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21 Votes

Analyzing competitive plays with Razor, by Peppo_o'Paccio

November 16, 2014 by Peppo_oPaccio
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BrecMadak | November 17, 2014 2:53am
Another updated guide without any notification put regarding actual update; despite being a well thought-out one people still would like to know what has had been changed since then.
Altinedx | August 15, 2014 9:46pm
Hi sir. I have a question. What do you think about rod of atos and difusal blade? I bought Rod of atos because it gives a strong slow that helps me when I chase a hero. Diffusal too, but i prefer a RoA when the enemy team have a lot of int nukers, because RoA is literally a vanguard for utility heroes.
bategato | August 12, 2014 9:10am
Good guide. I think you nalied this one.
Razor is one of my favourites but I admit that I was once a bad Razor. I went from a 43% winrate to a >68% winrate (at a higher skill level).
I mostly build him the way you do, but always make Ring of Aquila. I find it very useful for Razor's purpose and does not take up space.

I agree with Sange and Yasha being really good on him. It is. I never build S&Y, except on Razor, because it is a mediocre item. For Razor though, it fits perfectly with the stats, AS and more importantly SPEED. You can outrun everyone. Even regening back at the fountain is so quick. Razor needs speed and tank.

I tried Eul's Scepter of Divinity many times. It seems good but... Sure, he will have lots of mana with it (he doesn't need that much mana) and lots of speed, and cyclone - good, but no decent Stats. Razor needs all-round stats and speed so I will always prefer Drum of Endurance, Sange and Yasha, Heaven's Halberd, Mekansm, Ring of Aquila, Black King Bar, etc.

Never tried Manta... Should work.
Illumination0110 (2) | June 1, 2014 10:16pm

I think that movement speed for Razor is the most important thing: if you can chase the enemies with your Static Link you're basically granted a free Divine Rapier, and Phase Boots help a lot in doing this. If you go Drums + SnY, though, you should already have high movement speed, so sometimes Power Treads can be considered: in fact, attack speed does a lot since you already have free damage, while the extra damage from Phase Boots is negligible after the laning phase. Still, I like the extra movement speed in the mid game before I complete my core, so I prefer Phase (and about the attack speed argument, SnY already gives some); Treads are more unhortodox but can work if you compensate the lack of extra movement speed with other items.

Gotcha, guess I'll have to include Power Treads vs Phase Boots on my own Razor guide then
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 1, 2014 12:14pm

Me again Pep, my brain just doesn't work that well, you've already had one for Razor and I forgot about it (even left a comment).
What do you think about Power Treads for Razor ? It is certainly viable in some situations I think ?

I think that movement speed for Razor is the most important thing: if you can chase the enemies with your Static Link you're basically granted a free Divine Rapier, and Phase Boots help a lot in doing this. If you go Drums + SnY, though, you should already have high movement speed, so sometimes Power Treads can be considered: in fact, attack speed does a lot since you already have free damage, while the extra damage from Phase Boots is negligible after the laning phase. Still, I like the extra movement speed in the mid game before I complete my core, so I prefer Phase (and about the attack speed argument, SnY already gives some); Treads are more unhortodox but can work if you compensate the lack of extra movement speed with other items.
Illumination0110 (2) | June 1, 2014 7:37am
Me again Pep, my brain just doesn't work that well, you've already had one for Razor and I forgot about it (even left a comment).
What do you think about Power Treads for Razor ? It is certainly viable in some situations I think ?
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 14, 2014 11:19am

+1. As I expected from the great Peppo O Paccio, super nice guide.

Thank you! I worked a lot for this guide, but I couldn't seem to find a proper build for the current meta. Now I'm happy with the results, finally.

Sando wrote:

Overall, excellent guide +1

I would make a few suggestions though - if you're getting a Ring of Basilius, you may as well go all the way and get a Ring of Aquila, even if this is post-mek. It's a cheap and useful upgrade that's extremely space-efficient.

The other major one is adding some more friends, here are a few easy starters:

- Earthshaker, any enemy that can't bypass Fissure is in very, very serious trouble. This is probably Razor's best laning partner against most heroes.

- Dazzle, Weave, say no more.

I was thinking about the Ring of Aquila, but I don't think Razor needs the mana regen and the extra agility that much. It's an aura, and auras are awesome on this Hero, but inventory spaces tend to be filled very quickly on him (Wand, Boots, TP scroll, Mek/SnY and Drums are already five items for the ~25 minute mark!). I may add it, though it's much rarer than it was back in the days of Vanguard Razor.

About his friends, I should really work on it, thanks. :D
Illumination0110 (2) | May 14, 2014 10:29am
+1. As I expected from the great Peppo O Paccio, super nice guide.
Sando (118) | May 13, 2014 1:47am
Overall, excellent guide +1

I would make a few suggestions though - if you're getting a Ring of Basilius, you may as well go all the way and get a Ring of Aquila, even if this is post-mek. It's a cheap and useful upgrade that's extremely space-efficient.

The other major one is adding some more friends, here are a few easy starters:

- Earthshaker, any enemy that can't bypass Fissure is in very, very serious trouble. This is probably Razor's best laning partner against most heroes.

- Dazzle, Weave, say no more.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 16, 2014 8:51am
SoylentGamer wrote:

How come you only level Eye of the Storm twice, whilst leveling stats more than the allowed number?

My mistake, I accidentally selected a stat point instead of the ultimate. This guide needs some rework though, it's already archived and I don't think I'll update it soon.
SoylentGamer | March 16, 2014 5:23am
How come you only level Eye of the Storm twice, whilst leveling stats more than the allowed number?
Sphinkhy (1) | September 26, 2013 8:02am
A number of questions for you here, have a read and a thought about it and try to improve your guide based on it:

1. Can you justify vanguard? The damage block is dissapointingly weak on ranged heroes.
I know when I play axe vanguard is the big one, but on Razor its a ****ty item.
Your argument will probably that the item has a good health bonus and health regen. But in that case my response is: Why not have a naked ring of health and vit booster to make other big item later?

2. Why would you build satanic on Razor? Satanic is an item for hard carries excluding antimage.
It allows them to have the upper hand against other hard carries by using their damage output to heal up halfway the fight. Razor has no dmg output to effectively use satanic without static link.
However if using static link you won't need to pop satanic because the enemy has no damage and you will win it anyway.

3. Why would you build pipe on Razor? It adds no damage or health so just a big NO. Let the supports build this.

4. I really don't get it what ur saying about the desolator. First you say don't get it because you have eye of the storm, and then you say if ally have armor reducing skills you can take it?
So you are making a statement and then go ahead and say your statement is wrong. Hypocritical?
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