will make sure you never die,with his shallow grave.He can even go offensive with poison touch.

This guy is real cool.He will make a soul ring and keep harassing/healing you,and can provide good magic resistance early in the game.


If these heroes are being controlled by skilled players,they will make sure that the opponents will face hell in the laning phase while you happily farm.


Bane Venomancer Lina Shadow Shaman Ogre Magi Lich Lion Shadow Demon Vengeful Spirit Earthshaker Tusk... cant list everyone here :D

These guys will make sure that your target has no where to go and confirm the kill.

Special Mentions:

This guy's ult is seriously broken.It can turn a godlike carry's streak to complete nothingness coz it will confirm the kill.

Extremely Synergetic friends:

Simple.He will infest you,you charge,he will come out at the right time and you guys beat the living **** out of ANY HERO.

Remember how much i talked about a SpiritBreaker requiring attack speed?This guy will make sure that you perma-bash your target to death.

This guy will stun for you and his boar will slow for you.What else can you ask for?Even a pudge with a heart will cry at this combo.

2 man teleport to anywhere on the map+an extra stun. Savvy? No? ok..extra movement speed,extra attack speed and extra healing. O.o


You might have understood by now that almost every disabler is a problematic foe for bara.So lets talk only about some special heroes.

This guy might be a good ally but when you see him in the enemy team,you'd better pray that he doesn't get fed or overly farmed.He is one of the most fierce carries and can nicely consume all your hp while you pray for more bashes.

As i mentioned before,if he stuns you before your charge,the situation might turn around.Get a BKB for this guy.This goes also for Rhasta and Lina.


This monster can counter ANY HERO with his ultimate.If he dooms you,you wont be able to do anything for 15 seconds(16*).This will be a problem in teamfights.

No one likes being ruptured.Spiritbreaker is no exception.He can either rupture you and try to kill you or rupture and run away with high MS.

Lets see,he can enfeeble you,he can put you in a nightmare and you'd better pray that he doesn't cast his ult on you.

A skilled invoker can counter almost any hero due to his large array of disables and with mana-drain.Oh and he can also go invisible.

This guy can 1v1 with ANY HERO.You just cannot escape from chronosphere in anyway.Make sure your team has a dependable silence/hex.

This hero is becoming a really dangerous late game carry in the current meta.His extremely high agility gain and 'simple to use' abilities are making him a very versatile foe.Consider making an Aghanim's Scepter for this guy so that you can aoe netherstrike all his illusions and find the real one.You will need true-sight and you might also wanna get a battlefury instead of one of your core.

The End

Well I think thats quite a lot about SpiritBreaker.I have provided enough content for all kinds of players to learn something about this delightful cow.I hope the community likes this guide.

So Bye Bye and MOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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