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8 Votes

And they said I was crazy!-Tinker Guide

June 5, 2014 by lunattic
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AnimusTheGreat | June 24, 2014 11:21pm
Useful guide, I will use it to learn Tinker.
Timminatorr (57) | June 9, 2014 3:16am
GGnet.Ace wrote:

Dude cool stuff but Furion is no friend of tinker.Since none of them is actually a number 1 and with both of them chances are that your #1 hero will get absolutely zero farm,so ... BAD IDEA.

That is why you play your safelane farmer like a 2-3

You dont put a hard carry in the safelane when you pick heroes like tinker, shadow fiend or morphling in mid.

Prophet+tinker provides massive map control and global ganking potential so they work pretty well together.
GGnet.Ace (4) | June 9, 2014 2:58am
Dude cool stuff but Furion is no friend of tinker.Since none of them is actually a number 1 and with both of them chances are that your #1 hero will get absolutely zero farm,so ... BAD IDEA.
lunattic | June 6, 2014 10:50am
Thanks for commends.Im trying to improve my guide

I also need help to correct my grammar mistakes any volunteers :P
Krwiozerca (34) | June 6, 2014 9:01am
Yup, it is improved a lot.

In my first comment I was just trying to help and motivate him. I guess I did my job. Well done, really. +1 from me.
Treutreu (1) | June 6, 2014 8:36am
Yes indeed, the guide has greatly improved since what I saw when I first read it. A very good guide in my (humble) opinion.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 6, 2014 8:19am
Hamstertamer wrote:

I completely disagree with the negative reviews I'm seeing here.

Well, he improved his guide by A LOT in the last days or so, it really looked like a wall of text before.

I think it's a great guide, but you really need to add the max- March of the Machines build which is the best one if you don't need to gank (i.e. if the supports and hard laner have TP scrolls and you have no jungler). Aside from that, there isn't much else that needs improvement: I usually take Rearm at 6 and 11 and then wait for my Scythe of Vyse to come online before putting the third point, but that's my playstyle; I also think that the Force Staff isn't good on Tinker and that the Dagger is core, but it highly depends on how you play the Hero.
Hamstertamer (89) | June 6, 2014 3:18am
I completely disagree with the negative reviews I'm seeing here.

I really like the guide, the explanations are pretty concise and clear, and the item choices are solid. It's still not finished because I think it still needs some detains on which items you can get and what they do for you ( Shiva's Guard, Bloodstone, some even say Manta Style, when should you get them and why?). Heaven's Halberd can also be a pretty good option. Eul's Scepter of Divinity is also amazing in teamfights to remove annoying low-priority targets like Axe or Centaur Warrunner in order to focus important targets, and it's almost like a second sheepstick. From experience the best you can have in teamfights is Scythe of Vyse + 1 other disable (euls, halberd, orchid, depending on what you need), and you become the best disabler in the game.

Abyssal it really viable? It's melee range so you'll probably die before you can get a good chainstun, the item is insanely expensive, and you don't get anything from it besides the active.

For Aghanim's Scepter, it's great that you mention it because it's not included in other guides since the upgrade was added recently. You might need to make a section on it and in which situations you should get it. For me, Aghanim's Scepter is basically your counterpushing item, for when you're behind and the enemy team wants to 5-man push all the time. You take care of the counterpushing on your own while the rest of your team is farming or pushing other lanes. The aghanims missile spam is really impossible to deal with when 5-man pushing :)

I think it also needs a list of the items that don't work with Rearm like Necronomicon, and you can also explain why you shouldn't get Mekansm or Pipe of Insight even though it may sound good on paper.
lunattic | June 5, 2014 2:58pm
i added 2nd build
Seagull (9) | June 5, 2014 2:28pm
You'll probably want to get a bkb as if you get chain stunned you're definitely dead. Maybe also add a build prioritizing March of the Machines?
Xyrus (104) | June 5, 2014 8:39am
lunattic wrote:

Guide is under construction trying to finish it.Im sorry i did not know how to edit it without publishing my fault

You have 2 versions of the guide, your "Saved" Guide and your "Published" Guide.

Your "Saved" Guide can only be seen by you, and you cab save any changes with the Save Button, you can preview though changes with the "View" Button.

Your "Published guide" is what everyone can see, once you hit Publish, it gets updated to match your "Saved" Guide.

This means you ca work on your Saved Guide and when you're happy to release it, you can Publish it for everyone to see. You can still make changes to your "Saved" Guide without changing your "Published" Guide, so when you're ready to update, you needto hit the "Publish" Button again.

You can "Archive" your Published Guide to remove it from public view, but you'll still keep your "Saved" Guide. I would do this now, so that you can continue working on your Guide until you're happy to release it. Then simply hit the "Publish" button again. ;{)
lunattic | June 5, 2014 8:24am
Guide is under construction trying to finish it.Im sorry i did not know how to edit it without publishing my fault
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