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28 Votes

Analyzing competitive plays with Nyx Assassin, by Peppo_o'Paccio

March 7, 2014 by Peppo_oPaccio
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Pain And Gain | April 11, 2015 6:07pm
i really find out that this guide is very start using Nyx last week so i've to learn more 'bout him....
Smuggels (82) | October 9, 2014 2:54am
Hey dude love the guide and love the fact that you do all of them so ******** well!!!

one thing though:

you say
Spiked Carapace is often overlooked, but it's surely as effective as Nyx's other skills: the damage reflection may seem "selfish" for a support, but you forgot the best part which is a stun that lasts more than the one from Impale when both skills are maxed out!

this isnt true.

a fully maxed impale lasts for 3.29 seconds (factoring in the "lift" time)

where as Spiked Carapace only lasts for 2.4 at max level.

apart from that ......EPIC GUIDE!!!
BrecMadak | October 9, 2014 2:18am
Great guide Peppo, +1
But you could leave a prioritized build room - Carapace and Impale particularly early. That is to underestimate Nyx's most powerful skill by delaying it to skill so late. For a skill that consumes only 40 mana with the potential baiting like hell on top of that Impaling the enemy afterwards is considered a major advantage over others already. Like 3 Impale 2 Carapace and Vendetta by level 6, which I usually go like that, effective both in solo or trilane since stun duration increases quite well by then, and would be useful for your teammates to finish off enemy team in addition.

Would you consider updating the guide for current ?
TavTavio | April 8, 2014 7:02am
Man your guides are so sexy can you make one for Lanaya?
Diocanato (2) | March 9, 2014 10:33pm
Hi Peppo, wonderful guide as usual.
I really enjoy support roles and I think this is one of the most satisfying one, due to is active role in ganking and his item independence.
I think that this part...
I've seen some teams running Anub'arak with just Arcane Boots, Magic Wand and Blink Dagger, but you will quickly run out of mana unless you have a high level.

... has been written before the 6.80 changelog. So obviously now I have to ask, do you think a full set of urn, boots and stick is necessary to run this amazing hero?
lespaulio | February 17, 2014 5:19am
Great guide. Thank you!
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 4, 2013 12:52pm
Yep, I see Nyx being ran in mid lane even without Dagon at all: just Ghost Scepter and Blink Dagger or items like that, but, as this build is used a lot by pub players and has been used many times in professional matches, I think I'll leave it as it is.
Thanks for the suggestions, though!
[-] | March 4, 2013 7:40am

Thanks a lot for this, I'll probably write something under the description of the Dagon. If you're wondering, I prefer to take three recipes first because you can still have some nuke power even after spending 2000-3000 gold: if you decide to buy an Ethereal Blade, on the contrary, you'll be stuck with 400 damage for a lot of time.

I agree that the mere 1300 recipe is tempting, however I think, as Nyx is slowly being played more and more, more people are learning to adapt and learning how to correctly counter him. For this reason, I like to take the ghost scepter route, if however the opponents are still trying to solo push without reliable escapes feel free to dagon it up, eblade or not they're probs going to die. However it's incredibly difficult to initiate a 5 man team when sentries are up and ghost scepter will undoubtedly help when your carapace is on CD. And as a support 400 dmg is plenty as long as you initiate with sufficient back up.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 1, 2013 12:49pm wrote:

V nice guide, I was wondering when a support nyx guide was coming out since it seems to be happening more and more. I recently did the maths concerning the toss up between dagon 5 v eblade but I see that you've opted for stopping at dagon 3 and so may not apply, but the following information may be useful nonetheless and you may appreciate this for future knowledge.

A nyx with no added agi aside from his own growth (2.2) and eblade at lvl 16 is 94.2. Therefore eblade will do 263.4. The extra 40% from his attacks including a dagon lvl 1 (322) is 585.4 which is already higher than what an extra 4 levels of dagon give you. Also note that the int level for mana burn that I used was for PA who has the lowest int gain of 1 at lvl 16 which is 29 and so this value is the LOWEST possible and can increase much higher on ints.

TLDR: extra dmg from eblade at 16 with lvl 1 dagon = 585. Extra dmg from lvl 1 to lvl 5 dagon = 400.

Thanks a lot for this, I'll probably write something under the description of the Dagon. If you're wondering, I prefer to take three recipes first because you can still have some nuke power even after spending 2000-3000 gold: if you decide to buy an Ethereal Blade, on the contrary, you'll be stuck with 400 damage for a lot of time.

So, if you don't get that much gold after some time (which is fairly difficult in competitive matches, hence why Dagon is preferred) it's clearly not worth it. Nevertheless, +rep for your maths. :D
[-] | February 28, 2013 4:57am
V nice guide, I was wondering when a support nyx guide was coming out since it seems to be happening more and more. I recently did the maths concerning the toss up between dagon 5 v eblade but I see that you've opted for stopping at dagon 3 and so may not apply, but the following information may be useful nonetheless and you may appreciate this for future knowledge.

A nyx with no added agi aside from his own growth (2.2) and eblade at lvl 16 is 94.2. Therefore eblade will do 263.4. The extra 40% from his attacks including a dagon lvl 1 (322) is 585.4 which is already higher than what an extra 4 levels of dagon give you. Also note that the int level for mana burn that I used was for PA who has the lowest int gain of 1 at lvl 16 which is 29 and so this value is the LOWEST possible and can increase much higher on ints.

TLDR: extra dmg from eblade at 16 with lvl 1 dagon = 585. Extra dmg from lvl 1 to lvl 5 dagon = 400.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 22, 2013 5:51am
That's what I was going to do, xCO2: I'll probably finish the other build by today or tomorrow, depending on my spare time.
xCO2 (72) | February 22, 2013 5:14am


The way I see it, is that competitively there are two roles he plays, hard support and kill-lane support. I just think it'd be beneficial to show off the alternative popular kill-lane Dagon role, since this will probably be the first or second rated Nyx guide. You do have unlimited build tabs, why not? :)
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