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43 Votes

AngeloBangelo's Guide to Support Lion

August 4, 2014 by AngeloBangelo
Comments: 31    |    Views: 234035    |   

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Aquah2o | November 29, 2015 6:06pm
old p[ost but i just started this game > im gonna try this and hope for a win :) thx
AngeloBangelo (50) | June 30, 2015 6:35am
It is a bit outdated.

I haven't played a game of DotA in... Probably around 3 months. I'm trying to keep up with the meta, but I can only watch on my phone for the time being. I plan to update it as soon as I am able to.

Thanks for the up votes guys. I'll try to make more guides when I'm back.
DvalinTheCacnea (1) | June 29, 2015 11:15am
+1 dude.
Well but I think your guide is quite outdated or is it just me? Lion now has some core extensions (Yay) like the Guardian Greaves or Octarine Core to heal further and shorter cds respectively. Plus Aghanim Scepter and Octarine Core actually stacks, so yes. Blink somewhere, send all that combos, Mana Drain them and in about 15/16 seconds you can burst someone again (Well, I think you agree about 5 seconds makes the difference).
Oh plus, Observer Ward and Sentry Ward can stack into the same slot so maybe you may recommend other cheap items I suppose?
ChiChi (47) | March 12, 2015 4:09pm
Man, your guides are awesome indeed! Another +1!!

Do more!
MisterBigtoy | January 27, 2015 10:27am
Awesome guide, +1. Would be great to see it updated to 6.83 with the minor tweaks like how Blink Dagger and Force Staff are both the same price now etc.

Keep up the great work!
KoDyAbAbA (65) | October 31, 2014 5:07am

awesome guide +1 <3
AngeloBangelo (50) | September 23, 2014 6:43pm
minhogang- My alternative build suggests getting hex first. I do think it can be a great skill when you have appropriate DPS to maximize its effectiveness.

miturian- Thanks for reading my guide. I am glad you experienced some success with a higher level mana drain early game than most advocate.

glyph plz- Thank you for complimenting my writing style. I'd actually like to write something before I die. Perhaps a short story? I'd settle for anything, honestly! I've never been completely certain when it is appropriate to use apostrophes when it comes to a contraction versus showing possession. Now I know! Thanks a lot.

All the best,

glyph plz | September 6, 2014 8:28pm
Very well written guide. You have a wonderful command of the English language. The flow of your writing is exceptional.

You are obviously smart enough to distinguish between "its" and "it's", but weren't taught how to do so, so let's fix that.

The apostrophe is used only for contractions, never for possession. Whenever you type "it's", you should quickly think to yourself "did I mean 'it is'?"

Possessives (his, hers, its) don't use apostrophes and are far more common, so it's never a sin to forget to use an apostrophe (it isn't as jarring to the editorial eye).

Basically, "When in Doubt, Leave it Out".

--former HS teacher here, sorry, thanks for the guide, Lion is my favorite hero also.
miturian | August 7, 2014 6:39am
I actually get a lot of utility from picking mana drain first and getting a few levels in that early. In the early game, the immobility from channeling is not a huge problem since the opponents can't focus you down quickly. That means either taking the drain, or getting zoned. Against melee heroes with low mana pools (tiny) it is quite useful. The long range also means you can stress heroes hiding under their tower, making them stuck there.

Also, a special mention should be made of using mana drain on heroes with costly escape ults like wraith king and to some extent phoenix. If lion can get wraith king's mana down below 200 before he's killed, he's gone.
Tannerman46 | August 4, 2014 6:02am
As previously stated by someone else, I think that a dagon and ags can be very viable. I will state that I am relatively new to the game (400 games) and to the hero, but the huge burst damage just seems incredible. Getting off your stun and lvl 3 ult will do 1110, but this is increased to 1685 with an ags and level 1 dagon. Not only that, but the dagon has an AoE and a VERY low cool down of 20 seconds. I agree that this isn't possible with a hard carry Lion, but it definitely worth considering, especially if the opposing team has some squishy heros. In my opinion, it just helps him absolutely dominate team fights.

I'm sure you're right, that this isn't really possible in high tier games. However most players aren't really high, or playing competitively. I think that this build really is one of the most effective things Lion can do in general pub games. Not to mention the most enjoyable! And even in high tier games, surely it could be used to take out those weak supports, or to shift que a blink - ult - dagon on a carry, getting it off before they have a chance to BKB?
vonflare | May 13, 2014 10:25am
Very good lion guide, although I disagree at one point.

If you get Agh's IMMEDIATELY right after boots, you are dealing INSANE damage for your level. If you lane with another ranged nuker like shadow shaman, leshrac, or pugna, you can easily instagib ANYONE. (especially with pugna. your chainstun + life drain = dead enemy)
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