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An In-Depth Analysis of Battlefury Chaos Knight

December 24, 2015 by hailnickyleung
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masaaki14 (11) | February 20, 2016 4:02am
Bf doesn't work for illusions, but its still a decent item for farming if you do know what is "farming"(too many people in my tier pick carries, don't farm and and up flaming becauae they lost a fight 40mins into the game).

CK is generally the same as a sven, he doesn't need many damage items to deal damage, because his ulti gives him all the damage he needs. He does, however, need to be able to deal the damage.

He suffers from a lack of mana. Magic stick and drums early on, perhaps a skadi later if your stat gain doesn't feel enough.

Stuns and disables are a problem for every hero, even illusion heroes. If you feel like you get disabled too often, get a bkb.

And that's it, that's all CK needs. He has a gap closer, he has a crit (that reduces armor!!!), he has a stun, he has damage. Next are common items that many CK players buy, when you have all you need, there's no harm in going overkill, or make your illusions tankier and deal more damage.

Sange and Yasha.
Many people like this item because it gives CK a little bit of what he likes, a little damage, a little movement speed, and a small little maim. Mostly for the movement speed so you can move around faster, either to get in fights or farm faster.

Armlet of Mordiggian
The most cost efficient item for a CK in the midgame, activate before you use ulti and your illusions are stronger(they don't lose Hp from armlet. You can do fancy tricks if you are good at toggling too.

Manta Style
Gives some decent stats and allows you to play around with illusions without committing your ulti.

Octarine Core
Gives you a nice Hp and mana pool (no stats tho), and reduces your ulti cd. Not much other reason to get it, but ck's ulti is just that strong, that's why you get it.

Heart of Tarrasque
Known by many CK players as the best item for CK, because str is all CK actually needs apart from mana. If you feel like you have enough mana to use in 2-3 fights without going back to base, go for this item.

Eye of Skadi
Gives very good all around stats, get this if you either have a heart already and is getting your last item, or feel like you need more mana over the raw str that heart provides.

Assault Cuirass
You and your team need more armour? Get an AC. The attack speed is nice to have.

Hotd is a nice item to have for farming, unfortunately CK doesn't make much use out of farming ancients. However you can dominate an alpha wolf to give you more damage, or dominate the big Bird and use it to stack the jungle and use it's spell to take down the stack. Satanic gives a nice chunk of str, and gives you the option of healing up in fights by hitting people.

Damn, writing guides has rubbed off me a little too much, I need to learn to maintain my desire to write a 5 paragraph answer to every question. But Yeah, here are some nice items on ck.
hailnickyleung | October 14, 2018 6:55am
wtf xd
Lofy | February 19, 2016 5:24pm
What do you also consider perfect CK items.

hat hard time killing and farming enough stuff to win the game in my 2 tries.
Hamstertamer (89) | February 19, 2016 11:42am
Lofy wrote:

What about radiance ck?

Nah. Radiance is for illusion heroes with spammable illusions skills so they can spam radiance illusions. Radiance as a farming item is not very good on its own. Phantasm is anything but spammable. And CK doesn't have the mana pool to spam Manta Style so even if you get manta 2nd item it's going to suck.

Iron Talon is CK's farming item guys, Icefrog made the perfect CK item in this patch so just use it :)
Lofy | February 19, 2016 11:31am
What about radiance ck?
apaz (17) | December 29, 2015 2:10pm
The Frosto (14) | December 28, 2015 4:52am
On the dota 2 wiki there is a page about illusions:

Under the topic: "passives and stats illusions can't use" by "general" there stands cleave.

Also if you play Anti-Mage and you send your manta illusions to the creepwave you will see that the ranged creeps doesn't get hit because there is no cleave, there is only the cleave animation with those brown lines.

There are some "cleaves" that work and that are moon glaive and Split Shot but that aren't really cleaves.
famasofwar (4) | December 28, 2015 2:35am
The Frosto wrote:

Battlefury on Chaos Knight isn't the best item in the world and should probably only be bought against a Phantom Lancer. battlefury increases your farming speed, which Chaos Knight needs but you can just buy an Iron Talon. If you buy togheter an helm of the iron will you have more than enough regen to jungle and this item can be upgraded into an Armlet of Mordiggian.

Battlefury does also NOTHING for your illusions. But litterly nothing, so buying a 4575 gold item which does nothing around what the whole hero is about, I don't know.

It's a common misscomseption that people think illusions can cleave BUT the CAN'T. They just play the animation but they actually don't cleave.

The only thing you want with chaos knight are stats. If you want an item to use for farming just get an Iron Talon. It's much cheaper and it helps with farming alot to.

That's actually a really interesting bit of information. Can you send me a link so I can confirm?
The Frosto (14) | December 26, 2015 2:21pm
Battlefury on Chaos Knight isn't the best item in the world and should probably only be bought against a Phantom Lancer. battlefury increases your farming speed, which Chaos Knight needs but you can just buy an Iron Talon. If you buy togheter an helm of the iron will you have more than enough regen to jungle and this item can be upgraded into an Armlet of Mordiggian.

Battlefury does also NOTHING for your illusions. But litterly nothing, so buying a 4575 gold item which does nothing around what the whole hero is about, I don't know.

It's a common misscomseption that people think illusions can cleave BUT the CAN'T. They just play the animation but they actually don't cleave.

The only thing you want with chaos knight are stats. If you want an item to use for farming just get an Iron Talon. It's much cheaper and it helps with farming alot to.
TheSofa (54) | December 26, 2015 7:46am
Yea, and I have a deep passionate hatred for Battlefury PA's.
michimatsch (26) | December 26, 2015 6:59am
I was hoping someone would understand that I was pointing towards that quote. But seriously Battlefury can be good and is an interesting idea but for me it is like Battlefury Phantom Assassin if you know what I mean.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | December 25, 2015 9:16pm
^ I just love that quote.

There was other one with an OOV on invoker and mid rubick right?
TheSofa (54) | December 25, 2015 3:59pm
"When game is going full ******, you can only go with it. If you start going against it, if you start going half ******, you´re ****ing done for.".

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